- Comment on M'Lady 5 hours ago:
Don’t forget to grab your Cheetos… In a cup!!!
- Comment on When I finish a delicious bowl of Malt-O-Meal® cereal [Day 89] 19 hours ago:
Lol I just ate a bowl yesterday. It’s one of those nostalgic foods for me that I just want sometimes. Especially good when you’re sick or on a cold morning to warm you up.
- Comment on Kryptonite 2 weeks ago:
I would like to subscribe to uranium facts please
- Comment on Americans witnessing an ongoing klepto-fascist takeover of their federal government [Day 68] 3 weeks ago:
I got my test results back, it’s definitely fascism.
- Comment on Reddit temporarily bans r/WhitePeopleTwitter after Elon Musk claimed it had ‘broken the law’ 3 weeks ago:
This is why I think it’s important to stoop to their level and start spreading childish rumors about them.
✔️ Not inciting violence
✔️ Not illegal
✔️ Not significant enough for them to claim defamation
✔️ Makes them far too angry for how petty it is on account of their extremely low emotional intelligence
For example: JD Vance only eats the cat food part of lucky charms pass it on
Another example: JD Vance says he’s sorry after cumming pass it on
Just one more for good measure: JD Vance puts his cast iron in the dishwasher pass it on
- Comment on Instagram, Facebook Under Fire for Censoring Posts From Abortion Pill Providers. 5 weeks ago:
Reposting my comment from another thread:
For anyone that needs this information, you can (currently) order abortion medicine (mifepristone and misoprostol) online in any state. I did it a few days ago and it was stupid easy to do. I’m not pregnant, but I wanted to order some as a just-in-case for myself or others.
The Plan C website has a great list of websites you can order from if you’re not pregnant. It costs about $150 and some offer financial assistance if you need it. But please do it NOW while you still can.
I ordered one from Aid access and one from safe choice. Both asked a few questions that didn’t ask for personal information or ID. They mostly just need an email, address to send it, and a credit/debit card to pay.
Good luck out there everyone.
- Comment on Thanks mom, I don't want any 1 month ago:
I actually don’t think this would be bad. Growing up, my mom used to make tuna casserole and it was one of my favorite casseroles. Looking at the recipe, this is mostly the same, except you sub noodles for waffles. What’s one carb for another? I could do without the olives though…
- Comment on Roses are red in North Carolina..... 3 months ago:
I just want a picture of a got dang hotdog!
- Comment on I benchmarked 6 different metal USB sticks 3 months ago:
My husband has had a metal USB stick that is shaped like a key and is very thin specifically for this purpose. I don’t know the brand as it’s not printed on it, but it’s lasted him a long time and I would assume it to win this contest by a landslide. Excellent analysis, very interesting!
- Comment on Only clean cars are target 3 months ago:
Don’t forget that eggs also come out the hole!! If you’ve ever seen fresh farm eggs before, you have to wash them before you use them because they’re covered in piss and shit. Yum!
- Comment on Can’t forget terrormisu 🤌🏼 3 months ago:
There’s an excellent episode of the Sopranos where they end up going to Italy. And even though their whole personality is “Italian” they find that they have nothing in common with actual Italians. That show is a masterpiece.
- Comment on If reality worked the way hiring managers and job interviews thought it did companies would have to fire everyone when they purchased new software since no one would have any experience using it. 3 months ago:
The first job I had was for a dinky little 15 person company. Obviously they didn’t have loads of money and the way most corporate software contracts work is it’s a lot cheaper for a period, like 1-2 years, and then the price increases. So they would jump ship before the price increase and use another product after that. So I ended up learning loads of different digital marketing platforms. I list them on my resume when I can, otherwise I just list the big ones and put something like “various digital marketing platforms”. But thanks to all the magical algorithms that pick out what they need from all the entries, you pretty much have to have the exact platform they want on your resume in order for the bot to be satisfied. Some things I would understand, like if someone didn’t know how to use key software for their field. But all the other stuff that gets tossed around should be considered “trainable” and not part of application requirements. Yet here we are…
- Comment on Are 'micro-apartments' converted from offices the answer to the housing crisis? 4 months ago:
While I’m not fully on board with this idea, I do think it could help some people out. When I got my first job out of college, I definitely couldn’t afford to live anywhere aside from my parents house. All my friends were in the same boat and even with our meager salaries together, we could not afford to get an apparent together. It took us 3-4 years out of college to have the salary to be able to come together and get an apartment. But what if you moved to a new place and don’t have friends to share with? What if you just… Don’t have friends or have some reason you can’t live with others? This is a great solution for that. My brother was in a situation recently where he felt stuck in a relationship with his batshit crazy girlfriend because he couldn’t afford to be on his own and would have to move in with our parents if they broke up. It eventually worked out and he has an apartment all his own, but I feel he could have removed himself from that relationship sooner if there was a cheap option like this for him to use temporarily.
