- Comment on Having a baby? Use this one weird trick! 9 hours ago:
Is birth citizenship that common? Won’t work here in Germany for example…
- Comment on duhh 3 months ago:
- Comment on Let's Encrypt is 10 years old today ! 3 months ago:
Also fucking expensive
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Well I mean if you take a look at Flamanville Block 3. If you call that a smooth an unproblematic construction… They startet in 2007 wanted to produce energy in 2012 for the construction cost of 3.3 bn Euro. It’s still not connected to the network, though it’s sceduled for the end of the year and construction cost went up to 13.2bn (EDF) or 19bn (Cour des comptes) whoever you want to believe there.
That is what I was talking about, France is the most experienced country in Europe concerning Nuclear energy and have serious problems with it. If you want to blame it on European regulations, be my guest.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Depends on where you live, Germany that gets the beating for phasing or nuclear is so densely populated that these remote areas hardly exist!
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
That’s a crazy oversimplification almost all German party’s had a part in the phase out and shut down of German nuclear energy. To point at the Greens and say it was them, is a right wing talking point pushed by Springer media.
If there was a way to make good money with nuclear we would have it all around to say a grass roots movement was able to push this through is laughable, if we look how everything else works in this world. While surely way better to handle securely it’s simply not easy to build and operate. Just look at all the plants currently under construction in Europe they all struggle to get finished take years to decades longer then planned and are way more expensive to build then initially estimated. Why is France struggling so hard when they have a population that is definitely way more open minded towards nuclear?
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Well if we had no alternative I would agree with you and I would be okay if we had to subsidize nuclear (which isn’t emissions free due to the mining and refining of uranium bye the way). But if a country like France, which has a pretty high rate of acceptance regarding nuclear, can’t get it to work, who will? Apart from maybe authoritarian countries. Just think about the amount of plants we have to build to create a significant impact, if hardly any plant has been built in a relative short timeframe. I’d say put money in research yeah but focus on renewable, network, storage and efficiency optimization for now.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
Sometimes it’s documented but often I’d say it’s a selling technique that works for any big infrastructure project. You give a rather low first cost projection, governments decide let’s do this and after a while you correct the price up. First, people say: well that is to be expected the project shouldn’t fail because of a little price hike. Then the price gets corrected again and then the sunken cost fallacy kicks in. now we are to deep in and we have to pull through. And so on. And you probably can’t get price guarantees for such big projects cause no one would make a bid. It’s a very flawed system. I’d like to know how often solar or windpark projects get price adjusted?
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
But it’s not done well. Just look at the new built plants, which are way over budget and take way longer to build then expected. Like the two units in Georgia that went from estimated 14bn to finally 34bn $. In France who are really experienced with nuclear, they began building their latest plant in 2007 and it’s still not operational, also it went from 3.3bn to 13.2bn €. Or look at the way Hinkley Point C in the UK is getting developed. What a shit show: from estimated 18bn£ to now 47bn£ and a day where it starts producing energy not in sight.
- Comment on Rap Video rule 4 months ago:
Whooo haa
- Comment on There you go little guy 5 months ago:
Reminds me of a past mayor of the city I live in. One of his talking points was too get rid of the speeding cameras in the city. He came into office and did a photo op covering the first camera. A few weeks later his son died due to an accident caused by wreckless speeding driver in City center.
- Comment on I'm listening to a motivational speaker at a corporate conference when I realize... 5 months ago:
Finish him!
- Comment on YouTube Premium is getting a huge price hike in over a dozen countries, sparking user backlash. Some countries are experiencing hikes between 30% and 50% 5 months ago:
Yeah they are continuously slowing down Firefox and I see a future where I will simply stop using YouTube.i thank them in advance for when that day comes
- Comment on TSMC's $65 billion Arizona facility can now match Taiwan production yields according to early trials | TechSpot 5 months ago:
tsmc must be one of the least corporate designed mega companies out there.
- Comment on "what happened??" 5 months ago:
It’s crazy
- Comment on "what happened??" 5 months ago:
The greed goes deep. It’s funny that micro transactions hardly ever were micro. If it’s was a few cents for a pure cosmetic item I might even do that from time to time, but take the discord cosmetics 50ct I might buy sth blinky, but they want 5-10€ for that shit
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 8 months ago:
The impact on nature goes beyond climate gases. At least here in Germany fireworks produce 1% of the yearly pm10 particulates. That’s not nothing.
- Comment on If you live a million years you'll still never understand why someone would park right next to you in a forest campground when there's dozens upon dozens of empty spots with more privacy available. 8 months ago:
Power in numbers
- Comment on Big Tech to EU: "Drop Dead" 9 months ago:
I know but it feels like it’s getting more popular especially with younger people the teenagers and young teens that I know tend to be overwhelming drawn towards apple
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
I doubt that, I would think it’s like xenophobia it’s usually the strongest in pretty homogenous areas.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
You could find stuff, it was often a very tedious process though. You searched for: thing XYZ doesn’t work and found a lot of of forums with posts of people who had the same problem and with a bit of luck you found a two years old entry with an answer that actually worked for you. Now it’s 20 results from the company that created the product you have a problem with but offers no solution at all.
- Comment on evangelism 10 months ago:
We are on our way, problem is, the rich and the asocial are going to survive…
- Comment on Any recommendations for PS Vita games? 11 months ago:
My son got my vita for his birthday and I have to say tearaway is really one of the best games which rally takes all the features of the vita and blends it into a very creative and fun game.
- Comment on How many times will I tell you? 11 months ago:
I think women should start pissing standing so my fellow fragile penis owner, who think standing while pissing is the only option, learn how filthy a toilet gets if you don’t put your parts in the bowl.
- Comment on Activists set to protest Tesla Germany factory’s expansion days after sabotage attack 11 months ago:
Well the thing is we need to get away from individual transportation if we transform all ice cars to ev we won’t really solve the problems we are facing…
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
Our son had a pseudo-croup attack, when he was about two. We have a number here in my country that you can call and they try to figure out your next steps. Since he was so young they pretty quickly told us to call an ambulance. Two paramedics came fairly quick and ordered an emergency doctor to the scene since they wanted to give him some medication they couldn’t give him on their own.
We were a little apologetic because we weren’t sure if calling them was warranted. But they were super nice and said we shouldn’t worry, it was their job and they’d rather drive to cases like this, were things go well then the other way round.
We gave them our insurance card, they left, and everything was fine.
Never in the whole process have I thought, oh my, I hope this isn’t going to cost too much. That is an awful thought. Our medical system here is far from perfect and I fear it’s going to get worse but it gives me a piece of mind that I don’t have to worry to go broke over it.
And the way families are insured really works well. You work and all your children and your partner (if they don’t work) are insured over you. No changes in payment, no questions (apart from: are they earning any money) asked.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 will "never" get PvP because Arrowhead don't want a toxic community 1 year ago:
Just du a game like rocket League with just one class Sand only cosmetics. Everything is balanced and no one has toxic… Oh wait…
- Comment on Journalist says he finds it ‘surreal’ to have account on X suspended after writing critique of platform 1 year ago:
We need a big exodus of media then the platform would be dead for sure.
- Comment on EU stops advertising on X over hate speech. Fines could follow next year 1 year ago:
Not fair long we all get very right to fascist government the next year’s and things will go south. Germany with a CDU/AFD coalition, Le pen in France, if those two happen I see a dark future ahead, but hey climate change will bite us in the ass anyway. Why not go under under fascist leadership…
- Comment on YouTube is now fully blocking ad blockers around the world 1 year ago:
I didn’t know they don’t accept donations: github.com/…/Why-don't-you-accept-donations%3F