- Comment on Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? V • Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka V: Houjou no Megami-hen - Episode 14 discussion 3 days ago:
Calling it for next episode: Ottar finally goes beast mode, breaks Bell’s neck and drags Lyu the White behind an alley. The end.
- Submitted 3 days ago to animemes@ani.social | 0 comments
- Comment on YSK about Jury Nullification, if you're an American and you don't, look it up. 3 days ago:
You’d think so, but no. You cannot be punished as a juror for voting your conscience. So long as you don’t say “I intentionally lied during voir dire to sabotage due process” they cannot even ask you why you voted the way you did unless you volunteer for questions afterwards.
- Comment on YSK about Jury Nullification, if you're an American and you don't, look it up. 3 days ago:
so it’s tricky to nullify without purgery except for very very special cases.
Assuming you meant perjury, it is not tricky in the slightest. You vote your conscience and don’t say something stupid like “I lied during voire dire, nyah ah ahhh!”.
- Comment on Dogs may have domesticated themselves because they really liked snacks, model suggests 5 days ago:
@xtaldave@xtaldave.net same
- Comment on Italy to require VPN and DNS providers to block pirated content 1 week ago:
Don’t combine. Just use tor or a VPN.
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 1 week ago:
It sounds like my old place. So long as you don’t have a corner unit you’re not being heated. You’re being sheltered from the cold by the surrounding building. The baseboard heaters are only there to touch up if you crack a window or something.
- Comment on YSK in the U.S., you can buy produce directly from black farmers and they will ship it to you. It can cost less than your supermarket and will piss off people in power. 3 weeks ago:
We do: “Republicans”
- Comment on Norway rules out fish farm ban despite ‘existential threat’ to wild salmon 3 weeks ago:
Andreas Bjelland Eriksen, the climate and environment minister, said his job was “not to stop or close down human activity itself”
And whose job is it? FFS a government rep stating “we cannot regulate what people do” is both laudable and cringeworthy.
- Comment on Top 10 Anime of the Week #04 - Winter 2025 (Anime Corner) 4 weeks ago:
How TF is Solo leveling not #1 in this lineup?
- Comment on Libya rescues 263 illegal immigrants from abusive group 4 weeks ago:
The title made me think this was an Onion article about the US.
- Comment on Please advise on this conversation we had over on c/Piracy. Transporters and replicators, basic operating principles? 5 weeks ago:
they may as well be turning humanoid waste into food
Yeah, they are. Waste matter is reclaimed as energy/supplies for food production
It would imply that transporter and replicator technology are, basically, the same thing. I agree. This is supported by replicators and transporters having a very similar special effect on the show.
they’d have to be violating the laws of thermodynamics to get more efficient energy production than matter-to-energy conversion. I don’t follow here. Why do they ‘have’ to be? They could very well be spending more energy but the increased amount is ‘trivial’ from their perspective. This would not violate Thermodynamics.
Ah I think I see the confusion. They are using antimatter for energy creation. Energy to matter for transport or replication is ‘paid’ for by the matter to energy destruction of the og material (whether it be the transported individual, waste matter collected from the crew, equivalent amounts of reactor fuel, or some combination of these) and the excess cost of thermodynamics is paid for by the matter-antimatter reactions in the reactor.
Is the efficiency miraculous? Yes, ofc. Is it breaking thermodynamics? No. It’s easy to see how they are paying for the excess costs with reactor fuel and that is without any hand-wavium of subspace or dilithium crystals being involved.
- Comment on Please advise on this conversation we had over on c/Piracy. Transporters and replicators, basic operating principles? 5 weeks ago:
IIRC there are 3 different methods seen for food creation in Star Trek.
Protein Resequencers (ST:ENT, ST:TOS)" which presumably take stored amino acids and combined them with supplementary minerals and flavouring into nutritious cubes that look like marshmallows.
Matter Recombinators (ST:TOS): capable of taking stored matter and producing ‘simple’ foodstuffs like drinks, iced cream, slabs of protein similar to chicken breast or steak, etc. I think these were sometimes called replicators but the distinction is the production is done elsewhere and the food delivered in seconds on request.
