- Comment on 'It's extremely worrisome.' NASA's James Webb Space Telescope faces potential 20% budget cut just 4 years after launch 1 week ago:
Because efficiency is leaving a $10b telescope floating in space like a piece of junk.
- Comment on Is AI making us stupider? Maybe, according to one of the world’s biggest AI companies. 2 weeks ago:
I mean Plato thought reading books would make people more stupid.
- Comment on AI slop 3 weeks ago:
Does this mean that communion is shrimp cocktail now? Because sign me up for that religion…
- Comment on Treat taking a dump like a sport 1 month ago:
Is the power of the pregame dump not common knowledge?
- Comment on In the American class warfare, there seem to be an awful lot of parallels between typical Republican voters and Uncle Tom, a negro who was exceedingly subservient to his slave masters. 3 months ago:
This guy reads.
- Comment on Fritz Haber moment 3 months ago:
How does this affect the morality of their actions?
This is correct information, but not meaningful, possibly damaging, in regards to the indented message.
- Comment on Are You Pregnant Yet? Chinese officials have begun knocking on doors, asking women about their family planning intentions 3 months ago:
America is closer to fascism than China is. All fascism’s are authorization but not all authoritarian regimes are fascist.
- Comment on #notaseagull 4 months ago:
Noooo then how are we going to get memes like this?
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
When supernovas explode they’re responsible for most exotic elements larger than iron. So it’s either that or radioactive decay.
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
The tragedy is that humans aren’t convinced to change their minds by facts like this. They’re convinced by good stories from their friends and family.
- Comment on Solar panels between railway tracks? 4 months ago:
Cause those things are similar!!
- Comment on Your stupid decal finally makes sense! 5 months ago:
They’re everywhere. I saw them in Hawaii and locals make fun of people that have salt life merch. I think it’s a clothing brand marketed to people with boats and sport fisherman.
- Comment on Let me at 'em!! 5 months ago:
Fission doesn’t happy because we cut atoms in half. Fission happens because we blast enriched uranium with neutrons, the uranium absorbs a neutron, gets too heavy, and falls apart.
- Comment on That explains it. 5 months ago:
Sex is free, fun, and everyone can do it. We can’t have that in capitalism, why would people work for money?
- Comment on Chemistry 5 months ago:
RIP, Science 0 Demon core: what like 3 now?
- Comment on Chemistry 5 months ago:
As someone who worked in nuclear power you should definitely NOT pipette by mouth.
- Comment on Nuclear too slow to replace coal, and baseload “simply can’t compete” with wind and solar, AEMO boss says 7 months ago:
This boggle my mind. We turn out about one or two nuclear subs a year. It really shouldn’t take that long.
- Comment on Born from the tragedy of gun violence, this program teaches children how to stop a wound from bleeding out | CNN 8 months ago:
Damn 2020 kids growing up hard as 1920 kids
- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago:
That’s a list of a bunch of trucks compared to a midsized SUV, so you’re kind of proving yourself wrong. Cars are split into weight classes, so a comparison that doesn’t acknowledge that isn’t very useful. A EV Sedan is on average much heavier than an ICE sedan.
No one’s saying ICE vehicles are better for the environment than EVs
- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago:
You’re getting down voted but you’re right. I don’t think people realize that most tires are now made from synthetic rubber, AKA plastic.
Also someone tried to disprove you by posting a list with ICE trucks being as heavy as EV cars. Like what? Of course trucks are heavier. EV Trucks are even heavier than that and an EV subcompact will be much heavier than an ICE compact. Also everyone is talking about how trucks and SUVs are getting heavier and bigger. So not sure what they mean by “we never talk about this with trucks!”
- Comment on Terraforming 8 months ago:
Being miserable is kind of our thing.
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 9 months ago:
Damn I didn’t know portal had a mod community like that. I’ll check it out.
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 9 months ago:
- Comment on Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two 9 months ago:
Even if the dude that “killed himself” did do it to himself, he did so because he was harassed by a company for doing his job. Even in the non conspiracy version of the story, the corporation still acted in bad faith and should be held liable for it’s actions. Why is this the hill you want to die on?
- Comment on we love those power laws 9 months ago:
Tell that to my uranium sword.
- Comment on histories mysteries 9 months ago:
There’s a lesson here about the differences between history and a good historical narrative, but that’s the lesson of most history and no one ever listens to it.
- Comment on spite 10 months ago:
Something that really trips me up is that the humans that do those incredible, heart warming things often carry the same motivations and beliefs as the monsters. The road to hell, after all, is paved with good intentions.
For instance, I’m seeing a lot of pallells in this story that align with the creation of Africanized honey bees.
- Comment on Amazon's Just Walk Out technology relies on hundreds of workers in India watching you shop 10 months ago:
Hey! Guess how they remove all of the content they DON’T want to train AI’s on?
A disturbing portion of the internet’s scams are held up by schemes like this.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The easy answer is it’s both; the hard answer is it’s complicated and here’s a 2 hour long podcast scratching the surface.
- Comment on Radioactive water leak from Fukushima power plant raises risk of ground contamination 1 year ago:
It says 220 x “standard” which I assume just means background. That’s usually 5-10 mrem/hr, so 220 x 10 = 2.2 rem/hr. For reference you get an additional 300 mrem added to your total lifetime dose everytime you take a flight (due to thinner atmosphere, less shielding from cosmic radiation). You’d get the same dose by standing 2.2 inches away from the source of the spill in the article for 1 hour. Without knowing how much water leaked I don’t know how contaminated it was, but that’s not AWFUL. Its not great, but that’s definitely not terrible.
Source: Was a radiation tech. I’ve been out for a bit tho, so my math might be off.