- Comment on Help me selfhosted, I'm in over my head! 4 days ago:
depending on specs it will be a little power hungry, but a good virtualization platform.
yes, the power supplies are likely redundant and the server will complain if they are not both powered.
it will use a VGA connection, but you should be ale to find cheap VGA monitors or cheap adapters.
RAID controllerfor those drives? how many processors and cores? how much RAM? what OS are you planning on running on it? iDRAC included? (if so, likely idrac6, but still usable)
this hardware is very well supported by linux - I have used these older servers extensively. your boss was right to be excited for you. its a great exploration platform that you will be able to do lots of things with.
fire up a live linux distro and get detailed specs on the box - that will guide what you can play with right away.
- Comment on Larry Ellison wants to put all America's data, including DNA, in one big Oracle system for AI to study 2 weeks ago:
silly rabbit, healthcare is for wealthies! your DNA and medical history is farmed to cure your betters.
now sit down.
- Comment on Defense of the internet (from billionaires) according to Cory Doctorow 4 weeks ago:
and thats ok. some great work has been done making the impractical practical. the article was a good think piece. it did its job.
- Comment on Is This How Reddit Ends? 4 weeks ago:
many sites are readable via Firefox and noscript (which you should be running anyway for all sorts of reasons) and/or Firefox reader mode. the atlantic, wapo and many more are like this.
nyt, bloomberg and others use more sophisticated paywalls.
- Comment on Why Is Printer Ink So Expensive? 2 months ago:
time to return a clearly defective product. boomerang that crap right back at the store/mfcr.
- Comment on On bugs... 3 months ago:
at which point you turn on all symbols/debugging, bloat your binary 10x and submit it …cuz it seems to work sometimes then.
- Comment on Opera explains how it plans to keep uBlock Origin support as Google Chrome disables it 4 months ago:
without addons to control internet crazy, that word “function” is doing some heavy lifting.
- Comment on My blog now has Lemmy comments 4 months ago:
it be there! ;-)
awesome job!
- Comment on My blog now has Lemmy comments 4 months ago:
peachy keen, friend. peachy keen.
- Comment on bwird of paradise 5 months ago:
oh, christ, this thread need to blow up. hilarious!
- Comment on The Insurance Apocalypse Is Upon Us 5 months ago:
no, not cartoon villains, just morbidly self interested and narcissistic.
any host (out world included) has a finite carrying capacity. we are currently well beyond ours. the profit motive is strong in these people but, for a small but meaningful few, survival is (surprisingly) stronger - go figure!
<ravings> however, in typical billionaire/trillionaire grandiosity, I don’t think the idea is just survival, but correction. and the correction is reducing the load on the planet to appropriate levels for profit and service - I kinda, sorta think the dime store tony stark himself, one elon musk, is there on this… </ravings>
I have no proof other than my fevered imagination and observation of people and especially those who think themselves masters of the universe.
am I right/wrong? I am not sure it matters. we are in 100% uncharted territory here and the likleyhood is high that we all go down together on this one.
- Comment on The Insurance Apocalypse Is Upon Us 5 months ago:
tens of thousandshundreds of milions freeze or boil to death.pretty sure, for a few of our fellow humans, this is their desired outcome for the rest of us.
- Comment on Windows Media Player and Silverlight are losing legacy DRM services on Windows 7 and 8 5 months ago:
you will own nothing…
- Comment on Huawei’s $2,800 trifold phone is a real thing it wants people to hold and use 5 months ago:
“It’s a piece of work that everyone has thought of but never managed to create.”
obligatory “Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”
- Comment on Pop Science 5 months ago:
indeed. someone named “charlie darwin” would like a word.
- Comment on Windows NT vs. Unix: A design comparison 5 months ago:
- preps for bed
- starts closing apps
- refreshes lemmy…
Windows NT vs. Unix: A design comparison
- *sigh*
- Comment on Ceilings and joists 5 months ago:
the thought of unconfined napalm suspended above could make for at least a few restless night?
- Comment on Packard Bell Legend 730 5 months ago:
gotcha. you likely know this already, but throw a little ddrescue - data recovery tool at it and let it marinate for a while.
however, depending on the state of the drive and ddrescue recovery option intensity, there might not be much left of the drive once it melts through the desk.
have fun!
