- Comment on Liberals Plan To Blow Current Educator-to-Child Ratios To 1:50 7 hours ago:
I’d say this woman was outright evil, but maybe she’s just a fucking idiot.
- Comment on One Piece will survive next generation too. 1 week ago:
It sounds like you really enjoy these shows and totally don’t feel like you’ve wasted your time watching them because the premise is similar.
- Comment on One Piece will survive next generation too. 1 week ago:
Oof jujutsu kaisen and demon slayer are pretty different from Naruto and bleach. They would at least need to swap positions but even then the story lines and animation styles are pretty different.
- Comment on One Piece will survive next generation too. 1 week ago:
I couldn’t get into the anime for Sakamoto days, just felt kinda lame, never touched the manga, I seem to have missed kagurabachi … I’ll give it a look in. As far as I’m concerned Shangri-La frontier and solo levelling were the two standouts from 2024 along with dan-da-dan
- Comment on One Piece will survive next generation too. 1 week ago:
What are the middle two in the next gen?
- Comment on Aboriginal group seeks $1.1bn in damages over Australia mining project | Indigenous Rights News 2 weeks ago:
Classic Colin Barnett
- Comment on Netanyahu Gifts Trump a Golden Pager Seemingly Celebrating Lebanon Attack. 4 weeks ago:
Just so Trump knows Netanyahu can blow him up at any time
- Comment on what exercises work for you to avoid back pain? 1 month ago:
The McGill Big Three for starters?
Then deadlifts, RDLs, Lat Pull Downs, rows. Deadlifts are great for your erectors but the fatigue is a lot so you’re probably better of with RDLs.
- Comment on Elon Musk wants the U.S. to “Liberate the people Britain from their tyrannical government” 1 month ago:
Surely there’s only troll bots and right wing psychopaths left on twitter? I’m surprised it’s not 100% yes
- Comment on Elon Musk uses cybertruck explosion to show Tesla can remotely unlock and monitor vehicles 2 months ago:
The article says they remotely unlocked the car, it says it a few times. I guess they must have implemented a well protected auxiliary battery for the radios phoning home. Seems like they really care about making sure their control survives.
- Comment on Elon Musk uses cybertruck explosion to show Tesla can remotely unlock and monitor vehicles 2 months ago:
Prius’ used to have a problem in that the main power feed ran through the A pillar so emergency services couldn’t cut you out of it without killing themselves. Bit of a different situation though.
I would have thought an average locksmith could have opened it, and given its already exploded there probably wasn’t a need to get it open quick via Tesla tech support. I’m surprised the radios providing telemetry and control even worked in a car that had exploded, particularly a car that appears to be riddled with issues like a cyber truck.
- Comment on Makoto Yukimura Shares Struggles Of Writing Perfect Ending For Vinland Saga As Manga Nears Conclusion 2 months ago:
It doesn’t really matter how other people want it to end, he’s the story teller, it’s his story, he just needs to end it how he wants to end it, don’t game of thrones it man.
- Comment on So what are we going to do with all this social media age-gate stuff? 2 months ago:
I don’t think they can have any idea whether they can implement the guidelines for what co stitutes reasonable checks for age until the commissioner actually comes out with the guidelines.
- Comment on So… Australia Just Banned Kids From the Internet 2 months ago:
Yeah education is really where this effort should have gone, classic nanny state Australia. Sadly the law is coming from a generation who’s formative years was moulded by social interactions that were limited to post, rotary telephones, newspapers and school yard whispers. All of those things existed when they were born and were replaced by social media post midlife crisis. They have no concept of how to deal with something like social media. All they see is their friends getting scammed online and their newspapers talking about online child pornography. You’d think they’d realise from cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and old timey porn magazines that outright banning it does almost nothing to stop teenagers accessing it.
“Hey here’s an evolving disruptive technology that is becoming more integrated with our society than the newspaper or telephone ever could have dreamt. Quick let’s ban our kids from it until they are effectively adults so they only have as much understanding of it as me and maybe end up doing something dangerous with it because they have to treat it like a taboo”
- Comment on So… Australia Just Banned Kids From the Internet 2 months ago:
I was about to suggest that this should only apply to people hosting web services with a social implications, but I wonder if the definition might be loose enough to be applied to an ISP, or even a parent who is providing access to an ISP.
- Comment on So… Australia Just Banned Kids From the Internet 2 months ago:
Arguably they only banned kids from Australia (or 5eyes) hosted social media
- Comment on Australia’s social media ban for kids under 16 just became law. How it will work remains a mystery 3 months ago:
They won’t ban the site, they will just fine them for not verifying age (30,000 penalty units, 1 federal penalty unit is $110).
