- Comment on Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system. 2 days ago:
I get where you’re coming from, but just like with the single day, people have to start somewhere.
These events can help people break habits and find alternatives without something as big as “never again”.
- Comment on Yes that is definitely what I was going for, thank you 3 weeks ago:
My favorite apple auto correct: changing the word before the one you just finished. You mentally verify that it’s correct, type the next word, auto correct fucks up the next word and then retroactively fucks up the word you already moved on from. Absolutely brilliant interface.
- Comment on heat your body, not your house -- using an infrared heat lamp 2 months ago:
I don’t have many answers, but a couple more things to think about:
The fixture needs to handle the increased heat and wattage.
If you’re using something built in, the switch also needs to handle increased wattage.
Most of the above are probably not designed to handle “dimming” to control the heat.
Electric blankets might be a good starting place
I think it’s a cool idea, please let us know if you’re successful!
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 2 months ago:
Especially co-op, Torchlight was fantastic. Basically all of the right QoL implementations so everything was just about having fun.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 2 months ago:
Grim Dawn; ARPG from 2016, currently on sale for a few $ on steam. Very well rated with solid story, mechanics, and campaign focus (instead of more on seasons and grind).
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
Yikes 😬
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
It’s not about toxicity, it’s about mind control! Fluoride makes you passive. But you know this since you’re a tool of the government pushing poison.
Just bleach your teeth like normal people! You know, with the bleach under the kitchen sink.
(Don’t actually do this)
- Comment on Commercials Are Streaming’s New Norm, and Creators Aren’t Happy: “It’s Almost Worse Than Broadcast” 1 year ago:
Then don’t be part of society is the root of that argument.
Don’t want to be tracked? Don’t use a phone. Or a car.
Don’t want to support exploitative publishers? Don’t read.
Can’t afford rent?
Can’t find a job?
It’s all just blaming people for corporate bullshit.