- Comment on Is anyone else getting a bit of schadenfreude from the news each day? 1 week ago:
Trump’s popularity is lower than any President at this point in their presidency. I think there are a lot of “moderates” and uninformed voters who are starting to regret their choice.
Once he starts axing Medicare/medicare and going after social security and other popular programs it is only going to get worse.
Just remember there will be roughly 20 to 30 percent who are hard core MAGA who will never change their minds no matter how bad it gets.
- Comment on Why Are People Surprised When Trump Actually Follows Through? 1 week ago:
Give it 30 to 60 days and the Trump Presidency will collapse.
He’s pissing off too many people. He has the lowest approval rating at this point in his Presidency. He has MAGA stalwarts like the New York Post running front page articles against his dealings with Russia.
The stock market is starting to show cracks because of his malfeasance on tariffs and his treatment of allies.
He’s going after the FBI, CIA, and every other alphabet agency. Say what you want about them, they are filled with people who now fear for their jobs in a way they have never had to. That is not how a large agency runs long term.
Finally they need to pass a budget and raise the debt ceiling. All things Republicans have proven incapable of on their own. At some point they will need to come and ask the Democrats for help in doing this or the government will default on the Republicans watch. At that point it will be game over. Trump will look weak and impotent.
I don’t think Trump will have taken over enough of the government to overcome all of these challenges and hold onto power on his own.
If he slows down and consolidates power maybe there will be a different outcome. But that’s not what project 2025 outlines. They want to break everything in the first 100 days. Hopefully he will have broken his own base in the process.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 1 week ago:
This is the pump before the dump. Institutional investors are slowly exiting and retail investors are making up most of the volume.
We were due for a correction or crash but Biden and the Fed held it off long enough for the election. There is a lot of money sitting on the sidelines waiting to grab assets, housing etc on the cheap.
Grifters like Trump can’t wait to get it started. In every crisis there is opportunity what Trump does with this crisis will likely reshape our government.
- Comment on How likely do you think there will be a run on the banks? 2 weeks ago:
FDIC insured up to $250,000 per account. So it’s mainly the little guys who enjoy the protection. FDIC did make all accounts even those over $260,000 whole.
But yes if the Orange Baboon and Electric Hitler decide to fuck with the FDIC I would pull the bulk of my funds and look for offshore safe havens.
- Comment on China is quietly pushing ahead with massive 50,000Mbps broadband rollout to leapfrog rest of the world on internet speeds 3 weeks ago:
We’ll be around. We may not be a democracy but we’ll be around.
China though, it’s cooked .
- Comment on China is quietly pushing ahead with massive 50,000Mbps broadband rollout to leapfrog rest of the world on internet speeds 3 weeks ago:
China will be lucky if they still exist as a single unified nation. Demographics, employment, debt, over built property market, over dependence on manufacturing exports, energy import dependence, food import dependence.
They have a number of very strong headwinds that could very well cause the failure and break up of the CCP in the next twenty years.
- Comment on Dell kills the XPS brand 1 month ago:
I always found the build quality for Lenovo Thinkpads to be better than any of the top tier Dell laptops. Most of the laptops I had in circulation were Dells and the always gave me problems. The Thinkpads just worked.
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 1 month ago:
The US has been an oligarchy for some time. Act accordingly.
- Comment on Facebook and Instagram to Unleash AI-Generated ‘Users’ No One Asked For 1 month ago:
You’ve described my limited FB experience. After refusing to join FB since the 00s, I joined FB a few years ago to get better access to the Marketplace. (Craigslist has gone to shit).
I joined a few groups that interested me and then the constant political bombardment started in the more mainstream groups.
Small niche FB groups are a night and day difference compared to some of the more contemporary groups I’ve seen.
Bot algorithms definitely target large groups with lots of activity. The resulting increased activity due to algorithms just amplify it further.
I just try to stick to my smaller groups to avoid all the mess.
- Comment on Lone Soldiers. New Australian IDF recruits due to arrive in Israel in January 2 months ago:
Patriots 🫡
- Comment on Despair in Sweden as gangs recruit kids as contract killers 2 months ago:
Which makes your comment sadder.
- Comment on Despair in Sweden as gangs recruit kids as contract killers 2 months ago:
My man, keep making the same mistakes for cheap LOLs and social media cred. Nothing like ignoring the concerns of the populace until it is too late!
- Comment on Despair in Sweden as gangs recruit kids as contract killers 2 months ago:
They offer simple, racist, and hateful explanations to very complex problems.
Which is easy for the general population to understand and get behind when they are looking for solutions to problems affecting their society.
Ignore their concerns at your own peril.
- Comment on Despair in Sweden as gangs recruit kids as contract killers 2 months ago:
Cool, that doesn’t dismiss the problem or the accuracy of the data.
We can make an effort to acknowledge and address it or you can hide behind “racism” and then have an election like the US has had where the racists offered solutions to problems that the left was slow to address.
- Comment on Despair in Sweden as gangs recruit kids as contract killers 2 months ago:
Sad, I wonder who is responsible for the uptick in violent crime in Sweden…
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
A. Many men would not marry a woman who didn’t take their name.
B. Makes parenting more difficult in social settings by not sharing the last name of your kids. I.E. Picking up your kid at school or making medical decisions about kids and having a different last name as the child forces you to jump through a lot more hoops.
C. Women tend to grow up knowing they are going to change their last name it’s not even an afterthought. My girlfriend told me her and her friends would often talk about what their name would be if they married a guy they liked.
