- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
a lot of software people are incredibly naive when it comes to how human beings interact and behave.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
i already have had multiple weirdos harass me on lemmy for not being leftist enough.
way too many people take the internet comments/points WAY too seriously…
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
you can’t build a successful relationship without dating and getting to know if you’re a good fit.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
yeah, been there too. i could never understand someone who refuses treatment/therapy/medication and then blames someone else for their struggles.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
nah it’s multiple dates. it’s also a common attitude that men need to ‘impress’ dates by spending a lot at restaurants otherwise they ‘devalue’ a woman.
basically a lot of people see dating as prostitution with extra steps.
- Comment on A new report finds Boeing’s rockets are built with an unqualified work force 6 months ago:
I taught business ethnics for MBAs.
The only ‘ethics’ they learned was ‘maximize shareholder value at any price’.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
correct. i don’t tolerate delusional people who think they have some special super secret knowledge and are superior to other people based upon it.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
that isn’t change, that’s failure to take responsibility for yourself.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
ok, so no leftists exist. got it.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
no. clear empties quality when it comes to water.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
yeah you are. it’s really easy to understand.
the pool was clear before people got married. it clears up again after the first wave of divorces. clear meaning ‘there are desirable people to date’
are you ESL?
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
sorry, is there a test i can perform on people to know if they are ‘true leftist’?
you should create a ‘leftist testing kit’ like they have for covid so i can bring it on dates and swab them and know in 15 minutes if they are a leftist or not!
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
I’m not assuming anything. I’m reporting how people behave. If I meet someone who is a middle class job and they are telling me I’m a POS loser for not driving car that is worth more than their annual salary, the issue isn’t me.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
A good chunk of the people I’m talking about identify as leftists.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
yeah i grew up rural and by mid twenties all my HS peers were married w/ kids or doing drugs/prison.
least to i haven’t been back there since i was 19 years old.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
IME it’s that the more bad experiences they have, the more they demand an idealized greek god of a person as a partner and think anyone who doesn’t measure up to that fantasy. because it’s not their fault, it’s their partners for not ‘measuring up’ to their ‘standards’.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
some of it is good. some social media has great/good advice… but that social media isn’t popular.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
what i don’t get is why people married people they knew were awful people, or awful for them.
anytime someone lies, cheats, or steals from me (or shows any disrespect, like verbal/physical abuse) i dump their ass.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
nobody has kids at that age in the urban coastal cities.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
speak for yourself. i have found dating as a 30+ adult to be way more dramatic and miserable than it was in my 20s.
nobody in my 20s was having a temper tantrum at dinner because the restaurant isn’t expensive enough for their ‘brand’.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
gist of most people who are terminally single is they aren’t capable of offering as much as they demand. so for anyone that is a bad deal.
and being i relationship like that is draining and soul-sucking. i used to be depressed and suicidal in the past… because I as in relationships that were sucking my soul out. When I broke up, stayed single, and worked on myself… my life had value again and i was no longer depressed and suicidal.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
is the reason maybe that it’s hard dating after 35 or is that only a valid excuse for women?
it’s easier to blame other people than realize you aren’t a catch either.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
It’s not harder, objectively.
It’s just that people’s expectations aren’t realistic. And nobody is more bitter than average folks who think they are the top 1% of the dating pool.
- Comment on This is so freaking funny to me. I love Lemmy 6 months ago:
wow, wow, wow.
you aren’t suggesting that it’s people, that are the problem, are you?
clearly it’s only platforms that cause issues.
- Comment on We have to stop ignoring AI’s hallucination problem 9 months ago:
that’s not fun and dramatic and clickbaity though
- Comment on 'Does Everyone Hate Real World?': Ghost In The Shell: Arise Director Bemoans The Rise Of Isekai Anime 9 months ago:
study some history.
the world is better than it’s ever been for a lot of people.
if you think it’s bad now, imagine living through the great depression and ww2.
- Comment on 'Does Everyone Hate Real World?': Ghost In The Shell: Arise Director Bemoans The Rise Of Isekai Anime 9 months ago:
the appeal is that it’s the same predictable crap, over and over and over. people like that.
there are studies on this. people who prefer watching the same show over and over tend to be insecure, depression, and anxious types and their habit of never trying anything new reinforces this.
- Comment on 'Does Everyone Hate Real World?': Ghost In The Shell: Arise Director Bemoans The Rise Of Isekai Anime 9 months ago:
the real world is pretty great if you make good choices.
- Comment on 99% of Lemmy users 9 months ago:
putting yourself out there is how you get less ignorant.