The Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament) passed legislation on Thursday prohibiting organ harvesting from military and civilian casualties of Russia’s invasion. The measure, Law No. 9558 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Improving the Organization of Medical Care Using Transplantation”, received broad support with 254 of 313 lawmakers voting in favor.
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SpinScore:… 1 month ago
If I’m dead and my lungs are still viable, cut them the fuck out. 1 month ago
Here’s the problem when you say that in a war. You’re alive, you’re an enemy combatant and/or civilian, you are now dead and your lungs are still viable, cut the fuck out and sold to fund the war. If you were lucky, there was still anesthesia left.
It’s a terrible proposition to even consider accepting transplants from warzones. It’s begging for warcrimes. 1 month ago
You can just regulate it and make the data public. War crimes? Everyone sees it. Only people who are allowed to harvest them can do it and that also solves all the other stuff. I think thats a pretty good solution.