- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 12 hours ago:
Going to steel man this since theres obviously no one on here answering this question seriously. Not a republican and don’t agree with all this, just imagining what my republican dad would say about this:
For ukraine and Europe, we have no interest in protecting them besides sentimental attachments. Ukraine is not our problem, it’s Europe’s and if they want to dump money into a lost cause by all means go ahead, but leave the u.s. out of it unless your going to compensate us for it. The u.s. isn’t threatened by Russia, we have an ocean, the world’s largest navy and nukes to protect us. The larger threat is China and we should be focusing on them, not russia which can barely invade it’s neighbor, much less march across Europe and the atlantic. Europe can handle its own problems.
For Canada and Mexico and tarriffs in general. We need to bring manufacturing back to America and revitalize the rust belt. We can’t do that if companies find it more profitable to go over seas and pay people pennies when they’d have to pay Americans mich more. The only way to get them to come back is to make it too expensive to import things.
This is all about putting America first. For decades America has been spending billions to protect Europe and has been sending billions of dollars over seas to build factories overseas while factory after factory closes. We need to stop all of that and spend our money in America for Americans.
- Comment on Countries across the world use more land for golf courses than wind or solar energy 1 week ago:
A park with very limited capacity and that almost always requires the destruction of the natural landscape.
Golf is elitist by nature as the courses require a ton of maintenance to keep them from going to there natural state, which costs money, and that cost is split among a small amount of people that can occupy the course at any given time without causing traffic. Combine that with the equipment costs and that filters out most lower income people.
If courses were turned into parks and left to nature far more people could enjoy them as they wouldn’t have to pay or worry about getting hit with a ball because they set there picnic up in the wrong meadow.
- Comment on Swastikcar showing a roman rust pattern in Lower Manhattan 1 week ago:
Eh, they can’t really do anything about it. My brother had a tesla, pre fascists Elon, and someone through a rock at the windshield while it was parked. The camera captured everything and you can clearly see the guy but he couldn’t do anything about it. The cops aren’t going to go on a manhunt through the city for a vandal, this was in Detroit they have better things to do, and the guy looked unhoused anyway so he wasn’t going to get him to pay any way.
- Comment on Microsoft Study Finds Relying on AI Kills Your Critical Thinking Skills 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, if you repeated this test with the person having access to a stack exchange or not you’d see the same results. Not much difference between someone mindlessly copying an answer from stack overflow vs copying it from AI. Both lead to more homogeneous answers and lower critical thinking skills.
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 3 weeks ago:
It should be sold by the government then. Similar to how government handles the lottery, if they didn’t then some organized criminals would do it instead. They can control the stores and the packaging so it doesnt seem fun and cool and is just dosage information and a bunch of health facts and treatment plans. They can then direct the revenues to treatment and education.
If you just decriminalize consumption without legalizing some way to buy it then a lot of the problems with the war on drugs continue: crime, violence, lack of regulation etc.
I don’t have much faith in us handling it this way though considering the way we just effectively legalized gambling and now the most predatory companies are flooding addicts with advertisements to get them to gamble more.
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 3 weeks ago:
So do alcohol companies, and they have a way higher marketing budget to convince you it’s harmless and just a fun thing to do when you hang out with your attractive friends.
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 3 weeks ago:
Yeah, but it’s be hard to tell whether legalization would lower the rating or raise it as there’s a lot of confounding factors. For example overdoses and direct mortality would probably go down since people could dose properly instead of guessing. Crime and financial issues could also go down with an open market making it cheaper and safer.
On the other hand larger scale societal problems could be revealed by mass availability. Also more health problems from chronic use could be revealed once legalization allows for more and larger studies. Or maybe current studies on it are overestimating the harms because current illicit cocaine users tend to be unhealthy for other reasons and your average person will have less problems with cocaine use.
Either way I think it’d be hard to argue cocaine isn’t at least on the same level as alcohol and should be legal. Contrary to mainstream discourse that views it as some evil powder that will make you addicted if you even look at it.
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 3 weeks ago:
It’s not, most studies put them about even, possibly more for crack but definitely not several times more addictive.
Meanwhile Sugar/sweetness is more addictive than cocaine but no ones calling to ban jolly ranchers.
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 3 weeks ago:
That statistic is about cocaine related deaths, not necessarily overdoses. Often with cocaine related deaths the user is taking multiple drugs at once, usually opiates, and often alcohol too, but it usually doesn’t get blamed.
This is also more a problem with prohibition then cocaine itself since people don’t know the dose of what there getting or adulterants. If it were legal like alcohol there would be far less deaths. There were far more deaths from alcohol under prohibition when your “whiskey” was full of methanol and industrial alcohol
Also overdose isn’t the only danger from drugs. One that alcohol is miles ahead of every other drug is DUI, which kills about 13,000, meanwhile cocaine, by itself, is rarely implicated in DUI. Alcohol impairs your driving ability way more than cocaine. There’s also chronic health concerns, which are harder to weigh. Alcohol is a carcinogen and chronic use fucks up your liver, meanwhile cocaine will fuck up your heart.