- Comment on Psst, the Americans are asleep, post some eggs 1 day ago:
They vary by bird. Easier to notice variation with my hens for example:
- Comment on They did the math 4 weeks ago:
To start a play both teams line up in an approved formation. Those who are directly on the line are called lineman. Those standing behind them are line backers. The ones giving support from the corners (out by the people trying to catch the ball:receivers) are called corner backs. And the ones way back for safety measures (ball being thrown way down field) are called safteys.
Offsides, means someone was over the line
False start: means someone on the line started moving before the play started.
Not that you likely care about any of it but all of the names in football are very basic straight to the point names.
“Hands to the face” <hitting someone’s helmet/face region “Facemask” < grabbing someone’s face mask “Unnecessary roughness” < you got it
Most of them are all there to reduce injuries and balance the chances/advantages of each side.
Sports are meant to be easy so anyone can pick them up quickly. The hardest part of football is just understanding you have 4 downs to move 10 yards. Failure to do so, ball goes to the other team.
- Comment on Uber Eats undercover: Delivering your food for $1.74 an hour 4 weeks ago:
I took one recently and found out Lyft was taking the ride at a loss. (They must average out the rides). I needed to drop by vehicle somewhere for maintenance, called a Lyft and it was something like 5.42 before I added a tip. I asked the driver when it had gotten so much cheaper and he said he had been doing well and checked and was getting paid $9 before rip for the ride. Told him I was giving him $10 for going out of his way as a tip, and the app actually wouldn’t allow me to tip that much, I couldn’t get above 9.58 or something. Anyways, slower areas they must be taking a loss to try to get more market in the area
- Comment on I never realized this 4 weeks ago:
My name is Maximus Decimus Arnold Garfield Butcher Smith Hendrickson Meridius, and you shall have my name.
- Comment on Accused killer of US insurance CEO pleads not guilty to 'terrorist' murder 1 month ago:
Unfortunately double jeopardy doesn’t exist in cases of a person being tried by the state and by the federal government. It’s something they call dual sovernty. Our corrupt court ruled it was still legal again in 2019 I believe.
- Comment on FBI recommends coming up with a 'secret word or phrase' to make sure your family know you're you and not some hellish AI copycat 1 month ago:
Remember that time we went out and talked about your father while having tea?
Starting to realize I wouldn’t remember most things
- Comment on Yo, Duplo, what you doing on the 24th? 1 month ago:
Oceangate made in I believe as well, fairly realistic too, only off by about 500 meters
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 2 months ago:
How about the fact drill baby drill means seeing a 3 degree Celsius increase by 2100. That’s the lifetime of many of the people in this earth. That kind of change will kill many ecosystems and make deserts out of a lot where we live and grow food. We know we can’t stop going past 1.5 degrees now do to our slow changes. Instead we are hitting the gas pedal according to Trump. The oceans, plantlife on land, everything that consumes it is in jeopardy. Estimates are around 60% of animal populations since the 70s. At some point you break the link in the food “chain” if you will, and larger masses die off, until it is unrecoverable.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 2 months ago:
It was, but there were people bitching about it. It may be an unconventional way to show it but if you look at Eminem’s album released in 2004 the second track was Mosh.
“Stomp, push, shove, mush, Fuck Bush, until they bring our troops home”
“Let the president answer a higher anarchy Strap him with an Ak-47, let him go, fight his own war Let him impress daddy that way No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our own soil No more psychological warfare, to trick us to thinking that we ain’t loyal If we don’t serve our own country, we’re patronizing a hero Look in his eyes its all lies The stars and stripes, they’ve been swiped, washed out and wiped And replaced with his own face, Mosh now or die If I get sniped tonight you know why, Cause I told you to fight.”
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 2 months ago:
How do you replenish the oceans and maintain life for any ecosystem humanity lives off of? Most of America is set to be desert by 4 average warmth increase. You won’t grow crops outdoors. We know we are guaranteed to blow past 1.5 now without being able to stop it as are actions are to late. Yet we are saying “drill baby drill”. The topographical map will change drastically.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 2 months ago:
So what is your solution when we blow past 4 degrees rise in temperature and most of the land on earth becomes uninhabitable? Shift all the farms up north which will die of freezes annually, or move all agriculture and life indoors permanently? Surely mining all the resources to put all of human life indoors will be a non issue? Or is it just the 5% that get indoors to survive and then the lower 90% of that 5 become the poor disadvantaged driven to be the new poor slowly? Or is your hope that the top 5% after killing most the world’s population once indoors will simply accept a form of socialism then?
- Comment on LG's new stretchable display can grow by 50%, bendy panels can be deformed into new form factors 2 months ago:
Sit down to read a book, stretch your phone screen out to a comfortable holding size to read. Could be nice.
- Comment on LG's new stretchable display can grow by 50%, bendy panels can be deformed into new form factors 2 months ago:
Those look pretty cool, Im not sure where I would use it yet, but I’m sure they will end up being useful for various things. A lot of displays in dashboard look displeasing to the eye to me, I’m sure curving screens could help with that. I foresee many a dick joke being made with them as well. (Couldn’t help myself)
- Comment on Typing monkey would be unable to produce 'Hamlet' within the lifetime of the universe, study finds 2 months ago:
I’m still mad we are giving them typewriters instead of keyboards. Think of the arthritis!
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 3 months ago:
So you think they were in life treating danger?
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 3 months ago:
Polite society my ass. I’ve owned guns for over 15 years and never has a gun de-escalated a situation. People who carry in public are way more likely to kill someone and to get themselves killed. Guns cause aggressiveness far more often.
The woman was never in danger, if she pulled a gun, her, the harrassers, and all other bystanders would have been in danger.
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 3 months ago:
The doors aren’t going to open from the outside, and authorities would be alerted immediately. Breaking the glass on a car window or holding people up at gun point… Yeah. Easier in the parking lot of any gas station, grocery store, neighborhood, Walmart, Mall, Jewelry store, movie theater. Wherever really. The people can get out of the car in an emergency just like any other car. Running someone down with a car is not the answer to many situations.
- Comment on Donors 4 months ago:
Seriously if anyone can spend 100 million dollars and the IRS doesn’t know about it, we are doing something Terribly wrong.
It will be claimed on their taxes im sure
- Comment on Platypuses 4 months ago:
Shit your being downvoted, now I have to go look myself… if I don’t return I likely have been abducted by egg laying mammals
- Comment on Platypuses 4 months ago:
Thanks for doing so, did you figure out why they glow?
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 5 months ago:
I disagree with the decrease in discussion quality. Votes inherently create echo chambers. We have low effort conversations where we all downvote someone whose opinion is different and it makes them feel whatever kind of way, and they act accordingly. Whether it be leave, lash out, or discuss. If it wasn’t built in and someone wouldn’t already know I would say it is a bad idea, but since it will exist, making it so people learn to be civil is probably best.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 5 months ago:
It is information provided to the instance runners, mods, and other fedeverse platforms such as mastodon. It inherently tracks such to know if a user has previously liked/up voted an entry.
So you may have a conversation on here, and some users will know who is downvoting, some will only know who’s upcoming, and some will know none