- Comment on Tailscale + public domain 4 days ago:
I see. I dont know if that works, as I haven’t done that, but what worked for me was pointing to the tailnet IP, not the tailnet domain, then disabling expiry for my server on the tailscale dashboard so my IP would stay the same.
- Comment on Tailscale + public domain 4 days ago:
Yes, in order to access my domain on my local network, I have my pihole instance point the domain to my server’s local IP.
- Comment on Tailscale + public domain 4 days ago:
Have you pointed your DNS record to your tailscale IP? I have the exact setup you describe, and it works fine.
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - The Sunday thread 6 days ago:
I feel bi-weekly is a good rhythm for this.
What does biweekly mean to you? Twice a week, or once every two weeks? If it’s the latter, I prefer to use fortnightly, since it’s not ambiguous.
- Comment on Manga Questions, Recommendations, and Discussion Thread [2024, Week 48] 3 months ago:
That was an enjoyable read. I usually dont like it when a manga has this type of art style where characters just look wacky, but one thing is undeniable about this trait; it’s har to forget it.
I feel like I won’t forget this story, not only because it’s well written, but also because it’s got such distinct visuals.
- Comment on Wikipedia article blocked worldwide by Delhi high court. 4 months ago:
Huh, I swear when I clicked the link it worked just fine though. Indeed, it seems to be down now.
- Comment on Wikipedia article blocked worldwide by Delhi high court. 4 months ago:
Article is still up, I dont really understand this post.
- Comment on Kanojo, Okarishimasu Volume 38 Cover 5 months ago:
This disaster is still going?
- Comment on The Color of the End: Mission in the Apocalypse - Ch. 23 5 months ago:
Just read all chapters, and I’m loving it so far. Pacing is great for the mood and type of story it’s going for.
- Comment on Jellyfin hardware acceleration docker issues. 5 months ago:
- Comment on Cyborg: A Documentary – new film about first upgraded human asks whether we should just because we can. 5 months ago:
I know somebody who has implated hearing aids. If they’re not a cyborg, I don’t know who is.
- Comment on Elon Musk destroys astronomy 5 months ago:
And consequently create radio chatter and disturb the Lunar Crater Telescope :(
- Comment on Why do so many people use NGINX? 7 months ago:
Nah, their question is why do so many people use it. And the answer is because it’s pretty good.
- Comment on Why do so many people use NGINX? 7 months ago:
It’s pretty good, innit?
- Comment on Brexit Britain wants to be the snooping capital of the West 9 months ago:
It already is?
- Comment on Rabbit was once an NFT company that it wants you to forget about 10 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Seems like really good news overall, don’t really see any significant downsides.
- Comment on 🔔 SHAME 🔔 10 months ago:
- Comment on Oh, Zot! Nomadic Identity is Coming to ActivityPub 11 months ago:
This is good news! Ever since I found or about nomadic identities I’ve wondered why they weren’t a thing from the beginning in the Fediverse. It just makes t so much sense in a federated environment.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Where did you see that Signal won’t federate with anything? Can’t find info on it anywhere.
- Comment on Craft Your IDO Excellence with TokenCrafters 1 year ago:
Fuck off out of here with your scam generator.
- Comment on I wonder how much of youtube content is hardcoded sponsor ads. 1 year ago:
Internet historian sponsor segments are hillarious.
- Comment on Update: Everyone said GameVault's UI was garbage, so we completely overhauled it. 1 year ago:
It only stores files, so there’s no need for wine support, as far as I understand.
- Comment on Adobe abandons $20 billion acquisition of Figma 1 year ago:
Gifma balls.
- Comment on Adobe abandons $20 billion acquisition of Figma 1 year ago:
Figma balls.
- Comment on How to add calculator to GNOME search? 1 year ago:
Then why post on !
- Comment on The story of the name of the "fsck" command 1 year ago:
I have no problems with developers being furries, I just don’t understand why he’d put pictures of circumcision in his project.
For the record, I’m not boycotting his stuff, I never used it in the first place. I’m just flabbergasted by the situation. Why include the furry and circumcision pictures? Just why?
- Comment on I know it's one of you guys 1 year ago:
It would be pretty impressive, though.
- Comment on Ifixit gives fairphone 5 a 10/10 on repairability and maintanence 1 year ago:
There’s no GrapheneOS support for it, but CalyxOS is going to support it.
- Comment on Ifixit gives fairphone 5 a 10/10 on repairability and maintanence 1 year ago: