Alt. Profile @Th4tGuyII
- Comment on Far-right thugs throw rocks at Filipino NHS nurses on way to work 6 months ago:
Absolutely disgusting.
Poor nurses trying to save lives and they're paid back by having these racist EDL cunts throwing rocks at them.
Should get Keir Starmer send these pieces of shit over to Rwanda instead, and see how long they last.As @theskyisfalling said, these are the same ignorant arses that brought us Brexit, and continue to make our country look like an absolute laughing stock on the world stage.
- Comment on These 100-year-olds say working beyond retirement age is what keeps them going: 'I'll work for as long as I can' 7 months ago:
While it is dystopian that many people have to end up working beyond retirement age, I can see why some people choose to take on a "retirement job".
Our jobs are what we do for the majority of our time, for better or worse, so once you retire there's suddenly a purposeless void where work used to be. To keep your mind going and your body moving, you need to fill that void with things you want to do - but for a lot of people it's hard to do that sustainably, so after a few years they need something else, and for some people that's a "retirement job".
- Comment on This is where gift cards are at 7 months ago:
High-quality socks are a great gift, but these socks usually aren't that
- Comment on This is where gift cards are at 7 months ago:
If I had to choose between my mates trying to fuck me or getting me a Tinder Gift card, I'd go get a new set of mates haha
- Comment on This is where gift cards are at 7 months ago:
Receiving one of these as a gift must be one of the saddest experiences known to man...
I'd rather just get the generic men's gift starter pack of Lynx/Axe deodorant, socks, and a DVD of [insert movie that was popular a few months ago]
- Comment on The theory that we live in a simulation involves simulants running their own simulations; wouldn't that require impossibly more resources for the main sim? 7 months ago:
As others have said, our reference of time comes from our own universe's rules.
Ergo if rendering 1 second of our time took 10 years of their time, we wouldn't measure 10 years, we'd measure 1 second, so we'd have no way of knowing.It's worth remembering that simulation theory is, at least for now, unfalsifiable.
By it's nature there's always a counterargument to any evidence againat it, therefore it always remains a non-zero possibility, just like how most religions operate. - Comment on AI's Future Hangs in the Balance With California Law 7 months ago:
So providing a fine-tuned model shouldn't either.
I didn't mean in terms of providing. I meant that if someone provided a base model, someone took that and but on of it, then used it for a harmful purpose - of course the person modified it should be liable, not the base provider.
It's like if someone took a version of Linux, modified it, then used that modified version for a similar person - you wouldn't go after the person who made the unmodified version.
- Comment on AI's Future Hangs in the Balance With California Law 7 months ago:
SB 1047 is a California state bill that would make large AI model providers – such as Meta, OpenAI, Anthropic, and Mistral – liable for the potentially catastrophic dangers of their AI systems.
Now this sounds like a complicated debate - but it seems to me like everyone against this bill are people who would benefit monetarily from not having to deal with the safety aspect of AI, and that does sound suspicious to me.
Another technical piece of this bill relates to open-source AI models. [...] There’s a caveat that if a developer spends more than 25% of the cost to train Llama 3 on fine-tuning, that developer is now responsible. That said, opponents of the bill still find this unfair and not the right approach.
In regards to the open source models, while it makes sense that if a developer takes the model and does a significant portion of the fine tuning, they should be liable for the result of that...
But should the main developer still be liable if a bad actor does less than 25% fine tuning and uses exploits in the base model?
One could argue that developers should be trying to examine their black-boxes for vunerabilities, rather than shrugging and saying it can't be done then demanding they not be held liable.
- Comment on How long does it take for neurotypical (or just typical) people to get over a minor fight? 7 months ago:
As someone with ASD, I can't say I've seen that much difference in the time it takes NT/ND people to get over a fight.
While I have seen some consistency across the sexes, in that guys seem to hold onto arguments for less time on average, even that varies quite a lot.
- Comment on Now we know how much it costs to make a $2,800 Dior bag 7 months ago:
To give DIOR way fairer a light than it deserves, this is the labour cost, not the material cost. I assume that is substantially higher, but I imagine still not anywhere close to $2000+.
I've never been in the habit of buying name-brand fashion items purely because of the fact that a significant part of what you pay for is the brand's signature - you're not necessarily paying for something better than the rest.
- Comment on Work from home 8 months ago:
Fair enough. Subordinate is the term I've always heard used. Direct reports just sounds like the sugar coated version to me.
- Comment on Work from home 8 months ago:
It really saddens to me see how many managers out there treat their subordinates terribly, and then act surprised when their subordinates do the same - as though employees are meant to greatful for their terrible treatment
- Comment on Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising 8 months ago:
Win11 becomes a less and less appealing switch day by day... When I can no longer hold into Win10, I think I'll just have to jump ship to Linux.
Win10 is already quite privacy poor, but Win11 is straight up intolerable.
- Comment on To all you outside of the US... 8 months ago:
Well I suppose the answer I'd give is that because of how right-wing the US is compared to much of the Western world, it becomes a patient zero for whatever the far-right is cooking up - which inevitably influences far-right groups in other Western countries
- Comment on 1 ep per week goes brrrrrrrrrr! 8 months ago:
20 episodes in a single day is a slog, even for a show you like.
Unless you're watching a dub, you can't just listen, you have to be watching the whole time otherwise you miss the sub and have to go back - so you have to be giving your full concentration.
Personally I find it quite hard to my full concentration for more than a couple of hours - nevermind the 7 hours it would take to pull this off.
- Comment on Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows? 8 months ago:
Cows, sure. Just don't startle them or go near their calfs. They're mostly just curious.
Bulls, only if you have to, but make it quick and stay as far away from them as you can. They're fiercely territorial and not afraid to show it.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
Applicants are expected to dedicated hours of their time to writing their application and performing background research - both of which are becoming increasingly more tedious over time - so the least a company could bloody do is show some basic respect by paying an actual human being to come interview you!
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
The idea of AI automated job interviews sickens me. How little of a fuck do you have to give about applicants that you can't even be bothered to have even a single person interview them??
- Comment on 'One of the wildest Finnish startup says it can speed up any CPU by 100x using a tiny piece of hardware with no recoding 8 months ago:
The TL;DR for the article is that the headline isn't exactly true. At this moment in time their PPU can potentially double a CPU's performance - the 100x claim comes with the caveat of "further software optimisation".
Tbh, I'm sceptical of the caveat. It feels like me telling someone I can only draw a stickman right now, but I could paint the Mona Lisa with some training.
Of course that could happen, but it's not very likely to - so I'll believe it when I see it.
Having said that they're not wrong about CPU bottlenecks and the slowed rate of CPU performance improvements - so a doubling of performance would be huge in this current market.
- Comment on “We Can Still Contact Technical Support in the West”: Russian weapons are being manufactured on foreign machinery — but why are they still running? 8 months ago:
So essentially weapons manufacturers are now, instead of supplying directly to Russia, allowing their weapons to be sold to vendors with ties to Russian military vendors (who definitely wouldn't ever supply Russia) and turning a blind eye to it so they can claim to be following sanctions.
What filthy traitors. Should send them to the front line just so they can see what the weapons they're allowing Russia to obtain are being used for.
- Comment on Get scattered 8 months ago:
Yeah, I'm aware of the "God of the Gaps" idea.
But that's not what I'm talking about, nor are those the types of people I'm talking about.
The zealot types don't just avoid learning about science, they actively oppose it. They ask questions like those @Ibaudia said not because they want to know the answer, but because they're trying to sow seeds of doubt into those who see them.
Those questions aren't made for you or I to answer - and if you do try, they'll shout you down or sandbag you until you give up.
- Comment on Get scattered 8 months ago:
In my experience of these zealot types, it's that they don't want to know the answer, and won't accept any answer that isn't literally bulletproof all the way back to the beginning of time - no matter what you tell them, God did it.
It's like playing a pigeon at chess. It'll shit on the board and then strut around like it won.