- Comment on Does AI detect breast cancer better than doctors can? 2 weeks ago:
If you’re going back that far, I remember hearing a story about the Australian military experimenting with immersive AI during a typical “give us money” event where a helicopter was flying over an area and the kangaroos scattered at the sound, disappearing over a hill…
Then reappeared with RPGs and fired them at the helicopter, taking it down. Lots of red faces and mumbling about working out some kinks. 😄
tl;dr: I’m old enough to remember when “AI” was a benign comic novelty. 🙃
- Comment on Next week, Amazon is stripping away your ability to download your ebooks. 2 weeks ago:
Calibre (Kindle) and Libation (Audible) are essential backup tools.
Y’know, in case their servers are down…
- Comment on UK Encryption Order Threatens Global Privacy Rights. 3 weeks ago:
Every serious person in law enforcement, who doesn’t have an agenda, acknowledges that the old fashioned policing methods make all of this redundant.
It just takes longer (and so costs money), which is what this is about.
These people would destroy the security of the world’s protocols just to save a few quid. It’s deplorable.
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 3 weeks ago:
I get what you’re saying, but I’m not sure greedy pigboy is doing that. Everything changes.
It won’t be what it was, and the grift will grow be off the charts, but I think it will evolve into a mix of what it was and grifters grifting. Just delineated by subreddit.
- Comment on I am cold 3 weeks ago:
It’s not often I laugh aloud at a meme, and rarer that I do so loudly. Excellent. 😄
- Comment on What's up with 3 weeks ago:
"I don’t like it…
- “…so it should be banned” (for everyone) is never the right approach.
- “…so I blocked it” (for me) is.
It’s a simple heuristic that works in almost every situation.
You don’t know what value something you don’t like provides to others.
- Comment on Isekai genders 3 months ago:
Rimiru: IYKYK. 😄
- Comment on Elon Musk's X further squeezes developers with apparent new API fees 4 months ago:
I assume all the bot farms are paying for the privilege.
- Comment on This toilet attachment uses AI and a team of physicians to photograph, analyse, and report the full scoop on your poop 4 months ago:
So, the Internet of Shit is not just a euphemism now. Great…
- Comment on If I was selling a bag of flower and sugar to a CI who thought it was meth or coke can I get in trouble? How or why when I am selling a legal substance? 4 months ago:
As with every legal topic on the Internet: depending on your (international) jurisdiction.
- Comment on Amazon tech workers leaving for other jobs in response to return to office mandate 5 months ago:
To add to what others have replied, Amazon have an institutional belief that everyone who makes it through the Loop is better than 50% of existing staff.
It could be post-hoc rationalising of back-loaded share vesting, hire-to-fire, and their other many practices, but that’s the position. With that kind of thinking, it makes this behaviour, including it’s consequences, a no-brainer win:win to them.
- Comment on Why is space 2 dimensional? 5 months ago:
I asked this question many years ago on a Usenet group, and the answer was along the lines of what we’re seeing is many millions of years after those orbits began, and that they all eventually flatten out due to the gravity of the other objects in orbit.
So you could have 2 objects at roughly the same orbital distance but perpendicular to one another (eg. one orbiting the star’s poles and the other around it’s equator), and over time the small amount of gravitational force they exert on one another will bring them roughly into the same plane.
Hopefully someone better versed in the topic can come along to explain it better than I can.
- Comment on YouTube has found a new way to load ads | AdGuard Blog 5 months ago:
Now there’s a term I’ve not seen in many years.
And dates both of us, I expect… 😄
- Comment on Lionsgate’s New Deal Is a Test of Hollywood’s Relationship With AI 5 months ago:
Yeah, but also: you couldn’t be more wrong if you tried.
They’re going for the FX artists.
- Comment on Lionsgate’s New Deal Is a Test of Hollywood’s Relationship With AI 5 months ago:
Agree. It’s definitely popcorn hour.
- Comment on Meta considers mixed reality glasses , code name : puffin, will release by 2027 6 months ago:
You appear not to have heard of Google Glass.
