- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 1 week ago:
Lol, was waiting for this comment. DeX gang rise up.
(It is OKish)
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 1 week ago:
You, my friend, need an adventure. Any adventure, even if it sounds small and dumb.
I creeped your post history (sorry) - did you end up taking that bus trip you talked about a few months back? If so, what was that like? If not, any reason why you feel you shouldn’t do it now (or soon)?
I’ve felt like you before, at least the way you’re describing it. My solution was mundane adventure - walk a stupid amount to a place you could easily get to by car. Strike up conversations with strangers by leaving your phone alone re: directions/things of interest/etc. unless absolutely necessary. Set yourself some boon to obtain - a beer at Pub X, a meal at place Y, whatever - and make the journey a little less convenient/a little more scenic than you might do by default.
The above isn’t for everyone, obvs, but take the idea of an adventure or ‘quest’ and see if anything strikes you. It can be as grand or mundane as you want it to be.
Just one option among others.
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 3 weeks ago:
Holy shit - thank you. I knew there was stuff that happened at Oak Ridge but didn’t know any details.
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 3 weeks ago:
Bro, share a link if you can, PLEASE.
This sounds like Donald Ewen Cameron’s work, but somehow even more fucked up than what I’ve heard about re: him to date. I absolutely need to know more.
- Comment on Flohmarkt - a Fediverse replacement for Facebook Marketplace 4 weeks ago:
Does it? If you set up an instance for your local community/city/whatever, and name it something that makes sense for your intended userbase, I think it would be fine.
It goes from “I sold my couch on FlohMarkt” to “I sold my couch on Local Ottawa Marketplace” for the ‘normies’ out there. They’re not going to care about the underlying software so long as their couch gets sold.
Do recommend a DIY local advertising strategy if trying to get something like this running, though - posters at IRL flea markets, adverts in small community papers for antiques and collectibles, crossposts/links to postings on stuff like MaxSold/Kijiji/Craigslist/GumTree/FB Marketplace/[insert online marketplace operating in your area],that kind of thing.
Focus on the current primary use case of centralized marketplace services (buying shit from your neighbours), then introduce the “Oh yeah, we’ve also set it up so you can see postings on Local Toronto Marketplace, Local Kingston Marketplace, Marché Local de Montréal” etc. from there.
I really, really think talking to people in terms of specific instances over the overarching platform/protocol is a way around ‘normie’ confusion about the Fediverse when first trying it, then getting exposure to how it works in practice will help them understand the nitty gritty stuff better. Is this problematic in some cases, like with Lemmy? A little bit, yeah. For something like FlohMarkt? I think less so.
(‘normie’ in quotes 'cause I’m not the biggest fan of the term, but it’s a useful shorthand)
- Comment on The 2025 SJW Update: Donations, costs and other points 4 weeks ago:
I’d also appreciate an official update of this at some point (I’d be fine with end of Feb for the first update). What I have right now is some napkin math, as someone who sucks at math:
Ko-Fi: About $401.60 at the time of this post ($160 x 2.51)
Librepay - I made an assumption based on remaining weeks in 2025 last time, but idk if that’s actually how it works, so I’m changing it to a full calendar 52 weeks here (if someone has a source on how librepay comes to the per week figure, let me know, because I do know it takes lump sums and divides it to add to a weekly value): 28.66 x 52 = $1490.32
Assuming this is all 100% accurate, puts current total at $1891.92, about 55% of the proposed 2025 budget.
Please do not take this as gospel - I think I’m in the right ballpark but that Librepay per week thing is throwing me for loop. I think Ko Fi is more straight forward and the $160 is not a per week goal thing
- Comment on The 2025 SJW Update: Donations, costs and other points 4 weeks ago:
Between both, and keeping in mind the Liberapay donors may be doing recurring contributions rather than a lump sum for the year (so may need to stop if something comes up for them), we’re looking at about $960 give or take for 2025 so far. Nice!
- Comment on The 2025 SJW Update: Donations, costs and other points 4 weeks ago:
If you want to see what that looks like in the relevant context here (Canada), check out what is doing ( Would be curious if there’s non-Canadian instances taking this approach too.
I assume there’s at least some tax benefits/less of a tax liability to TheDude if doing this, but likely requires an additional level of support from folks too for the adminstrative aspects of that.
- Comment on The 2025 SJW Update: Donations, costs and other points 4 weeks ago:
Checked it out, it is truly Definitely a nice lookin’ frontend!
- Comment on The 2025 SJW Update: Donations, costs and other points 4 weeks ago:
Reading some deets:
Liberapay - does not take a cut of payments, the service is funded by donations to its own account. However, there are payment processing fees. The fees vary by payment processor, payment methods, countries, and currencies. In the last year, the average fee percentages have been 3.1% for the payments processed by Stripe and 5.1% for the payments processed by Paypal.Ko-fi - No fee for one-off donations (editorial: FUCK), 5% platform fee to use premium features/become a Ko-Fi contributor (basically to give Ko-Fi a cut in exchange for premium Ko-Fi features for TheDude and co)
- Comment on [] We're #5! We're #5! 5 weeks ago:
Hey, much respect to that.
- Comment on [] We're #5! We're #5! 5 weeks ago:
I just want to take a moment to say your username is amazing.
