- Comment on Sex!? 1 month ago:
I mean, it’s hard to know you’re ace before you become aware that sex is a thing most people want and seek, lol.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
That’s the majority of them, but ragebait articles aren’t written about them, so you have no idea who they are.
Don’t be so easily manipulated by media.
- Comment on ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy 5 months ago:
Hell, I don’t even want to ban users guilty of piracy.
Yeah, if someone shoplifts from a store, the punishment/penalty should not involve confiscating the car they drove to the store, lol.
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 5 months ago:
The not-so-subtle misogyny of equating adult women with children, depriving them of all agency, strikes yet again.
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 5 months ago:
It’s not victim blaming because he’s not referring to the same women you are. Like it or not, there are plenty of women (no one is saying it’s all or most women, by the way) who will pursue rich men with the desire for a purely transactional “I’ll fuck you so I can have your wealthy lifestyle and/or a part of your fame.” They’re perfectly content with that arrangement, as are said men.
Johnny Depp’s girlfriends for decades have basically all been women in this category, even now that he’s way past his prime aesthetically. The women accusing Trump of sexual impropriety are, obviously, NOT in this category.
Women are not a hivemind–different types of them can exist in the same society, you know.
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 5 months ago:
He was tried and found guilty of raping a woman.
That’s not true. He’s never been convicted of a sex crime. “Found liable” in a civil court and “found guilty” in a criminal court are VASTLY different, and require VASTLY different standards of evidence.
It’s important to be accurate.
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 6 months ago:
(emphasis added)
Men aren’t allowed to discuss their feelings because men have created a society that looks at them as losers for doing so.
The implication here, that societal norms are created and maintained by only men, and therefore any aspects of it that affect men negatively deserve to be blamed on them, is one of the most pervasive anti-male sentiments that people try to fly under the radar with. Women have at least as much (arguably more) influence on societal norms and conventions, as men do.
This entire comment is teeming with this undertone; that is, until the end, when they come out and just say ‘all the bad stuff is men’s fault’ at the end, lol.
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 6 months ago:
Everyone loves building strawmen. If you think only “they” do it, it’s because you’re unquestioningly accepting the ones that confirm your biases.
- Comment on Bungie CEO faces backlash after announcing 220 employees, or 17% of its workforce, will be laid off | Pete Parsons has spent $2.4 million on classic cars since Sony acquired Destiny developer Bungie 6 months ago:
You lot are constantly talking about how workers are uniformly short-changed on their labor by their employers, underpaid for it and therefore being a profit source for employers, but you never explain why any business would do layoffs like this if that was the case, lol. Do these people who got laid off make the company money or not?
- Comment on Bungie CEO faces backlash after announcing 220 employees, or 17% of its workforce, will be laid off | Pete Parsons has spent $2.4 million on classic cars since Sony acquired Destiny developer Bungie 6 months ago:
70% of that $2.4 million should have been taxed
It’s literally post-tax income already, lol.
- Comment on The worst pick-up line I've ever gotten 7 months ago:
Literally just look at JK Rowling’s twitter feed
You’re projecting your terminal online-ness onto the general population. The vast, vast majority of Harry Potter, or any book series, fans, pay z-e-r-o attention to the personal Twitter account of the author.
Accusing that huge majority of being transphobic just for that is moronic, full stop.
- Comment on Get in the Hilux 7 months ago:
access their wealth tax-free.
…until they pay the loan back, you mean.
Hell, loans better be tax free, it’s not income if you have to pay it back.
P.S. Some food for thought: if workers’ labor is being ‘skimmed’ by employers, making workers into a source of profit as a result, then why would a company ever downsize as a measure against financial difficulty? Why would any business ever fire anyone who’s doing their job, if worker = profit for the business?
- Comment on Get in the Hilux 7 months ago:
Who do you think the profit of increasing the price tag goes to?
Whoever sells the appreciated asset to someone else, who was willing to buy it at the new, higher price.
And if they don’t sell, there is no profit, it’s still unrealized.
- Comment on The worst pick-up line I've ever gotten 7 months ago:
It just frustrates me how much trans people/activists fuck up their own messaging with confusing/ambiguous/self-contradicting rhetoric, you know?
Another major example imo, is using the single word “gender”, both to describe gender identity (something an individual person has), and gender roles (something a society has), sometimes in the same damn sentence.
The best way to ensure a discussion isn’t productive is to make sure that the ‘discussers’ are using the same terms, but are defining them differently, lol…
- Comment on Get in the Hilux 7 months ago:
It’s literally not a fact. Net worth is a price tag, not an amount of cash.
- Comment on Get in the Hilux 7 months ago:
No they aren’t. The number that’s increasing is a price tag, not cash. That’s why no one’s wallet or bank account gets bigger when that same number goes down.
- Comment on The worst pick-up line I've ever gotten 7 months ago:
I guess what they’re getting at is that if “non-binary” is considered a gender identity unto itself, then you could describe one being trans in the sense of “from man to non-binary”, for example.