- Comment on How Spotify started — and killed — Latin America’s podcast boom. 6 months ago:
Hadn’t seen that before. Love it. 😄
- Comment on How Spotify started — and killed — Latin America’s podcast boom. 6 months ago:
This seems a reach. Podcasting (MP3 files distributed by an RSS feed) is platform agnostic.
To me, claiming that any platform is “killing” any demographic’s podcasting capability is screaming “I know absolutely nothing about podcasts”.
YMMV. 🤷🏽♂️
- Comment on Google Is the Only Search Engine That Works on Reddit Now Thanks to AI Deal 7 months ago:
Parts of the Internet now only searchable on specific sites now? What next - charging a monthly subscription to use Google?
This needs to be regulated before the Internet becomes like streaming TV.
- Comment on UK parents should check under-18s’ phones for nude photos, says police chief 7 months ago:
It is.
I’m sure you’ll be shocked to learn that their consistent advice was to call them so they could take it away to examine instead…
- Comment on UK parents should check under-18s’ phones for nude photos, says police chief 7 months ago:
Here we go again.
I dealt with a few CSAM cases in previous jobs and there’s an oddity in UK law: if you even suspect there’s a CSA image - including regular nudes of someone under the age of consent - on a device, it is illegal for you to check.
By opening the image to determine what it is, you are prosecutable. (Not sure if anything has changed since, as this was nearly 10 years ago).
There are many, far better, ways to deal with this issue that don’t destroy relationships and futures.
- Comment on DVDs are dying right as streaming has made them appealing again 7 months ago:
One business dying is not the death of a media type, FFS.
- Comment on GOG Summer Sale has arrived 8 months ago:
Staggering that Myst is at that price. Sure, it’s great, but it was one of the first CDROM games and its gameplay reflects that.
- Comment on Archie, the Internet’s first search engine, is rescued and running 9 months ago:
The whole full circle thing aside, I’m delighted we’re still able to do this 🖕🏻 with the current protocols.
My choices > your shareholders.
- Comment on Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut - Launch Trailer | PC Games 9 months ago:
As someone once said about director’s cuts with films: they’re a double-dip scam.
If the cinema and home media releases were the same, they’re just trying to make you buy the same thing twice by pretending that this is what the director really wanted it to be. The distributor really likes your credit card.
Having said that, Taylor Swift has something like 28 versions of the same album out and her stans are going crazy for it, treating them like they’re Pokemon.
Whatever floats your boat. 🤷♂️ Don’t let this old dude yuck your yum.
- Comment on YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers 10 months ago:
I definitely admire the integrity and the effort.
But, economically speaking, you get what you incentivise for: if you can game the system and get the click/eyeball ratio, then they’re going to do that.
- Comment on Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app 10 months ago:
Nice. But as a BitWarden user, it’s useless to me. I’ve never put all my eggs in one account basket.
Passwords on one service, MFA on another, email on yet another, etc.
- Comment on The retro Nokia phone everyone owned 25 years ago will get a reboot soon – and yes, it has Snake 10 months ago:
If the SIM standard didn’t change every few years, presumably for the same reason CPU pin-count changes ($$$), this might be a great phone for international travel, protests/marches and such.
As for Snake: meh, it’s fun, but it’s easy enough to code for yourself… Angela Yu’s “100 Days of Code” taught me that. ;)
- Comment on YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers 10 months ago:
I think you’ve got the right approach, FWIW.
Not sure that big business favouritism is the intent, but it’s definitely more lucrative for them. Especially with Vimeo and other alternatives out there.
I remember when streaming took off in a big way - some on YT and others on (later Twitch and now Amazon’s Twitch) - and I thought you’d have to be objectively bonkers to rely upon an opaque and ever-changing algorithm for your financial future. Some have gamed it well, but it’s pretty easy to see how they’ve survived - fake shock/reaction content, alt-light or worse content, polarising opinion, thinly-veiled advertorials, and so on.
- Comment on Millions of research papers at risk of disappearing from the Internet 11 months ago:
I’d love to see DOI automating a copy of each entry to This would improve the likelihood of them remaining available.
Sure, it would make grifters like Elsevier mad, but scientific knowledge worth a DOI entry shouldn’t be limited to a for-profit organisation.