- Comment on Microsoft Study Finds AI Makes Human Cognition “Atrophied and Unprepared” 3 weeks ago:
Spoiler alert : it was just a survey of the reported confidence of folk who admitted to using AI.
- Comment on Microsoft Study Finds AI Makes Human Cognition “Atrophied and Unprepared” 3 weeks ago:
So, AI users exhibit a reduction in literally the one skill that the AI expects them to actually have?
I should probably go read that link and see if it’s actual degradation or just selection.
- Comment on An argument starter: which of these is the "second set of 4 digits in base 10"? (Body) 5 weeks ago:
While 0 has no value and is often placed after 9 on keyboards, you asked about digits in a base and not numbers. This becomes clear if you describe the various bases.
- Binary is 0-1
- Octal is 0-7
- Decimal is 0-9
- Hexadecimal is 0-F
If you sort zero at the end, you’d need to spell out the digits or label them all as 1-0, which isn’t very descriptive.
Mind you, “zero-first ordering of digits” is not a fundamental rule, since the glyphs only have a need to be sorted when they stand for a numerical value . And if you used a phrase like “first X digits” without noting a range the omission would be a composition error.
- Comment on Demanding a pronoun is like demanding a burkas. 2 months ago:
Who the fuck demands people present pronouns? You either do it, or you accept either sometimes being misgendered or getting an indeterminate “they”.
Or are you just trying to start the new year bitching about people insisting on common courtesy after helpfully specifying their own preferred pronouns?
- Comment on The popularity of Minecraft has probably led some children to believe you can swim up waterfalls 5 months ago:
Has it also led chidren to believe that if you cut down a tree with an axe it will just hang in the sky instead of falling down?
- Comment on Is there a specific example of Target getting a shoplifter convicted for a small individual theft that puts them over the felony limit? 5 months ago:
So, you’re asking if there is a shoplifter whose small-dollar.spree was stopped by target, who was then arrested by the police, who then refused an initial plea offer from the DA, who was then charged by a grand jury, refused a pre-trial plea offer, went to trial, refused the pre-verdict plea offer, and was then found guilty?
Well, what about someone who hit 60k over 120 visits?
- Comment on Is the RNC and DNC monopolies? 5 months ago:
It’s not really “established” becaue there isnt any formal body declaring what names different voting systems have.
Are you unclear about what recognition other demcracies give to parties, how there is no prize for 2nd place in America, or why that lack of such a prize gives rise to a two-party system?
- Comment on Has anyone ever seen a "10A" USB-C cable and can tell what their purpose is? 5 months ago:
The elecrelically semi-literate side, obviously.
- Comment on Is the RNC and DNC monopolies? 5 months ago:
1: FPTP is a terrible term as its literally not an accurate way to describe a “single-vote plurality wins” systrm like most of the USA has. When you use the phrase to someone who doesn’t already agree that there are better ways its just inaccurate enough to sabatoge any point you might make.
2: the UK and other parliamentary systems have embedded rewards just for being “a party”. There are only two parties in the USA becaue parties on their own have institutional recognition, and in our politocal contests there is no prize for second place.
- Comment on Has anyone ever seen a "10A" USB-C cable and can tell what their purpose is? 5 months ago:
I mean, isn’t it a usb_c cable that the manufavtuer claims can handle 10 amps of current at once? (which i think may be on the low side)
- Comment on I hope you don't have any plans this evening. 5 months ago:
Does this imply that the rapture won’t happen on any day any man or angel predicted it, and suggest that these crackpots are either delivering a “no rapture today” message from the Lord Almighty or else embarrassing Her into putting it off?