- Comment on The worst pick-up line I've ever gotten 7 months ago:
Gender identity doesn’t get assigned at birth. There is no “gender” field on a birth certificate.
Sex gets identified at birth (at the latest, usually before, during pregnancy, unless specifically requested to keep it secret).
Two reasons this is important to point out:
- Assignment implies that the act of assigning is what makes it so. It’s not. If a doctor says that a male baby is female, it’s not now female just because they said so. “Identify” is a much more accurate description of what the doctor is doing.
- The whole premise of “transness” being a thing relies on the notion of sex and gender being two distinct, independently-variable traits. So be careful not to conflate them. It causes needless confusion, since conflating them literally undermines the whole thing–after all, if “sex” and “gender” are equivalent, then it’s objectively impossible to be trans.
- Comment on The worst pick-up line I've ever gotten 7 months ago:
wowwww a trans person making unfair assumptions/criticisms of people for quoting an extremely popular piece of pop culture.
let’s all say it together!!
Being trans is not a prejudice pass!!
- Comment on The worst pick-up line I've ever gotten 7 months ago:
The fact is, most Harry Potter fans neither know nor care about any of the personal exploits of the author.
If she kept that a secret or anything then sure… But it’s not exactly a hidden fact that money gained from Harry Potter is being put towards hate.
The spaces you hang out in obviously make a big deal of these and broadcast them consistently, I’m sure. But it’s clear you spend enough time in them that you’ve lost perspective in how things are in the ‘world at large’.
Although it’s very obvious and “not hidden”, to you, it wouldn’t even have to be hidden from the average Harry Potter fan, because they make literally zero effort to seek it out. They simply don’t care about anything she does, outside of writing the books they like to read.
- Comment on App development 8 months ago:
There was an attempt
- Comment on App development 8 months ago:
women struggling in the office when they did not put on makeup that specific day, how the behavior of random strangers changed etc.
It’s simply the difference that’s being noticed, and no one’s really at fault for that, on either side. Any woman who never wears makeup is also never going to get the same ‘are you sick?’ kind of reactions on any given day she doesn’t wear makeup to work.
- Comment on App development 8 months ago:
Same, I’m really grateful she has no interest/desire to wear makeup. It was also nice to know what her face looked like from day 1, which is what this app is meant to facilitate.
The more I think about it, the stranger the notion of ‘gatekeeping her real face’ behind a full-on relationship sounds to me, lol.
P.S. lol, I just remembered reading an old ‘hack’ for this years and years ago: make a water park your first outing together.
- Comment on Powerful 8 months ago:
Uh, women graduate college at a rate much higher than men in the US, this is total bullshit, lol.
- Comment on Powerful 8 months ago:
Is the point meant to be that women don’t build off of their previous work as much as men? lol
Powerful This “science meme” needs more science and less meme, imo, lol
- Comment on The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax 8 months ago:
are there even any counterexamples?
Actually, there are a large number of billionaires whose primary assets are literally property.
I had hoped the point would be pretty obvious. Most people’s homes represent a significant part of their net worth, often a majority of their assets. The unrealized gains on that are taxed.
But the real question is, do you think they should be? 'Cause I’m with you if you say no. Unrealized gains should not be taxed at all, it makes no sense.
- Comment on The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax 8 months ago:
He does take an income ($100k, very modest compared to others even in the same company: …yahoo.com/…/why-warren-buffett-only-gets-1747309… ).
And why shouldn’t he continue to own things that are becoming more valuable over time, exactly?
- Comment on The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax 8 months ago:
- Property taxes are not levied federally, but on the state level
- Buffett pays property tax too
Not sure what point you were trying to make here, lol. There is no type of unrealized gain that “normal people” are taxed on (federally or otherwise), but Buffett isn’t.
- Comment on The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax 8 months ago:
My “true tax rate” is a low single digit number too, if you measure it the same way, and I make ~$50k a year.
It’s extremely disingenuous to talk about taxes paid as a percentage of income, and as a percentage of total wealth/net worth, in the same breath.
It’s also extremely disingenuous to say someone is ‘avoiding tax’ by not paying tax on their unrealized gains in net worth. He doesn’t OWE any tax on that. NOBODY in the US does.
- Comment on But how would they be able to live on that? 10 months ago:
- The wealthiest’s wealth is all invested in the economy, literally the opposite of “hoarding”.
- “The lower rates are gamed to increase wealth disparity” is false–they are that way to encourage entrepreneurship and the like, the things that keep the economy strong. The fact that those who create the things that strengthen the economy become wealthy faster than those who don’t is a feature, not a bug. A rising tide lifts all ships. And make no mistake, one’s assets appreciating in value takes nothing away from those who haven’t invested–the latter group’s level of wealth is not affected by the former’s. In other words, the wage my job pays me does not change based on how wealthy other people’s assets are, from the billionaires, down to even a neighbor whose house has appreciated in value.
Wealth disparity is not inherently a bad thing–a century ago, the ‘gap’ was much smaller, as was the number of billionaires, but the average person’s wealth was also MUCH lower.