- Comment on Packard Bell Legend 730 5 months ago:
not that you shouldn’t replace the drive anyway, but…
depending on the drive epoch (I am guessing its ide/ata not ST-506) you could try a factory format. with the right drive and phase of the moon, the on-drive controller may actually go off and do it for real instead of faking it. its usually worth a try an old drive just for funsies.
- Comment on AT&T customers report wireless service has been down for hours 5 months ago:
“you’ll never even notice when you can’t hear them now.” - verizon
- Comment on Threads spotted exploring ads, but says 'no immediate timeline' toward monetization 6 months ago:
wait till you see the -ification.
- Comment on Trump Bitcoin Conference fundraiser tickets top out at $844,600 for Nashville soiree 7 months ago:
therefore I hope you do or do not have a super relaxing and restorative day.
will put something together and post. thank you for the invitation :-)
- Comment on Trump Bitcoin Conference fundraiser tickets top out at $844,600 for Nashville soiree 7 months ago:
as another comment indicated, bitcoin (and other hard crypto chains) are resistant, not immune. please don’t make that part of your armour.
- Comment on Trump Bitcoin Conference fundraiser tickets top out at $844,600 for Nashville soiree 7 months ago:
algo - agree on the importance of general-ish purpose silicon to do the basking, but CPU algos are still vunerable to massivemy parallel, (potentially) free, undetected hash. as much as 51% attacks seem to draw a collective “meh” from the crowds, I bothers me.
heavy chain - not sure about the final tx product being less dense than a similar bitcoin tx. regardless, for the economic activity on the monero chain and, please correct me… an an increase of transaction frequency of average sized transactions would cause, at least, a linear increase in chain storage, correct? if so, I think my node centralization issue still applies.
inflation - its a real issue. the ability to audit the chain is pretty important to build trust. thats one of the reasons bitcoin has resisted private transactions, sending those to other layers. good, bad? who knows, but I get nervous around chains who’s very base layer is singularly opaque to an inflation bug and many others will outright reject it. not sure how devs fix this, considering monero’s (vital) core mission.
monero is a fantastic bit of dev implementation and community interaction and one of the most important chains out there, I am just suggesting that its own (unavoidable?) issues could some back and bite… hard.
- Comment on Trump Bitcoin Conference fundraiser tickets top out at $844,600 for Nashville soiree 7 months ago:
- excellent algo - but not sure it properly weights botnets over CPU/GPU specialization.
- heavy chain - monero utxos are some of the biggest out there and therefore probably bad for protection against node centralization (other chains are heavy, but compared to ecnomic activity, monero is lead)
- lack of verifiable inflation rate - by its nature, monero make it almost impossible to do this.
those are the ones off the top of my head. would love to have any mistakes.corrected.
- Comment on Trump Bitcoin Conference fundraiser tickets top out at $844,600 for Nashville soiree 7 months ago:
great reply! I think his actual phrase was… “I love the poorly educated.”, so I didnt nail my punchline.
agreed with pretty much everything you said, with the caveats that…
- critical thinking is both an innate and learned skill - one we have failed to teach.
- once you have the above covered, it harder to split us up into warning factions.
- because of the above two failures… I have no idea if any of it is salvageable.
- Comment on Trump Bitcoin Conference fundraiser tickets top out at $844,600 for Nashville soiree 7 months ago:
no knock on monero but, like every chain out there, it has ts own problems. I wish it were the perfect panacea, but right now, nothing is.
- Comment on Trump Bitcoin Conference fundraiser tickets top out at $844,600 for Nashville soiree 7 months ago:
he does “love” the uneducated, after all.
- Comment on Trump Bitcoin Conference fundraiser tickets top out at $844,600 for Nashville soiree 7 months ago:
beat me to it by 1 minute!
this one statement should send any bitcoin activist with a crypto ethos running for the hills as fast as possible. this joker is pure poison to everything
- Comment on The FBI got into the Trump rally shooter’s phone in just 40 minutes 7 months ago:
if he was cautious. thats. pretty. good. :-/