D. In some states it is very difficult for a man to change their last name but for women the processes is already in place.
- Comment on "Your body, my choice:" Hate and harassment towards women spreads online 3 months ago:
Na, it will only take two. Trump tariffs will crater the economy in a year.
Massive round ups of migrants both legal and illegal. Killing farming and destroying families.
Musk well being Musk and chopping the Federal Budget,
50,000 vetted loyal Trumpists ready to take over the Federal government.
Matt Gates in charge of the Dept of Justice leading Trumps Vengence tour.
RFK Jr starts peddling raw milk and makes vaccines illegal.
It’s gonna be fucking LIT. I can’t wait to tell my half wit Dominican coworker who voted for Trump “I told you so” when their family gets deported. I can’t wait to tell my idiot sister in laws who voted for Trump, I told you so when the government programs including Obama Care get wrecked.
Of course I’m going to suffer too, I’m stocking up on N1 masks, food, toilet paper and bullets… but holy shit I’m going to be saying I told you so in the nastiest most demeaning way possible for the rest of my days.
- Comment on You have 8 seconds. 3 months ago:
Me: Barely looking at her “Ohh hey Trish, sorry for not calling you back”
Her: Looks at me weird… “My names not Trish”
Me: Glance at Her a little closer. “Ohh sorry you look like someone I dated once.” Go back to staring ahead and exit the elevator like a boss.
- Comment on Amazon Says It Has a First Amendment Right to Union Bust 4 months ago:
Amazon started as a e-commerce site. But their Web Services division now makes up the vast majority of their revenue. They also dabble in streaming and content generation.
I’d say they are primarily a web hosting company that dabbles in e-commerce now.…/amazon-e-commerce-company-74-profit-th…
They are a tech company by any definition.
- Comment on Reddit says it is not covered by new Online Safety Code as it has moved its jurisdiction to the Netherlands 4 months ago:
Yeah same here, the last post I made was to argue for more disabled access to European historical sites n the r/europe subreddit.
After everything I’ve posted, THAT is what got me banned.
After loosing my appeal, I changed all my prior posts to AI generated gibberish.
Fuck Reddit, salt your posts so they can’t use your content to make money on search or train AI.
- Comment on Amazon will “ramp up” Prime Video ads in 2025 4 months ago:
While I do try to buy direct on some items that I am confident I’ll keep. The return policy and ease of use are why I’m still with Amazon. I just don’t want to have to deal with thirty different companies and their return policies.
But if I’m buying something like replacement parts or something that I’m not sure about if there isn’t significant savings, then I’m going with Amazon for piece of mind that I can return the item at no cost to me.
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 5 months ago:
lol no if anything they’ve become far left shitholes.
- Comment on Paralyzed Jockey Loses Ability to Walk After Manufacturer Refuses to Fix Battery For His $100,000 Exoskeleton 5 months ago:
Killing corporations won’t get everyone those amenities.
- Comment on Paralyzed Jockey Loses Ability to Walk After Manufacturer Refuses to Fix Battery For His $100,000 Exoskeleton 5 months ago:
I’m disappointed, you were doing so well.
Ohh well I’m going to go back to sitting in my house, enjoying my AC, while playing on my phone and eating a tasty breakfast burrito all of which were made by evil corporations.
If that pisses you off maybe you could move to somewhere that fits with your philosophy. Venezuela and Cuba would probably be a good fit for you. 👍
- Comment on Paralyzed Jockey Loses Ability to Walk After Manufacturer Refuses to Fix Battery For His $100,000 Exoskeleton 5 months ago:
Careful, you might cut yourself with that edge.
- Comment on Paralyzed Jockey Loses Ability to Walk After Manufacturer Refuses to Fix Battery For His $100,000 Exoskeleton 5 months ago:
Who said its the root of the problem?
- Comment on Paralyzed Jockey Loses Ability to Walk After Manufacturer Refuses to Fix Battery For His $100,000 Exoskeleton 5 months ago:
Uhhh we are addressing right to repair not corporate influence on the state.
Pick the right tools for the job not everything needs a hammer.
- Comment on Paralyzed Jockey Loses Ability to Walk After Manufacturer Refuses to Fix Battery For His $100,000 Exoskeleton 5 months ago:
Orrrr and hear me out. We just pass a national right to repair law.
There, problem fixed and we don’t need to burn anything!
- Comment on Just for a moment 5 months ago:
I don’t think people understand that O’Brien represents the interests of his labor union and not the Democratic Party.
Going to the RNC and speaking at the convention was a shot across the bow to Democrats reminding them they need to pay attention to labor interests and not be taken for granted. Up until Biden no president in the last 40 years has done much for labor. Which is why Hilary lost in Michigan and Pennsylvania.
O’Briens speech was on point and focused on labor interests. It was a tacit reminder that Republicans won in 2016 because of Trumps populist appeal in those states and lost in 2020 because they did not have it. Trump has spent the last 4 years trying to appeal to labor on anti immigrantion, social issues, and racist dog whistles without giving them any economic promises.
I had a similar experience on the Star Trek Encounter in Las Vegas. They did an amazing job with the bridge of the Enterprise D!
I was genuinely sad when it shut down.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
I played it on game pass. It was a pretty good experience until I used up all the side quests. The main quest held no interest for me. I had no interest in becoming starborn.
Trying to load the game on busy days was probably the biggest negative I can think of.