- Comment on Help me remember this game [big mechs, small perspective] 4 hours ago:
I think that’s it! It looks just as I remembered.
- Submitted 13 hours ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on Man, their reputation really has gone to shit 17 hours ago:
We’re in a galaxy marble, mate, how could there be any others?
- Comment on *poke 18 hours ago:
I think most cops do swear to defend the people. It’s the betrayal that everybody saw coming.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 2 days ago:
Which one? I see three in the last 12 years. I’m guessing it’s the 2024 one?
- Comment on I wonder how things are going in America today... 2 days ago:
You’re missing an O somewhere.
- Comment on Animal Spirits 4 days ago:
I have a friend who works in veterinary emergency clinics, and it’s always hilarious to hear his stories, because the CPR doesn’t change on a cat/dog, but there are endless complaints about how different breeds are easier/harder because of their body shape.
- Comment on The first cult is the deepest 4 days ago:
I think it also has a factor of how well it blends with current/dominant society. You’d probably be able to find a large amount of folks who agree that the amish are a cult, for example. They’ve been around for a while, and they have relatively large numbers, but their rejection of modern technology flies in the face of the average modern person. If pressed on ‘why?’ those people considering them a cult likely have that unique quality behind the ‘cult’ reasoning.
Just off the top of my head, the snake handlers and the jehovah’s witnesses are both considered cults in my social circle (as in, these topics have come up and are generally agreed on), despite both being large enough to be known in many areas and have been around for quite a while.
- Comment on Treat taking a dump like a sport 5 weeks ago:
I’ll do you better, and someone out there may know it’s me.
I once was in a river,
downstream from many givers,
and then began to shiver,
I felt a slide go past my liver.
There I was alone;
the house far, and across stone;
and my south began to groan;
from my lips I droned, “oh no.”
I tried to climb the rise,`
while tightly clamping thighs,
but as I soon surmised,
I couldn’t hold the surprise.
All the river floaters watched,
as my privacy I botched,
there right upon the stony swatch,
what horror flowed right from my crotch.
- Comment on Treat taking a dump like a sport 5 weeks ago:
Worst experience of my shitting life was when I didn’t defecate prior to the monthly jog. Luckily I could squeeze through the fence of the golf club I was near, and it was early enough nobody was around to ‘report’ me, AND they had the course’s bathroom door unlocked. Now I just exercise at home where there’s a bathroom within safe jumping distance.
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 5 weeks ago:
That’s the best answer.
I feel you’ve got a good personal reason behind it though. I haven’t seen anything from you about your health recently, so I hope you’re doing great, and that the move to the UK goes swell!
- Comment on 2025 trailer be wild 5 weeks ago:
I mean, I get it, but this is the same logic that is sometimes used for school shootings. It’s abhorrent to ignore a large increase compared to other places just because it is still a small chance, and therefore do nothing.
- Comment on 2025 trailer be wild 5 weeks ago:
I have to think a bullet brick would be much more painful than a bullet point. I’m also curious if it would be more of a cannon than a gun, and thus safer to have in the hands of ‘the people’ because it wouldn’t really be a thing you could carry around on a whim. Would people put it in those little red wagons and walk it like a dog in a movie montage?
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 5 weeks ago:
We’ll all be your friend here. We just have to avoid all things that could potentially cause strife, because we are on the .world server, after all. No real discussions, no delving into topics that unnerve cowardly mods. Everything is surface level and calm, just like any casual… friendship… without feeling…
You took the blue pill already, didn’t you?
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 5 weeks ago:
Do you have to have the person in line-of-sight? Is awareness of them enough? Do they need to hear you? Do they need to see you? The “on command” bit is what makes me think they need to be able to be given a command, so at the very least have a speaker nearby. It’s a great bluff though. Who, after all, would actually question it once you’ve made them go several times.
The diarrhoea bit is an idea though. Can you make them poop in different ways? If you can make them have loose, watery stools could you also go the other direction and make them shit bricks? Take 100 men, make them shit bricks, and now you have an industry of adamantium-strength building material. Scale it up as business grows. The world would design around the piddling side effect that the hardest material in the universe is fecal matter. Masks with jasmine would become standard. People would wear skintight bodysuits that are easily removed and recycled in the intimate parts of their homes/offices that are made from non fecal material. Cleanliness would take over the world by necessity. You could be the start of a beautiful, shit-built world…
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 5 weeks ago:
It’s our duty!
- Comment on I never realized this 5 weeks ago:
I think either keep your names as is
Uh… that was exactly what I said…
- Comment on I never realized this 5 weeks ago:
The only reason I wouldn’t want to take my partner’s name, or have the partner take mine, is the same reason I wouldn’t want to blend. It’s just a headache to make sure everything is changed. It’s why you see a lot of people who published research before their marriage continue to publish under the same name even if they changed their name. It’s a major hassle.
- Comment on SAD 5 weeks ago:
HA! I made it to elder wizard status. Your memes have no power here! croak, die
- Comment on The soundtrack occasionally gets stuck in my head all these years later 5 weeks ago:
I definitely liked diddy better, just because years later I remember the ‘story’ it had, and the fun of exploring the overworld. That magical feeling of getting to space? It was awesome. The challenge/gameplay may have been tighter in mario, but diddy was just overall more fun.