- Comment on Canadian CEOs Want More Guns, Less Bread 3 days ago:
It’s math. Instead of pretending the one side who is explicitly threatening to destroy us are “the good guys”. The real Canadian problem is having allowed the US to tell us who the bad guys were all along, so that in this moment, we’d have no friends, and we’d have people like you/CEO council, say how terrible any alternative response to submission is.
- Comment on Canadian CEOs Want More Guns, Less Bread 3 days ago:
Let’s pretend that NATO is purely a defensive alliance, and then let’s pretend that fighting to the last Ukrainian, is for purposes of expanding and letting them join NATO, and that the most pathetic losers in NATO are not the ones who are nuked as an example for their evil if that objective comes anywhere close to realization.
Canada’s defense is solely reliant on US and its restraint. Aggression towards Russia and NATO expansion does not enhance its defense, because the new members have no capability to defend Canada.
Canada needs to only defend itself from US. If North Korea can help with that, then that is the alliance we need more than US. Every traitor in Canada or EU that responds to Trump by begging to just make NATO stronger, by throwing money at US defense industry needs to be shut down aggressively.
- Comment on Solar power surpasses coal in EU for first time 6 days ago:
1.4 TWh every day
This means you would need about 701 GWh of storage capacity in total.
Less because most electricity is consumed in daytime, or can be incentivized to with Summer solar.
so roungly 1 car per 12 people should do the trick.
US sells 1 car per 20 people every year. Not sure about Germany. But if same, 20% of car sales as EVs is potential to meet that in 3 years.
Meeting the demands of one country is entirely doable, but the rest of the world uses electricity too.
11m EVs sold in China 2024. Lithium prices not skyrocketing, and so production level could absorb more.
We really need to develop some alternate energy storage solutions that don’t depend on relatively rare elements like lithium and cobalt. For example, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, oxygen would be great alternatives if we just figure out how to make viable batteries out of them.
Sodium Ion batteries are in commercial production now. It does mean unlimited battery materials for humanity. Lithium is not particularly rare though. It is Nickel and Cobalt that are rare, and LFP doesn’t use those. Hydrogen is important to just have alternate use of both abundant renewables, and abundant batteries.
- Comment on Solar power surpasses coal in EU for first time 6 days ago:
Most EVs this year will use LFP batteries because they are much cheaper. They also provide grid with a free resource, and EU likely has the critical mass to let consumers monetize service to grid. A big advantage of LFP is longer life, and so more consumer profit opportunity, and less investment required by grid.
- Comment on Solar power surpasses coal in EU for first time 6 days ago:
Fossil fuels have fallen from 39 to 29 percent.
That is the bigger news, though pretty consistent all of this year. EU electricity demand grew even as fossil generation saw deep cuts, and renewables growth is nearly certain to outgrow demand further.
- Comment on Economic growth could fall 50% over 20 years from climate shocks, say actuaries 1 week ago:
It’s much much worse than this, and saying 2070-2090 growth might be 1% instead of 2% or 2% instead of 4% is a fairly useless comment.
First, healthcare insurance in US is 16% of GDP while most developed countries are 11% or lower. Even with free/universal healthcare. Most countries have higher life expectancy. I cite this just to say that bringing US healthcare costs down to 11% of GDP is an automatic GDP reduction of 5%. But that GDP is BS. It is GDP generated by overspending and corruption.
Current effects of global warming on the US includes insurance costs. Where insurance is mandatory, it is GDP growth if artificially expensive vehicles and homes do not affect ownership. Expensive insurance is not an actual life benefit, even if it grows GDP.
Drought and flooding and hurricane events, grow GDP by replacing property, even if that too does not create life/wealth improvements. Food scarcity events will make food more expensive. GDP growth, life diminishment.
Cost of living related to survival needs, where even luxury homes and transportation are included in survival category, is the real impact of global warming. Your money left over after survival expenses is your “real net income”. Global warming impacts can be measured now, and what needs to be projected for near and decades future. These headlines are dumb and unpersuasive.
Cocoa and coffee are both currently impacted by global warming. Both are addictive substances, though coffee is more.
- Comment on The State of Lemmy (drama) 2 weeks ago:
Notice that I said Americans, not America
I don’t see any crticism of Americans on here, though I could not read your fine print, and I need to preface the rest of what I will say with I want the best for Americans.
And if I hear one more fucking person say that America only joined World War 2 after it was already over
That is an act that America did, and it was definitely motivated by ensuring control over Germany instead of USSR. No Americans were offered the freedom to not storm Normandy. Your lead comment of “Chinese/Russian agents” behind your angst is also something America would say.
That Americans/Westoids trust America in its justification for war on Russia and future war on China, that they trust America after an election where both parties conspired to elect Netanyahu’s favorite for genocide, is a problem Americans are too powerless to stop. A defining characteristic of Americans/westoids is being misinformed as a result of their trust of, and identity wrapped up in an evil America.
