- Comment on Could it be offensive for me to use the word "cracker" in this way? 1 week ago:
We don’t actually know where the term cracker originated from, that’s just one theory. A lot of white (particularly Irish) slaves and indentured servants in the early colonial years were called crackers too.
The term now just means a poor rural white person particularly (but not always) from the South. I got called it growing up and don’t find it offensive if it’s not said in a mean way.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 2 weeks ago:
Whatever you say, Mr. President!
- Comment on Do you also feel cringe about people making such a big deal about ethnicity? 2 weeks ago:
There’s a big difference between xenophobia and racism. The entire concept of race is a relatively new invention.
- Comment on If you dont have a macking cmheese, are you even based? 2 weeks ago:
Can be vegan macking. The carrier pigeons do not discriminate
- Comment on Nobody tell him about popcorn 3 weeks ago:
I think this is pretty funny
- Comment on If you dont have a macking cmheese, are you even based? 3 weeks ago:
No you get it by carrier pigeon
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 20 comments
- Comment on Nobody tell him about popcorn 3 weeks ago:
I told him about popcorn. Now he has made me perish
- Comment on Like a job-stealing dragon 3 weeks ago:
This man is unstoppable
- Comment on Ancestry dot com 3 weeks ago:
Me fr
- Comment on Cars, money, guns? Son, its all about the.. 4 weeks ago:
I have that exact same cast iron lmao
- Comment on "Poetic take" on the state of the US 4 weeks ago:
Ancient Greece and Rome were societies that were based upon and heavily reliant on slavery.
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to [deleted] | 5 comments
- Comment on Even California can't say no to prison slavery. 4 weeks ago:
Nice repost (spread it as far as you can)
- Comment on (:3) 4 weeks ago:
The circle of life
- Comment on (:3) 5 weeks ago:
Humor is subjective and you’re entitled to your opinion, but that’s just my rationale for why I personally find it funny. I’m just poking fun. No hard feelings towards you.
- Comment on Just asking questions. 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Remember when things were shitty, but not *this* shitty? 5 weeks ago:
And yet, we keep moving forward. You’ve made it this far.
- Comment on Just asking questions. 5 weeks ago:
This is a high concept post. Ten thousand granules of potash be upon you.
- Comment on (:3) 5 weeks ago:
I see that you’re unenlightened, so I shall enlighten you to the glorious cause. Minions have gone into post-ironic territory. They’re funny because they were once near-universally considered cringe and made fun of, so in posting that in an ironic way, it becomes funny to the in-group, but in the process of that we’re right back where we started which is that minions are funny.
Whereas in [postmodern]irony(… “Postmodern literature”), something is meant to be cynically mocked and not taken seriously, and in new sincerity, something is meant to be taken seriously or “unironically”, post-irony combines these two elements by either having something absurd taken seriously or be unclear as to whether something is meant to be ironic.
So, I am indeed afraid that it is you that may be the boomer after all.
- Comment on You don't want to be sentenced to The Spire, right? 5 weeks ago:
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to [deleted] | 9 comments
- Comment on (:3) 5 weeks ago:
Yup, it helped oppress even more poor people 😍. Heaven forbid we have class solidarity /s
- Comment on (:3) 5 weeks ago:
I’d argue that it doesn’t limit it. The current incarcerated population in the US is 1.3 million. At the very peak of American slavery, the enslaved population was 4.4 million, which is a LOT of people, but you do have to take into consideration that the enslavers were financially responsible for providing food, water, and shelter to their slaves. Now the US taxpayer covers all of that and corporations can profit harder.
- Comment on (:3) 5 weeks ago:
The only exception to forced labor in the american constitution is for prisoners. Our prison system has been heavily based on punishment and not rehabilitation since the 1980s. We have the largest incarcerated population in the entire world by a very long shot. If you get arrested for something and are innocent but awaiting trial (can take 1-2 years) and can’t pay bail you will be in jail for that amount of time. You have to work a job while incarcerated in most cases. If you do get paid, it can be as little as 10 cents an hour and is not exempt from taxes.
Black people are disproportionately overrepresented in the system despite being just 13% of the population. Black people are more likely than white people to be found guilty and on average get longer sentences than white people for the exact same offence. Things associated with “black behavior” are more heavily criminalized. An example of this is the sentence duration of crack vs cocaine. Crack is more associated with poverty and blackness so it had a much longer minimum sentence than cocaine which is associated more with rich white circles. Basically our prison system unfairly targets people for being poor and a person of color.
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to [deleted] | 31 comments
- Comment on Good morning I choose making the best of what you have. 2 months ago:
You know what, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it…if it’s broke fix it…if it’s-
- Comment on 2025 trailer be wild 2 months ago:
- Comment on The children yearn for the mines 2 months ago:
As an ex-child, I can confirm this is true.
- Comment on Go into debt if you have to 2 months ago:
I’m contributing valiantly to this cause with my farts