- Comment on Consumers are so demoralized by inflation and high rates they've given up on saving for the American Dream and are spending money instead, economist says 9 months ago:
Use it or lose it.
What's the point of saving when real inflation rate* is higher than the interest banks apply to saving accounts? Or even average investment account interest rates? Saving now only makes sense in short term, for things you know you're going to need and can save up for in less than a year—home appliances, phones, laptops, small home improvements etc—and even then leasing or credit card may make more sense if prices continue to rise.
And that is assuming you have money left over after paying for necessities in the first place... It's not as if you can pay for eg renovation of your bathroom after a year of being able to set aside just 30 or 50€, even if you don't have an emergency expense taking you back to square 1.
*This essay is from 2021 but things haven't got better since: - Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
Especially with movies, the people who made the thing are already paid by the time it is released. As little as possible. VFX houses are often fucked royally and don't even break even. Even big-name actors are usally screwed over by Hollywood accounting.
By paying you only feed the leeches who then use their resources to fuck over everyone else.
- Comment on MIT Students Stole $25 Million In Seconds By Exploiting ETH Blockchain Bug, DOJ Says 9 months ago:
Nice! Too bad they got caught, though.
No sympathy for cryptobros and trading bots.
- Comment on Lilium (LILM) receives firm order from UrbanLink to put 20 eVTOL jets into service in Florida 9 months ago:
They're not jets. They're ducted fans. Different things. "Electric jet" makes as much sense as "electric V8 engine".
- Comment on xkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas 9 months ago:
They're not—as long as the PV cells are a supplementary charging solution, in addition to wall charging, to the batteries. You'll get a bit more range out while driving, especially when the car is a lightweight low drag design and PV cells may be the only thing needed to keep the constant 90 km/h speed in a sunny day. And when not driving the cells might be enough to get the 10...20 km or so commuting range back over your 8-hour workday.
But putting PV cells on a 3 ton electric SUV or pickup truck is stupid, it won't do jack all due to the inherent inefficiency of such vehicles.
- Comment on xkcd #2929: Good and Bad Ideas 9 months ago:
Not worse than a fusion torch. Or open-cycle nuclear propulsion. Or an antimatter drive.
You know, the Kzinti lesson😉
- Comment on That's a lot of corned beef... 9 months ago:
Seems like that Jamaican town has some...
...serious beef with that musician😎
- Comment on Older patient gamers: what is your preferred gaming platform? 10 months ago:
PC. Because:
- Better controller support—I'm not limited to what MS or Sony deem as "certified" or "authorized" hardware. Most of the really good hardware (VKB, Virpil, Arduino) will never be available for consoles and what little is available is bad at best.
- Best sims are PC only (DCS, Il-2, E:D, X series, Hunternet etc)
- Sims support 3rd party auxiliary software (TacView, EDDiscovery, OMH, EDMC etc) for better experience and that's simply not going to be possible on consoles, ever.
- For other games, modding experience on PC is simply better. SKSE and ENB is what keeps Skyrim going and makes it still relevant 13 years later. Can't have this kind of code injection and wrappers on consoles.
- If I ever get into retrogaming, emulation is the way, especially since actually acquiring retro console games in their original physical format is bound to become a very expensive collector's hobby if you don't have your own collection from childhood already or don't have local second-hand options.
- Comment on European police chiefs call for end-to-end encryption roll out to include public protection measures 10 months ago:
E2E encryption is the public protection measure.
- Comment on Apple keeps flogging 8GB of RAM for its Mac computers but it's still a dead horse 10 months ago:
At these prices I'd expect at least 32 GB of RAM. 8 GB is for entry level phones and SOHO 2 to 4 bay NAS boxes.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I don’t really know how the different economic classes are defined. It seems like everyone who isn’t either wealthy or homeless likes to believe that they’re middle or upper-middle class.
And that's by design. "Middle class" is pretty much a propaganda term. In reality there's only two classes: working class and owner class.
- Comment on Fallout 4 10 months ago:
Like Skyrim this one is far more playable in third person, and I really recommend giving that a try.
Haven't played FO, but hell, no, Skyrim (and Morrowind, and Oblivion) in 3rd person is janky AF. Bethesda games never were meant to be played in 3rd person—I suspect the option is there simply for vanity cam, screenshots and modding.
- Comment on Princess 10 months ago:
Plot twist: the princess has a bad dragon.
Twist to the plot twist: the knight knew it and is specifically there to, ahem, slay the bad dragon.