There is a strong likelihood that what you perceive as toxicity to Americans is toxicity towards those defending their trust of America.
- Comment on Floods gave way to heatwaves as 2024 now the hottest year on record 2 weeks ago:
From “water report” details:
In 2024, months with record-low precipitation were 38% more common than during the 1995-2005 baseline period, while record-high 24h rainfall extremes were 52% more frequent.
Water-related disasters caused major damage in 2024. They caused over 8,700 deaths, displaced 40 million people, and inflicted more than US$550 billion in damages. Flash floods, landslides, and tropical cyclones were the worst types of disasters in terms of casualties and economic damage.
The likelihood of monthly records set should go down each year, in a non global warming world, because the bar always gets higher. The damages number is a big insurance factor, and the data does not include forest fires.
A missing topic in OP is that Arctic sea ice extent and volume are at extreme record low levels currently, that may lead to a blue north pole next summer. Hudson and Baffin Bay and Labrador sea being the main record low spots also means an early spring for Greenland and more melting on its west coast.
Arctic summer temperatures have been pretty stable since 2016. Ice extent and volume keeps declining because current temperatures are enough for ocean to get warmer each year both earlier and later in melt season that delays and weakens total freezing.
- Comment on Trump says NATO members should raise defense spending to 5% of GDP 3 weeks ago:
As a matter of fact, KSA has improved relations with Iran. The days of complete devotion to US agenda of 9/11, and middle east/oil destabilization starting with Iraq war are over. That KSA was on board with demonization of Iran, was a practical evil before Chinese market cooperation was more useful. Europe has definitely diminished itself by picking the wrong side on war on Russia, as it is being eaten alive by US and its 5th column inside of Europe. It cannot be too desperate to be friend/slave of its abuser.
- Comment on Trump says NATO members should raise defense spending to 5% of GDP 3 weeks ago:
Official (understated) US military spending is under $1T still. ~4% of GDP. NATO, CIA agent, head has demanded 3%, which is the private figure being negotiated. NATO asshole has demanded that social security, pensions, and healthcare be sacrificed for the 50% increase in military spending. 5% would be a 150% increase, and extra nuts.
Pre 2022, Europe was allied with Russia in terms of economic cooperation. Since then, both US and Russia have had better growth for obvious reasons of Europe submitting to US extortion and domination. Europe needs to pivot to Russia and China instead of destroying themselves to comply with US empire, and their ever expanding greed.
- Comment on Saudi Group Announces 1 GW of Renewables as Part of $50 Billion China Investment 3 weeks ago:
Weird that they are investing in projects mostly within China. KSA would seem to be a good location for solar.
- Comment on Fossil Fuel Interests Ramp Up Their “Solar Makes Electricity More Expensive” Falsehood 3 weeks ago:
The rebuttal based on retail electricity prices is not the strongest.
So we must maintain enough energy capacity in a parallel system, typically powered by natural gas.
The question is what new energy to build. Batteries are extremely competitive for new energy, more competitive without trade barriers meant to protect O&G, placed in EVs with V2G (or Vehicle to home/power) a private expenditure to enhance grid.
Legacy FF plants do not need to be nuked from orbit. Solar+batteries can outcompete existing FF plant variable costs. They are more competitive at low interest rates. But if demand is growing they outcompete new FF/nuclear plants. Legacy plants supplement batteries/renewables through backup/resillence services. Even 24/7 datacenter demand growth can be met through on site solar/battereies, because the bottleneck is daytime/duck curve transmission instead of generation capacity outside of self production. Renewables and EVs also reduce the price/cost of FFs. They are energy that displaces demand for other energy.
The low price of NG was a function of a less than expected success in US war on Europe. EU decreased NG/coal use by over 10% as a result of renewables expansion, even as electricity demand grew.
Where cheap energy and cheap steel is a key to US manufacturing, tariffs are extremely counter productive. Consumers of energy/metals are denied competitiveness, and their customers are denied value. Creating domestic monopolies/cartels is political corruption.
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 3 weeks ago:
When Eisenhower warned of Military Industrial complex, US was already an oligarchy, and the warning was the declaration of defeat.
JFK assassination was deep state stuff, followed by more pandering to oligarchy with Regan. Media was always in charge of who won elections. That the veil of pretense for liberalism is removed doesn’t change the nature of US empire, and its autocracy over meaningful rulership. Trump simultaneously threatens the US empire’s covert colonization of world, while threatening to subjugate world even harder. Naked Oligarchy, and explicit anti-liberalism as treason, is a hallmark of incoming rulership through.
- Comment on Yule Tidings 4 weeks ago:
I will win PM of Canada through election or coup, then annex one by one each useful America state!
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 4 weeks ago:
I say sex work to help pay for health care.
