- Comment on Star Trek TNG Theme but the theme is coming from the Enterprise-D 🤣 4 weeks ago:
Broadcasting your own theme song while jetting around the galaxy in the flagship of the Federation is possibly the biggest Riker move I’ve ever seen hahahaha.
- Comment on Change my mind: SNW, SFA should fire their music departments and replace them with Chris Westlake!!! 😉 1 month ago:
lol I was gonna try and continue the joke but i went to look up the lyrics and this amused the shit out of me. It’s apparently more popularly known as “that song from star trek enterprise” than as a rod stewart song! at least that’s what it indicates to me. Image
- Comment on Watching Enterprise for the very first time 1 month ago:
Oh, right, the Orions. For sure Gene put quite a bit of his prejudices into the races, which then got amplified by early Trek writers’ tendency towards mono-cultures, and I think all of Star Trek has had trouble trying to figure out how to fix it. Enterprise decided to just lean into the stereotypes hard though for some reason. The Ferengi were an anti-semetic caricature in TNG until the DS9 writers worked to expand their culture on screen and move away from some of Gene’s more troubling stereotypes. Hell, they had an entire arc where Rom and Leela worked to literally dismantle the existing Ferengi culture into something more aligned with Starfleet ideals. It took until Lower Decks, a 30-some odd minute cartoon, for them to do something similar with the Orions. So I guess my point of this ramble is that, while nothing is gonna change these old episodes, if you wanna see some positive progress for the Orions I would highly recommend watching LD.
- Comment on Watching Enterprise for the very first time 1 month ago:
I can’t tell if you’re joking or if you’re literally referring to Storm Front and Impulse lol. I don’t know too many Storm Front fans but I thought Impulse was generally considered a good episode by the fan base.
- Comment on Watching Enterprise for the very first time 1 month ago:
- Comment on Watching Enterprise for the very first time 1 month ago:
I drew the line at them dragging Porthos of all beings into it. Like they thought that would legitimize it.
- Comment on I wasn't ready for a 28 episode sustained descent into darkness 1 month ago:
Also it might be the only Trek show with 3-parters? I haven’t seen DISCO so someone feel free to correct if I’m wrong.
- Comment on I wasn't ready for a 28 episode sustained descent into darkness 1 month ago:
Look on the bright side, you didn’t have to watch the writers hand-wave away the entire series when it got cancelled.
- Comment on I wasn't ready for a 28 episode sustained descent into darkness 1 month ago:
I really enjoy season 4 (except These Are The Voyages… lets not talk about that.) but I think it’s definitely fair to say that the sheer adrenaline ride that was season 3 slows down a bit after the Xindi threat is resolved. You end up with a lot of these standalone arcs that, like you said, are focused on building connections with existing Trek (the augment trilogy leading into Affliction/Divergence is a good example) or arcs designed to set up the founding of the UFP. It’s clear that if they were also leading into the Romulan war which was only ever mentioned in passing in TOS. In that context I think the slightly slower tempo season 4 would have made an excellent breather between the two.
- Comment on Death is a social construct 1 month ago:
She just hadn’t had her coffee yet okay! On a serious note though I have to agree with The evolving definition of “medical death” as more of a logistical necessity than anything is something that I never really thought about before.
- Comment on Death is a social construct 1 month ago:
Janeway apologist!
- Comment on 25 Years Ago, A One-of-a-Kind Movie Captured the Hearts of Star Trek Fans Everywhere 2 months ago:
Unironically this movie is in my top 5 favorite trek movies. It counts.
- Comment on NBC created the perfect template for Star Trek to follow with future comedies 2 months ago:
The Orville got MUCH less satirical in season 2 and even more so in season 3. I assume Seth or someone let the writers off their leashes when they didn’t get sued by Paramount in Season 1.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 5x01 "Dos Cerritos" & 5x02 "Shades of Green" 4 months ago:
The green hand? That’s the hand of Apollo. The actual Greek god Apollo.
- Comment on Star Trek: Lower Decks cast call for more seasons: "Until we're dust in the ground" 4 months ago:
I went in to this show expecting not to like it, that it was just going to make fun of something I loved for mass market appeal. I’ve never been so happy to be so wrong. This whole show is a love letter to Trek.
- Comment on Just for a moment 5 months ago:
This is almost the exact experience I had playing Elite Dangerous in VR one time. I had my HOTAS mounted to the arms of my office chair so the whole setup could swivel. One day I was sitting in orbit over a planet researching a route or something. Ship sounds going in the headphones, comms coming in every now and then, then out of nowhere for just a brief moment I was in space flying that ship. I wish so badly that I could extend that feeling.
- Comment on They encouraged us to insulate our home. Now it’s unmortgageable 6 months ago:
I was thinking the meters with the metal probes that go through yeah. Wasn’t aware that could exacerbate the issue.
- Comment on They encouraged us to insulate our home. Now it’s unmortgageable 6 months ago:
“At the root of the problem are cowboy traders (unlicensed tradesman/contractor) who apply the foam without a full survey or appropriate expertise – but because of lenders’ caution, this is affecting other homeowners who had similar work.” also “because surveyors are unable to inspect the roof timbers behind the layers [for moisture], mortgage lenders tend to issue blanket refusals on properties where any foam is present.” Maybe in the U.S. we just use wood moisture meters to check for moisture?
- Comment on Does nobody remember Needole from Who Trek: Voyager? 7 months ago:
Why does he end up looking like Nic Cage lol
- Comment on Self hosting is hard. How do you overcome? 8 months ago:
I would like to add try running Portainer (a graphical management interface for Docker). Breaking out the various options into a GUI helped me learn the ins and outs of Docker better, plus if you end up expanding to multiple docker hosts you can manage them all from one console.