- Comment on HP ditches 15-minute wait time policy due to 'feedback' 1 week ago:
Lol at the notion that you’ll get to speak to any engineer when your machine breaks. Best they can do is a call center in India that follows a script and circles around a bit between them until you either give up or they RMA your stuff to feed you a bill later for repairs.
- Comment on EU consumers don’t trust US goods: a look into Trump’s trade deficit claims 1 week ago:
When i was living in the US because i had to for work none of their olive oil tasted like olive oil. Turns out there was a study that showed that 80% of supermarket olive oil in the US is fake.
Yeah their products are shoddy. You do not sell fake olive oil to a European.
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 3 weeks ago:
Yeah that’s the thing, this study analyzes how much of a substance is needed to kill you in one go, but not so clear on how repeated use translates to harm. So yeah there’s higher chances of getting killed in one go by coffee than joints, but in the long run with moderate doses the combustion carries a high risk of cancer.
Best stick with edibles or dry herb vapes.
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 3 weeks ago:
Probably not, but i can guarantee you i could find volunteers by the truck load. Hell I’ve met several of them.
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 3 weeks ago:
I had from professor Gable’s page which was linked on wikipedia, but his page seems down and i can only find it from non free sources, but perhaps you’ll be more lucky than me. The name of the study is Gable, RS (2006) “Acute toxicity of drugs versus regulatory status” in Drugs and Society: U.S. Public Policy, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 3 weeks ago:
Just to add a note that this graph comes from a study made on rats. I love the study and i use this graph frequently when discussing drugs, but i think it’s important to know.
Being done on rats also raises the point that it’s done excluding a mental component of using the drug, like for instance how some people use cigarettes in depression for its antidepressant effect or use alcohol to cope with mental health issues.
- Comment on Unwanted: The scores of migrants Italy refuses to take back 3 weeks ago:
Ok so from what i see it’s not really 1€. It is, but kinda isn’t. You need go pay 5k€ to the council and commit at least 30-50k€ to repair a ruined house. It’s in towns 1 hour away from anything else, like schools, jobs or other people, which is why they’re empty.
- Comment on Unwanted: The scores of migrants Italy refuses to take back 3 weeks ago:
What do you mean ?
- Comment on Europol chief says Big Tech has ‘responsibility’ to unlock encrypted messages 5 weeks ago:
Sorry Catherine, you need to learn how to do your job without having everyone’s personal lives and private details indexed at your fingertips in some government database. And she’s Belgium, like the guys who proposed chat control. What the hell is going on with Belgium trying to turn the EU into a surveillance state? Could you guys please not ?
- Comment on Israel supplied Iran with centrifuge platforms containing explosives, top official acknowledges 1 month ago:
Well, they’re both evil in some ways but one of them has killed way more children than the other. Like way, way, way more children. So many children in so many ways. Some with bombs, some with hidden explosives, some with snipers.
- Comment on Ukraine parliament bans organ harvesting from war casualties for transplantation 1 month ago:
Russia is currently returning Ukranian POWs with organs harvested, so they are funding the war with organs. Nobody is denying that they’re not saving lives, the problem is, can the process be verified accurately enough to prevent criminal harvesting of organs ?
During a war, things are hectic. Hectic enough that if there are rogue members harvesting organs, claiming they’re doing on official orders, but much later are found out to be acting on their own accounts, they are not detected and acted on promptly. Even if everyone sees it, who will question it ? Even during peace times in highly regulated countries, doctors still go on for a long time doing things they’re not supposed to before being caught. By then several innocents have suffered.
Personally I’m against this. I don’t think there are enough mechanisms to prevent abuse and the potential for harm is immense. I wouldn’t even trust a country with less corruption issues on this, and Ukraine has considerable corruption issues.
- Comment on Polish president says don't arrest Netanyahu at Auschwitz ceremony 1 month ago:
Isn’t the law applied independently from the government by the courts in Poland ? If so, then wouldn’t the arrest be up to the judges, rather than whatever the president or government says ?
- Comment on Ukraine parliament bans organ harvesting from war casualties for transplantation 1 month ago:
Here’s the problem when you say that in a war. You’re alive, you’re an enemy combatant and/or civilian, you are now dead and your lungs are still viable, cut the fuck out and sold to fund the war. If you were lucky, there was still anesthesia left.
It’s a terrible proposition to even consider accepting transplants from warzones. It’s begging for warcrimes.
- Comment on Lindsey Graham warns US allies over Netanyahu warrant: "Crush your economy" 3 months ago:
Ah yes, the US will crush everyone’s economy and live in this economic bubble of invulnerability.
It’s like US politicians don’t understand the two way nature of trade.
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
I tried looking around but this humble soul doesn’t have much in the way of receiving donations. I suggest contacting him via to ask for an alternative and if he gets back to you, share it here for other people who dislike paypal.
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
Fyi the syncthing-fork guy who’s still updating has a donating button on F-droid via Liberapay. It’s up to you if your financial situation allows you to donate, but the more of us help the remaining developers for their time, in particular those of us that rely so much in their work, the better we’ll be off.
- Comment on What's a good method for a non-technical person to short the terminals of two 0402 resistors ~1mm apart? 5 months ago:
If i didn’t have a soldering iron, I’d probably grab a diode or resistor leg and snip it just enough to bridge the gap and press it down on the contacts and use super glue to hold it in place until it held and hope the glue doesn’t block the contacts.
But this is an extremely shoddy solution and i doubt it will last long. A soldering iron for students can be pretty cheap and I’m only suggesting this alternative so you have some sort of solution that doesn’t involve one.
- Comment on Is the dream of nuclear fusion dead? Why the international experimental reactor is in ‘big trouble’ 6 months ago:
I think the problem is that people are expecting nuclear fusion soon. This is just the first step for the demonstration of the easiest form of nuclear fusion, which is Deuterium-Tritium fusion. It will take a lot of work and a lot of money which is absolutely out of reach of any private company worldwide. However once the engineering is in, private companies will take over, much like they are sort of taking over the space industry now.
The real prize is Helium-3-Helium-3 fusion which theoretically produces no radioactive byproducts or contamination, as it has no free neutrons in the reaction. We are incredibly far from that kind of feat. Deuterium-Tritium fusion still produces neutrons, which means it also produces irradiated nuclear waste from reactor components and reaction byproducts.
This will take a long time to make, but it’s definitely worth pursuing and will absolutely change the lives of our great grandchildren. The media needs to stop publishing the “fusion is just around the corner” articles, because it most definitely is not. This is a project no private company can afford, not even a single country can afford. It most certainly will not be here to stop our current climate change problems, but fission is here now and we should use that. It doesn’t mean we should stop pursuing fusion, but the fact of the matter is, sustainable fusion requires massive prohibitively expensive reactors. For the Helium-3 fusion, it also requires space facilities to extract it, since it’s incredibly rare on Earth, which requires space stations and all the logistical facilities to store it and bring it to earth as well.
This is a multi generational mega project unlike anything we’ve accomplished before. Demonstration of fusion may be sort of around the corner, but sustainable, nuclear waste free large scale fusion for grid supply is way, way down the line. We will need a permanent space presence before we get there.
So yeah the dream is not dead, the project is not in trouble, the only thing dead here is the media hype and a lot of the public’s expectations. I get they’re trying to generate hype so more fusion projects get funded but creating this sort of expectations will only hurt us long term. We are very much at the drawing board phase of the R&D phase still.