- Comment on [] We're #5! We're #5! 5 weeks ago:
See, everyone is coming in and talking about different means of measuring instances, the implications for the fediverse and the position of federated services against corporate monoliths like reddit.
But you, verity - you get it.
- Comment on [] We're #5! We're #5! 5 weeks ago:
So!? We’re #5! Or 4! Or something!
(Not everything needs a point - I just felt like posting this. Though it does look like it’s started a discussion about the relative size of lemmy and different instances, which is neat to think about once in a while - or disheartening depending on your perspective)
- Comment on [] We're #5! We're #5! 1 month ago:
Man, I just wanted to chant “We’re #5”, now I have people coming at me with facts. :p
(Jokes aside, I appreciate it. There’s nuance to these metrics and what best accounts for ‘size’, particularly for those cases/services where the metrics reflect a little bugginess anyway)
- Comment on [] We're #5! We're #5! 1 month ago:
I mean this is the ideal. Most of the time I’m right there with ya. I’m just really attached to this instance - doesn’t mean that others are bad for not being on this (upon review, actually somewhat problematic) list.
- Comment on [] We're #5! We're #5! 1 month ago:
Huh, you’re right. In fairness this is cropped from an image shared on the AskLemmy .ml thread, so I’m not 100% sure what’s going on there.
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 95 comments
- Comment on The State of Lemmy (drama) 1 month ago:
Wait, you’re American?! Fuck you! blocked
Kidding, of course - you’re one of my favourites too. Think you could’ve chosen your words more carefully in the OP exchange - jealousy is a bit of a trigger word, it’s more than the U.S.’ reputation internationally is … sketchy, even before the last periods of particular sketchiness. But some people just expand this to all individual Americans, which isn’t fair - most Americans I’ve met are just normal people just as bewildered as the rest of us are at the state of the world (and the U.S’ place in it).
- Comment on Announcing FediMeteo – Weather in the Fediverse! 1 month ago:
Year of the Linux storm.
- Comment on Shit Post 1 month ago:
I’m embarassed about how often I think about this chart.
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 2 months ago:
So far, it’s mostly been these points:
- Murder is wrong. Thompson should not have been murdered.
- Nevertheless, this was bound to happen eventually, and [people I’ve talked to about it are] not upset that Thompson is dead.
- Comment on People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set. 3 months ago:
On a CRT? Sure, probably a lot haven’t seen it. On a modern TV? Still possible for some - mine does this if I hit the channel button rather than volume accidentally.
- Comment on She-Ra Lives! 3 months ago:
Huh. Can’t help but wonder if this is connected to why a significant amount of people find asses sexually attractive across gender lines - something about signs of a good persistance hunter (likely quite overstated by base monkey brain), and therefore ability to provide for spawn.
Probably not, but makes ya think. I also accept that I’m thinking about it from a heteronormative, sex as biological imperative for spreading genes POV - so limited and overall probably wrong.
- Comment on Can I not be an adorable junkie 4 months ago:
Listening to a folk punk song that uses the word fuck to great effect on Spotify yesterday, wondering why the fuck the line ‘If you fuck up I will still be your friend’ reads ‘If you f up’.
I just don’t get it. Fuck is a valid, if vulgar, part of the common English lexicon. It serves a purpose.
- Comment on Kroger’s plans to roll out facial recognition at its grocery stores is attracting criticism from lawmakers, who warn it could lead to surge pricing and put customers’ personal data at risk 4 months ago:
Two choices:
- Medical mask and sunglasses (preferably those boxy ones people wear over regular glasses). Few people question medical masks these days.
- Embrace the lunacy, and wear whatever mask/facial covering you think is cool/funny. Life’s short and a lot of people would do well with embracing harmless weirdness.
- Comment on Is martial arts really that useful? 5 months ago:
Break falls are the only skill I’ve kept from my martial arts training, but it’s literally the most useful one.
- Comment on Why does the USA have so few legal protections for ordinary people, and how can we change that? 5 months ago:
“@!#?@!, motherfucker!”
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 6 months ago:
It’s a term that’s taken on some additional baggage/meaning. Originally it simply meant someone who was involuntarily celibate - wants to have sexual relationships, but doesn’t. Now it usually refers to someone adhering to a kind of peculiar set of ideologies around that (see: social value theories taken to some often ridiculous extremes; good ol’ fashioned misogyny/perhaps misanthropy; etc.).
There’s a kneejerk reaction to incels in the latter sense because so much that comes out of that is pretty awful. That and it’s often folks who engage with the latter stuff who are more inclined to identify with the term incel - most others who just fit the former definition just say they’re single.
IMO the latter usage is just more proof that we are failing and continuing to fail men, badly, in terms of community and mental health supports.
- Comment on Why are so many leaders in tech evil? 6 months ago:
I’d ask how you define evil in this case. To me, an act is evil when the net detriment to the planet and its contents (including humans) is greater than the net benefit it creates, and the actor pursues said act knowing this. I’d argue it scales with the nature and context of the act. It’s hard to say this isn’t real. But yes, we all have the capacity for evil, and also can be complicit in other evils by dint of normalized behaviours (without necessarily being ‘evil’ ourselves)
I do agree that an absolute Evil doesn’t exist, the same way an absolute Good doesn’t exist. But we’re a pile of writhing meat puppets on a moist, moldy rock - we don’t exist on that level in the first place.