Replicators (ST:TNG +): I swear they described this as direct energy to matter conversion but I can’t find the source for this. The seemingly ridiculous energy demands this requires can be justified by the fact they use matter+antimatter reactions for energy supply. A cup of water would take a cup of fuel give or take.
Transports it’s been clear from the beginning the matter is being deconstructed into energy and sent to the destination where it is reconstructed using the original’s pattern. The ethics of it are dubious because every time you see someone transport they are being literally killed in front of your eyes and a new copy created elsewhere.
- Comment on Solo Leveling Season 2 -Arise from the Shadow- • Ore dake Level Up na Ken: Season 2 - Arise from the Shadow - Episode 2 discussion 1 month ago:
Sort of spoilerish
It’s the latter. The system can alter what he sees/experiences and does not want him to know what is going on yet as it’s too early. Part of why he can understand and speak Ice Elvish. His compatriots would not have seen the glitch and could know the truth if they understood the language. The monsters are real. He is not in a simulation.
- Submitted 1 month ago to anime@ani.social | 17 comments
- Comment on Space Engineers 2 launches this month and promises a refined and expanded starcrafting experience 1 month ago:
Talk to me in 6 years when it’s finally out of early access and the MP is still dogshit.
- Submitted 2 months ago to anime@ani.social | 10 comments
- Submitted 2 months ago to anime@ani.social | 1 comment
- Submitted 2 months ago to anime@ani.social | 19 comments
- Comment on Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? V • Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka V: Houjou no Megami-hen - Episode 11 discussion 2 months ago:
Freya Familia wreckin face!
- Comment on Solo Leveling: ReAwakening movie made $1.09m from American theaters on Friday. The film is projected to earn $2.18m in its opening weekend at the domestic box office. 2 months ago:
Isn’t this just a rehash of the first season?
- Comment on Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? V • Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka V: Houjou no Megami-hen - Episode 9 discussion 2 months ago:
Arguing with Freya is my new kink.
- Comment on duhh 2 months ago:
The hymen
- Comment on Japan prosecutor bows in apology to former death row inmate 2 months ago:
Evidence fabricated? Prosecutor should be frying the responsible detectives, and the Chiefs punished as well for allowing this in their dept.
- Comment on Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? V • Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka V: Houjou no Megami-hen - Episode 8 discussion 3 months ago:
Wow. This episode is straight 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Comment on The peer review system no longer works to guarantee academic rigour - a different approach is needed 3 months ago:
I’m arguing that the solution to your concern is that the corporation and profit aspects be removed. The reason I prefer this angle is because science emphasizes the need to remove all or as much bias as possible and economic incentives inevitably induce bias’ and restrictions that increase the problems I’ve already pointed out earlier.
The question of whether peer reviewers ought to be paid and how is a complex one that has many ethical considerations on either side of the argument. I strongly recommend you research this debate yourself if you are interested in the subject.
- Comment on The peer review system no longer works to guarantee academic rigour - a different approach is needed 3 months ago:
Eh, it’s not as bad as it sounds TBH. Paid reviewers would have ethical and economic pressures that hinder their effectiveness. Non-specialists in the same field would end up responsible for reviews of articles they are only rudimentarily familiar with (think astrophycisists working on exoplanet formation and composition having to review papers on black hole implications for dark energy. They ‘could’ but are not the best qualified to do so). Needing to review enough papers to earn a living means this dilution multiplied 100-fold to get enough done.
With volunteering at least scientists that are interested in that paper’s topic, and hence are likely a specialist in it, are the ones looking at it and doing so at their leisure instead of needing to do 100 by weeks end to put food on their table.
Personally, I think all privatization involved should be removed. Volunteer reviewers to public non-profit journals paid either by donations or tax dollars and freely accessible to all.
- Comment on The peer review system no longer works to guarantee academic rigour - a different approach is needed 3 months ago:
Not typically, no. There have been exceptions ofc, but peer reviewing is typically volunteer.
- Comment on The peer review system no longer works to guarantee academic rigour - a different approach is needed 3 months ago:
if editors did a hint of work with all the money
Exactly. Why do authors need to pay for review/publication but the reviewers are volunteer and the journals paywalled? There is a fundamental mismatch between who gets vs deserves the money.
- Comment on The peer review system no longer works to guarantee academic rigour - a different approach is needed 3 months ago: