8 months ago
Win11 becomes a less and less appealing switch day by day... When I can no longer hold into Win10, I think I'll just have to jump ship to Linux.
Win10 is already quite privacy poor, but Win11 is straight up intolerable. 8 months ago
My machine cannot run 11 because of the arbitrary hardware requirements so I was looking down the barrel of Win10 being no longer supported next year.
I proactively installed Linux Mint on a second SSD I had kicking around just to see if I could live with it without making any commitments. I never looked back since then. I switched to OpenSUSE soon after though but that was because I wanted something that ran the KDE Plasma 6 desktop environment because I didn’t like how Cinnamon was handling multiple monitors. But I haven’t booted up my Windows 10 drive since then, other than to migrate some files I needed.