- Comment on Google’s new AI video model Veo 2 will cost 50 cents per second | TechCrunch 5 days ago:
how many iterations until you get a minute of video you’re happy with?
- Comment on Is it a pattern that every time a movie, show or animation that doesn't have a white person as the protagonist is attacked by right-wingers? 1 week ago:
I’m sorry I’ve been dragging them into the theater and making them play games they don’t want to play, it’s my fault
- Comment on Low effort title 1 week ago:
I dunno! I’ve been avoiding it in my feed for the most part.
- Comment on nature is fucking narly 1 week ago:
and “paralyze”
- Comment on Low effort title 1 week ago:
I’m very far from conservative, but I’m rooting for you all to hold the line as the Reddit ones continue to arrive
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 2 weeks ago:
worth noting though that having more muscle mass does impact your daily energy expenditure
- Comment on We could be going towards Star Trek like earth, but instead we're going for Star Wars like democracies 2 weeks ago:
You’re standpilling my argument.
Anyway I’ll drop it and move on but the thread is about critiquing our society by way of movie references, which is on topic for what I’m saying and kinda proves my point.
- Comment on We could be going towards Star Trek like earth, but instead we're going for Star Wars like democracies 2 weeks ago:
You’re reaching deep into your grab bag of labels. Am I gaslighting you now?
I commented my opinion on the original post and then I employed sarcasm when you accused me of gatekeeping.
My reaction to this thread being all about movie references was to wish we didn’t think about our society only in those terms and I shared it.
- Comment on We could be going towards Star Trek like earth, but instead we're going for Star Wars like democracies 2 weeks ago:
actually I wasn’t able to delete OP’s post after all
- Comment on We could be going towards Star Trek like earth, but instead we're going for Star Wars like democracies 2 weeks ago:
It’d be pretty dope if we discussed society and politics using political theory and philosophy instead of different kinds of media
- Comment on GOP Proposes $4.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich While 'Ransacking' Food Stamps and Medicaid 2 weeks ago:
yeah at this point I’m not gonna be satisfied with “defeating them at the polls” and Bidening things up for a few years. There need to be real consequences here.
- Comment on GOP Proposes $4.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich While 'Ransacking' Food Stamps and Medicaid 2 weeks ago:
fair enough maybe I passed judgement too quickly or read too deeply into your comments
- Comment on GOP Proposes $4.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich While 'Ransacking' Food Stamps and Medicaid 2 weeks ago:
I deleted it because I’m not interested in picking a fight on his topic but
Our internal politics are probably more important than the entirety whatever country you live in. We spend way too much on our military for you not to pay attention.
Even a “good guy” like you can’t seem to get out of this mindset that Americans are the most important.
When it comes to global politics I care as much about your slide into fascism as I do about any other. It’s closer to home for me, but these are global trends and caused by you.
If you all adopted more of a global worldview instead of this exceptionalism and dominance oriented worldview we’d all be better off.
The main difference in this presidency is just that it’s mask off and former allies are no longer treated like they’re part of the Imperial core. You’ve been doing this to everyone else under both teams.
- Comment on GOP Proposes $4.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich While 'Ransacking' Food Stamps and Medicaid 2 weeks ago:
The only real value is in our resources, labor, and manufacturing capability, and those will still be here.
This is why I’ve always considered “capital flight” an empty threat. Let capital leave… They’ve done more harm by staying and slowly moving all of our production capacity overseas.
These idiots think destroying the systems will hurt us, they’re so bought into their own bullshit. That’s the silver lining in all this, we’ll build back stronger.
- Comment on GOP Proposes $4.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich While 'Ransacking' Food Stamps and Medicaid 2 weeks ago:
Exactly. Americans have been doing the same sorts of things since basically their inception. The only difference was that it was only impacting countries that weren’t in their sphere of influence. The only difference now is they’ve decided to let all the air out of that sphere to the point where former allies are being treated the same way everyone else had been for a hundred years.
It’s gonna damage us all, but the silver lining is that the US will never be dominant again. It was happening slowly, now it’s happening before our eyes.
- Comment on GOP Proposes $4.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich While 'Ransacking' Food Stamps and Medicaid 2 weeks ago:
Hoarding a bunch of US dollars while giving everyone every incentive to disconnect from the US economy.
It’s like they think the economic world order is a law of nature.
We could all stop using money today, and decide on a whole different system, and they’d have nothing again but our hatred.
Keep pushing, morons.
- Comment on What would happen if USA invades Canada? 2 weeks ago:
It’s the world’s longest border, a military defeat is certain but hundreds or thousands of Canadian partisans will easily get through to commit acts of terrorism and sabotage.
- Comment on Politico swept up in USAID scandal as records show government paid $8.2 million to left-leaning news site 3 weeks ago:
o hey it’s that “socialist” guy again who posts conservative viewpoints and doesn’t care about being truthful
I guess a block is overdue
- Comment on Reddit Sub Ban Wave 3 weeks ago:
Anarchist/socialist communities are always pro trans. I joined slrpnk.net because it’s got those as well as a focus on sustainable living. Your choice of instance doesn’t impact your feed too much.
- Comment on HoMM3 is still fun! 4 weeks ago:
Songs of Conquest is a spiritual successor you might be interested in checking out. I agree HoMM3 is still great to revisit and SoC doesn’t quite scratch the exact same itch but it’s a good way to get more of the same but with some variety keeping it fresh
- Comment on Brazil condemns US after deportees arrive handcuffed 4 weeks ago:
A fair point. I hope we do.
- Comment on Brazil condemns US after deportees arrive handcuffed 4 weeks ago:
what about if the world had tackled the threat of Hitler sooner? do you think MORE caving in and capitulation was the lesson we should have learned?
- Comment on Brazil condemns US after deportees arrive handcuffed 4 weeks ago:
Sadly the problem isn’t going to solve itself like that. We need to channel that anger into action.
- Comment on Trump tariffed Columbia in response to not letting a plane of deported illegals in. 4 weeks ago:
I’m not advocating for it to continue, it’s just too bad we’ll have to try to survive the collapse of the American empire.
There were ways to end it that won’t result in so much suffering but we’re doing it the hard way. The United States will never recover from this, hopefully its people can
- Comment on Brazil condemns US after deportees arrive handcuffed 4 weeks ago:
no you see “not USA” is this amorphous “other” where you get to pick and choose parts from different countries and jerk yourself off about how great USA is.
Frankly I’m impressed this guy knew so many countries.
- Comment on Trump tariffed Columbia in response to not letting a plane of deported illegals in. 4 weeks ago:
imagine looking at US hegemony and control over the world’s economies and thinking you’re doing everyone a favor. I guarantee you most nations would be happier if the US stayed the fuck out.
Typical ignorant conservative seeing the world at face value. I’m glad to see some sense from your peers in this thread.
- Comment on RedNote may wall off “TikTok refugees” to prevent US influence on Chinese users 1 month ago:
Am I the only one seeing the irony here? Is paying lip service to democracy enough? Legal gerrymandering, electoral college, voter suppression…
- Comment on Syria's leader says elections could take 4 years: Al Arabiya interview 1 month ago:
I wonder if you know how most constitutions including your own (likely) were written
- Comment on italy flag emoji 2 months ago:
she’s gonna be so relieved
- Comment on 'Democrat propaganda': Marjorie Taylor Greene plans to team up with Musk to defund NPR 2 months ago:
How can I trust my own eyes when they have a liberal bias