- Comment on Slovakia says ready to host Russia-Ukraine peace talks 4 weeks ago:
Blanar said any talks must take place “with the participation of all parties, and therefore also of Russia”, unlike a previous summit in June in Switzerland.
Sounds like plan is to include eu powers, slovakia, hungary, and us. Not full nato?
- Comment on AI-Generated Fake War Images Passed Off as Real 1 month ago:
Since the beginning of Russian President, Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Crimea in 2014, he has used disinformation tactics to soften the resolve of occupied populations and international pressure. Photorealistic AI images have become ammunition in the information war against accountability. It is for this reason that I think it is paramount to be vigilant against the circulation of AI images depicting war or being passed off as evidence of the very real destruction happening around the world.
Repeating disinformation that the liberation of Crimea, with 98% referendum in favour of liberation, from Ukrainian nazis is Russian dissinformation… the world must be protected from mostly western generated disinformation AI used to condemn Russia harder. The crackhead bubble is at peak crackhead. Were all of the blogs he listed appealing for more western financial/weapons help for Russia?
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 1 month ago:
Surely there will be a Yougov poll, and they will listen to the results before continuing investigation. /s
- Comment on South Korea reverts to its traditional form of government: Martial law. 1 month ago:
it does, but ok
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 3 comments
- Submitted 1 month ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on don't be a coward 1 month ago:
What is this “crabbification” evolution trend you speak of?
Intelligence favours dexterity of making/holding weapons and tools. Claws are not as good. Armour is always a nice to have, but the offense from weapons use from “hands” is better. I do like the idea of 360 rotating “eye arms” to catch backstabbers. Maybe more arms and legs.
- Comment on Battery Electric Vehicles still being shunned by EU buyers 2 months ago:
Plug-in hybrid car registrations fell 7.2 percent for the month, and year-to-date volumes decreased 7.9 percent – meaning the vehicles now account for 7.7 percent of the car market, down from 8.4 percent in the previous year.
Hybrid electric vehicle sales, however, look a good deal more perky. The ACEA reported registrations for last month increased 17.5 percent, with a market share now at 33.3 percent, “exceeding for the second consecutive month petrol car registrations.”
Over 22% share from plug in vehicles overall. I’d be surprised if Hybrid category excludes plug in hybrids, dropping it to 25%.
EU just had an auto show for next year’s EV models which look great, and so would naturally stop intending EV buyers from buying these next months instead of waiting a bit. Maybe more Chinese competition soon. Geopolitical fuckery makes EU life difficult to forecast.
EU EVs still doing much better than US is the headline that could have been chosen.
- Comment on flouride 2 months ago:
I believe the objection to fluoride is that it is a tranquilizer that keeps us from achieving glory through violent uprising… or sweet sweet dentist profits.
- Comment on Pluto's Orbit 2 months ago:
Temporary planet designation for its birthday!!! Time for Christmas spirit, y’all!
On that note, Santa and all his elves will have drowned from North pole melting long before then.
- Comment on Solar modules now selling for less than €0.06/W in Europe 2 months ago:
I don’t know that processing silicon is a polluting activity. There is heat involved, and some Chinese producers are 100% solar powered for their processing. Though I’m sure bulldozers or shipps/trucks are involved in obtaining sand.
I’m not a fan of any appeals to gatekeep energy use to “just essentials” instead permitting growth that people want, and cleaning up the energy use involved.
- Comment on Solar modules now selling for less than €0.06/W in Europe 2 months ago:
The difference is that the electrolysis can be done at producer convenience. Sometimes wholesale electricity prices (midday due to high solar penetration) are negative or ultra cheap. Transporting H2, even by truck, can be cheaper than the US typical 8c/kwh electric transmission charge. For many areas, enough solar in winter has 3x more summer production and essentially unusable. A balance of solar and H2 produced in summer, can provide the cheapest necessary energy for winter. An alternative is summer exports with winter imports.
Batteries alone are also subject to curtailment, or not enough charging in winter. H2 can be stored at $1/kwh, where a pipeline is free transmission of withdrawals different from deposit locations. The energy efficiency round trip is less important than the $ efficiency of energy delivery.
- Comment on Solar modules now selling for less than €0.06/W in Europe 2 months ago:
The expense part gets taken care of with OP’s solar prices. Battery costs help too.
- Comment on Solar modules now selling for less than €0.06/W in Europe 2 months ago:
HVDC is much more expensive than Hydrogen pipelines, which doubles as storage and transmission, and can provide continent wide resilience, even when local renewables provide much cheaper power when it is available than either long distance electric or H2 power.
- Comment on Solar modules now selling for less than €0.06/W in Europe 2 months ago:
there is some nuclear tech that can use nuclear waste as at least part of it’s fuel
Those are less competitive, and salt reactor attempts have historically caused terminating corrosion problems. The SMR “promise” relies on switching extremely expensive/rare/dangerous plutonium level enriched fuel, that rely on traditional reactors for enrichment, for slightly lower capital costs.