- Comment on The New York Times Simulator - A free casual game about manufacturing consent 10 months ago:
Took me about 2 minutes to piss off the pigs🤪
- Comment on HP’s 'All-In' Printer Rental Watches Everything You Print, Tells HP All About It 11 months ago:
But this is the whole point; for a publicly traded company the people who buy their products are not the customers for whom they create value. Shareholders and investors are the real customers. People who buy the products are precisely just a resource to extract value from for these companies.
- Comment on Compact Rivian R3 EV Makes Surprise Debut With Awesome Hot Hatch Styling And Opening Rear Glass 11 months ago:
Have car companies lost all ability to design beautiful cars? Have all the designers been fired and replaced with child labor? This... thing... looks like a 6-years old drew it up😐
- Comment on ꙮ BE NOT AFRAID ꙮ 1 year ago:
Still not scary as this:
- Comment on What would happen if you moved at the speed of light? 1 year ago:
If you somehow got rid of your rest mass to move at the speed of causality, two things would happen: first, you'd experience no time; second, you'd instantly crash into your destination and die in a rather energetic way. That's the neat thing about photons; from a photon's POV time and distance do not exist. A photon, from its POV, is emitted and absorbed at the same time in the same place.
Much more interesting is having rest mass and moving at a high fraction of c:
- Comment on PEMDAS is technically correct, but morally wrong 1 year ago:
Best system for calculators IMO. Especially if you need to add many numbers together (eg doing price calculations)—just enter all the numbers to the register, double-check for errors, then add together. Way less error prone than traditional calculators.
- Comment on BitLocker encryption broken in less than 43 seconds with sub-$10 Raspberry Pi Pico — key can be sniffed when using an external TPM 1 year ago:
The MSI mini-PC-s for office/business use have separate TPM modules on their mobos. I wouldn't be surprised if other mfg-s do this too.
- Comment on Vivaldi explains why they will not embed LLM functionality in their browser 1 year ago:
Vivaldi has had local translation for about half a year now. No need for LLM for this feature.
- Comment on Where are the good political songs? 1 year ago:
Leslie Fish is still writing music. Plus her old works from 1980-s (eg It's Sister Jenny's Turn to Throw the Bomb and Firestorm) are as relevant now as they were 40 years ago.
- Comment on Music Piracy Is Back, Baby 1 year ago:
Winamp hasn't changed, but Foobar2000 and its plugins have only got better over the years.
- Comment on AI Companies Lose $190 Billion After Dismal Financial Reports 1 year ago:
How’s that for a business model: give the customer what they want?
They're doing just that, alright.
But people buying the products are not the customers of these big publicly traded companies.
- Comment on Microsoft sets 16GB default for RAM for AI PCs – machines will also need 40 TOPS of AI compute: Report 1 year ago:
Unless it's locally hosted, doesn't scan every single file on my storage and doesn't send everything I do with it to the manufacturer's server.
- Comment on xkcd #217: e to the pi Minus pi (31 Jan 2007) 1 year ago:
Not gonna lie, had to test it for myself, using emulated MK 61/54 calculator:
Got 19.999097. Rounding errors or a bug in the microcode, who knows.
- Comment on ‘The View’ Host Joy Behar Scoffs at Young People Feeling ‘Left Behind by the Economy’: ‘Oh Please, Get a Job!’ 1 year ago:
We have a beautiful saying in my country: Dumb head is a burden for the body.
The french understand this, too, deciding to relieve poor old Marie of that burden.
We should all be more like french people. Wine, cheese and good medical care system.
- Comment on Tailscale help needed 1 year ago:
Set up Tailscale as exit node to your local network.
Make sure that your network is not standard 192.168.0.x or 192.168.1.x IP address range, but something like 192.168.101.x so you don't have IP conflicts when accessing from a friend's house or workplace wifi.
Set up Nginx to redirect your home server IP (eg. to the correct port for your dashboard like Heimdall or Dashy.
That's it. Works like a charm for me if set up this way.
Addendum: if you have trouble on Android, disable MagicDNS.
- Comment on Playing Pillars of Eternity for the first time 1 year ago:
It's good, but in the name of the Galaxy, those hour-long dialogues and exposition dumps!
- Comment on Playing Pillars of Eternity for the first time 1 year ago:
Power over Ethernet
Perl Object Environment
PowerOpen Environment
Product of Experts
Platform for Open Exploration
Post Occupancy Evaluation
Port of entryI'm sure there are more.