Lemmy does fit the definition outlined in the act, the thing they haven’t defined is what the reasonable steps will be to verify age. It will likely only apply to sites hosted or with a presence in Australia. Its not like they can fine an instance in a random country although maybe if it’s a jurisdiction that will play ball (maybe 5 eyes countries, maybe close trading partners).
- Comment on Parliament delivers a performance piece of legislative 'enshittification' that raises more questions than answers 3 months ago:
I remember reading an article once that claimed that 12 year old girls had some of the most buying power in western societies due to their influence on their fathers decision making. It suggested that there were whole ad campaigns focused on their demographic for a huge range of things that you wouldn’t normally associate with 12 year old girls (eg cars).
The legislation does appear to include requirements for handling of personal data acquired to confirm age of users.
- Comment on Parliament delivers a performance piece of legislative 'enshittification' that raises more questions than answers 3 months ago:
63D outline the requirement:
A provider of an age-restricted social media platform must take reasonable steps to prevent age-restricted users having accounts with the age-restricted social media platform.
There isn’t really a definition of what reasonable steps are but that looks like it’s on the commissioner to define them under section 27 of the act. A service “includes a website” (does that include gaming servers?) so Lemmy sites would most certainly fit the bill. It really depends how onerous these reasonable steps are as to whether Lemmy sites will be able to implement them.
Not sure how the act implementers plan to deal with servers hosted in other countries. Will they block them? If not then this is a paper tiger, but also an impediment to further development of Australia based platforms.
- Comment on Parliament delivers a performance piece of legislative 'enshittification' that raises more questions than answers 3 months ago:
The definition of a site that would be affected is in the online safety act. Your son’s singaporean Minecraft server would definitely be included and if he had a beef with one of his friends they could report him and he could be fined 30,000 penalty units or $3,300,000.
- Comment on Parliament delivers a performance piece of legislative 'enshittification' that raises more questions than answers 3 months ago:
Hahaha it’s in the original act and it’s hilarious.
material means material:
(a) whether in the form of text; or
(b) whether in the form of data; or
(c) whether in the form of speech, music or other sounds; or
(d) whether in the form of visual images (moving or otherwise); or
(e) whether in any other form; or
(f) whether in any combination of forms. - Comment on Parliament delivers a performance piece of legislative 'enshittification' that raises more questions than answers 3 months ago:
The way I see it it would be a struggle for big social media sites to implement. I think they are more likely to shimmy on out of here.
- Comment on Parliament delivers a performance piece of legislative 'enshittification' that raises more questions than answers 3 months ago:
The legislation seems to exclude everything for business purposes, if a child is selling skins on Roblox and they then entitled to an account? It also excludes advertising, if all a user’s interactions are being sold by the provider to advertisers and that being their primary business model, does that mean the account is off the hook?
- Comment on Parliament delivers a performance piece of legislative 'enshittification' that raises more questions than answers 3 months ago:
I’m glad they have put the onus of social media platforms, however I think there is no feasible way to make this work short of requiring 100 points of ID be provided to your social media account to prove age. As much as I’d like to share that information with every platform I think I’ll pass.
Further to this, how do you police that on something like the fediverse? Is @Aussie.zone going to shut down because the onus of checking IDs too much for a small social media provider? What about IRC?
I assume there is going to be a series of marches consisting of a million anger children and their parents protesting the loss of Minecraft and Roblox …
- Comment on BACK IT UP 3 months ago:
The book did it better =)
- Comment on BACK IT UP 3 months ago:
There was a finding a few years ago that while preventing skin cancer, sunscreen was also causing people in some places to get less vitamin d which was increasing instances of colon cancer. The solution isn’t banning sunscreen, it’s making sure people get some small amount of sun or supplements vitamin d.
Being from Oz I never really considered issues with vitamin d until I moved to the UK for a few years and discovered that limited vitamin d is a real problem in winter. Im not sure on the deficiency you need for colon cancer but a few weeks of little to no Sun really messes with your head and body.
- Comment on Nike’s Air Max 1000 are almost entirely 3D-printed 3 months ago:
I mean … I would … but I certainly wouldn’t waste my time printing those abominations 🤮
- Comment on Meta must face FTC trial that could separate Instagram and WhatsApp 3 months ago:
I thought it was mostly about who had told him he’s the best big boy the most recently …
- Comment on Meta must face FTC trial that could separate Instagram and WhatsApp 3 months ago:
There’s no news about Zuckerberg worshipping at the altar of the Cheetosaurus so will his cheesyness pay any attention until that changes?
- Comment on the emperor 3 months ago:
He may be a born leader and able to inspire legions to fight for him … he possibly has some combat prowess and is likely a tactical genius.