- Comment on YSK that United has significantly escalated their war against basic economy passengers 4 months ago:
My choices are AT&T and Comcast. Both are shitty and treat you equally shitty, but Comcast actually works most of the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on YSK that United has significantly escalated their war against basic economy passengers 4 months ago:
I used to fly united quite a bit and it used to be pretty good. But these days my options for flying for work are united, delta, and southwest and I usually choose delta because they don’t charge you for shit and you can have both an overhead carry on and a small bag plus free internet on the plane. In the end they’re all shit, but I’m going to pick the lesser of the shits each time. Same reason I have Comcast internet.
- Comment on Get good. 4 months ago:
We had a dog once that was super smart and would learn what different words meant very rapidly. I’d say with most dogs I’ve had, you can go most of their life and they’ll maybe learn 2-3 different words for “dinner” and you can use other words if you’re trying not to excite them too much. But this dog I swear near the end of her life we would have to say ridiculous things around her like “Did you put the K9 cereal in the receptacle?” because she had learned just about every other basic way to say “did you feed the dog?”.
- Comment on Not allowed to work from home 4 months ago:
I always refused to put work apps on my personal phone because they would make you agree to some bullshit where they could remote access your phone or potentially wipe it. So I would refuse and say they needed to provide a company phone for me if it was that important. Most companies are either ok with this or provide a phone, except for one company. This was a software company, and literally everything else about this company was a unicorn of a job. But for some reason they wanted me to have slack on my phone and also wouldn’t give me a company phone. So I dug up an old phone, reset it to factory settings, and added slack to that so I could say I did it. Then I put the phone away and they never asked about it again. So I really don’t know what the point of that was 🤷
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 4 months ago:
Don’t forget we wear them also…
- Comment on 1337 5 months ago:
First sentence: wow I absolutely agree. It’s such a shame that mothers have to go back to work so soon after giving birth. We should work toward guaranteeing parental time off for all parents.
Second sentence: yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah… Um… Nevermind.
- Comment on Octagon Spiral + RGB filament = woah! 5 months ago:
Holy bismuth, Batman!
- Comment on Jawgs 6 months ago:
Do I look like I know what a JPEG is? I just want a picture of a got-dang hotdog!
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 6 months ago:
No one should be using these anyway. Everyone rags on Keurig for how wasteful it is and how much plastic it adds to landfills and probably your coffee, but no one seems to talk about how this does the same thing :/
- Comment on What have you been pondering about as of late? 6 months ago:
I’ve been trying to decide the best “lazy” way to make homemade dark chocolate peanut butter cups. Typically, you would have a mold and put a bit of melted chocolate in the bottom of each mold and then use a brush to paint chocolate up the sides and then put it in the fridge to solidify and then put the peanut butter fudge in each one and then dump more chocolate on top and then wait for that to solidify and then pop them all out. But… I think I can maybe just dip each one in chocolate and let it solidify in the mold? Less steps means I can make more cups and then I can have a large supply to last me longer. But maybe then there won’t be enough chocolate on the PB cup? Maybe I don’t need that many PB cups in my life? But the ones I buy right now are super expensive and this would save me some money 🤷
- Comment on What? 6 months ago:
- Comment on Consumer, we have detected that you are above the poverty line. The 99¢ price printed on this Arizona tea can only applies to those below the poverty line. Your total comes to $3.67. 6 months ago:
I’ve been shopping at shitty Jewels all my life and I’m moving to an area where I can choose Jewel or Mariano’s. I was super excited to find this out until they announced as part of the merger, they would sell off a bunch of stores most of which are Mariano’s including the one I would have started going to. I Reeeeeeally hope the merger doesn’t go through.
- Comment on Update on the situation 6 months ago:
This is a beautiful diagram. You should hang it on the fridge. The one with the beer
- Comment on Rural Towns Are Aging, Cash-Strapped and in Desperate Need of Workers 6 months ago:
I genuinely think that allowing more people to work from home would greatly help this problem. I knew someone a few years ago that was hired on who lived in rural Iowa in a farm with her husband. She normally wouldn’t be able to get a job in marketing as she would have to drive hours each day to get to work. But. WFH allowed her that ability to stay on the farm and also work an office job. Lots of people moved to more remote places when WFH was more widely accepted at companies. Not to mention there’s a housing crisis and lots of cheap properties in rural towns. I know it seems like there’s nothing to be had in a small rural town, but you have to remember that those things were once provided by the people who lived there who don’t anymore. The more people who move to a rural town, the more demand and money there is and the more small businesses will flourish. I’m sure it’s more complicated than that, but I’m also sure that WFH would help. Some people really would prefer to live in a small town if they could.
- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 7 months ago:
First of all … ew. I don’t know who this is for honestly. Maybe it’s one of those things that was used during war times that’s now sold in stores because why not? Second, we have lots of Krogers in the US and they are currently trying to merge with Albertsons which would essentially create a monopoly on grocery stores. Let’s all hope that doesn’t go through.
- Comment on Sitting and shitting on my high horse 7 months ago:
Look at this guy. He doesn’t know about the 3 seashells!!!
- Comment on I diagnose you with dystopia 9 months ago:
I work for one of the largest health care companies in the US and I can attest that they are genuinely concerned with what Amazon is doing right now.