- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
(Their point was that Spotify’s free version is sufficient because they only want the things mentioned)
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Bro, “Puritanism” is a religious movement of the 16-17th century. Maybe you mean purism?
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
(Serious) question: How do you stand not being able to select individual tracks? I honestly would rather listen to my music in any of the free frontend apps rather than being limited to that extent…
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Honestly, what does this change? For paid users nothing, and the free version was always unusable with you not being able to individually select songs.
- Comment on The lack of fear is not bravery. Being afraid and doing it anyways is bravery. 10 months ago:
“Can I get that salad medium-rare please?”
- Comment on Return to monkey then? 10 months ago:
You literally dont have to pay for that. You can choose to not do that. It would be pretty dumb of you to do that but it’s possible.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
I was actually not aware of that… Makes more sense now.
- Comment on Starting today, ISPs must display labels with price, speeds, and data caps 10 months ago:
How did it work until now? Are different prices for different speeds not a thing or am I misunderstanding what this bill is supposed to do?
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Except I have cups in my kitchen that are double the size of other cups and I dont know which ones to use.
- Comment on Germans: what genocide? 10 months ago:
Germany provided Israel with anti-tank weapons and also training muniton. That’s it (according to official statements). Doesn’t sound like something you could commit a genocide with to me…
- Comment on Germans: what genocide? 10 months ago:
What exactly are people referring to when the label this a genocide? Like, what line was crossed where this changed from defending against terrorists to commiting a genocide, in your opinion? (I’m genuienly curious, couldnt really find anything specific on this)
- Comment on Germans: what genocide? 10 months ago:
Your honour, our client can’t have intent because they’re demonstrably criminally insane, we know because we caused that insanity". Not in that many words, but to that effect.
That’s completely made up, either by you or by another person. What they actually say is that Israel’s intent is to defend against the armed attacks of the Hamas, not to commit a genocide.
More like: “Your honor, our client is just trying to defend themselves, they are not doing this to commit a genocide”
- Comment on Germans: what genocide? 10 months ago:
The thing about insanity is made up by the person eho posted that comment. What they actually say is that Israel’s intent is to defend themselves against the armed attacks by the Hamas, so self-defense, and not to commit a genocide.
- Comment on Google Won’t Say Anything About Israel Using Its Photo Software to Create Gaza “Hit List” 10 months ago:
What part is wrong then? That’s pretty nuch what they say in the article.
- Comment on Google Won’t Say Anything About Israel Using Its Photo Software to Create Gaza “Hit List” 10 months ago:
If I understand this correctly, they are only using it to track terrorists who actively participated in a terror attack, right? What’s the big deal then…?
- Comment on mOLecuLaR maN 10 months ago:
Why should only the minorities that excel deserve a good life?
The guy just said “If you excel at something, you will be happy and less stressed” and you are seriously asking why only people that are happy deserve to be so? They didnt even claim that anything SHOULD be any particular way, they just said that the goal of being happy in the end is an aim worth persuing.
Let people be mediocre and instead we need to make life better for everyone.
You cant just magically make people healthier or less stressed or happier. If the other person had said “Health is a good reason why you should start working out” would you also respond with:
Why should only the minorities that
excel[work out] deserve a good life??
- Comment on mOLecuLaR maN 10 months ago:
looking at screens too long
No it doesnt. You might as well say “looking at a tree too long”.
- Comment on fossils 11 months ago:
A pigeon is not a dinosaur.
- Comment on gottem 11 months ago:
Others in this thread have pointed out that running cold water over your arms helps. So maybe while you wet your blade, your arms get wet too…?
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Nonody is “known” for that behaviour. You really just seem to ascribe personality traits to people based on their skin color. I thought we were long past that.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
If the post said “a Black trans women interrupted me”, would that be also fine, in your eyes?
- Comment on Please Stop 11 months ago:
The solution to the requirement of minimal trust is not to just give up on and trust few peopme with everything. 50% attacks in large networks are next to impossible.
- Comment on Tough break, kid... 1 year ago:
Using an IDE definety IS programming.
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
I have never seen non-tilting windows. At least in Germany, pretty much every house has these. These windows were invented arounf 1950 after all…
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
Its not like the few mosquitoes we have would be smart enough to enter my room through the sides of a lightly tilted window.
- Comment on You may want to wear sunglasses though 1 year ago:
You dont know what hyperfast vehicle Im using 😎. Its temperature resistsnt too
- Comment on Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang 1 year ago:
Have you ever tried one of the MX masters? I used to have wrist problems but my master 3 just fits so well (the buttons are slightly angled, not as extremely as these vertical mice but like 20°) and its big enough to be able to comfortably rest my entire hand on it…
- Comment on Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang 1 year ago:
Mmmm. Maybe but what about scrolling. I bet you cant beat my scrollinh accuracy or speed with a keyboard.
- Comment on You may want to wear sunglasses though 1 year ago:
Yeah you also cant outrun the shockwave but assumimg you were 9ft outside of the shockwave at all times (traveling outwards at the speed of the shockwave), you would still die, correct?
- Comment on You may want to wear sunglasses though 1 year ago:
Would that actual save you? Because, I thought the radiation also kills peoples far outside of the shockwave range…