Comment on Older patient gamers: what is your preferred gaming platform? ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

PC. Because:

  1. Better controller support—I'm not limited to what MS or Sony deem as "certified" or "authorized" hardware. Most of the really good hardware (VKB, Virpil, Arduino) will never be available for consoles and what little is available is bad at best.
  2. Best sims are PC only (DCS, Il-2, E:D, X series, Hunternet etc)
  3. Sims support 3rd party auxiliary software (TacView, EDDiscovery, OMH, EDMC etc) for better experience and that's simply not going to be possible on consoles, ever.
  4. For other games, modding experience on PC is simply better. SKSE and ENB is what keeps Skyrim going and makes it still relevant 13 years later. Can't have this kind of code injection and wrappers on consoles.
  5. If I ever get into retrogaming, emulation is the way, especially since actually acquiring retro console games in their original physical format is bound to become a very expensive collector's hobby if you don't have your own collection from childhood already or don't have local second-hand options.
