- Comment on TIL there's appliances to help with waffle stomping, Thanks Google 6 hours ago:
When two completely separate sources collide to form a coherent end result I find myself amazed.
Essentially, 90% of what is being said in the text comes from a reddit thread where a user tells how his wife once scared him shitless by blurting out, while watching television, laughing histerically, she would regularly take a dump in the shower, then proceed to stomp the result down the drain. The user had been noticing the drains had been somewhat clogged lately and had made a passing remark about it to his wife.
The “waffle stomping” came from another user replying to the thread and I’m sincerely amazed how no references to “hot boxing” or “power bombing” are sprinkled in, as many users made references to how steam/moisture intensifies scents and smell, the reason which the wife had picked up the taste for scented candles.
I came into contact with this story through a podcast that extracts posts from various reddit subs.
To find a direct reference to it, here, through an AI allucination… I’m baffled.
Turning off the internet for today, folks.
I’ll see myself out.
- Comment on They got everything covered 5 days ago:
Cousin Bob is a returning costumer.
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 5 days ago:
We’re not debating technicalities.
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 5 days ago:
why would someone pierce their nipples?
This is genuine curiosity.
what does it do besides mutilating an erogenous zone?
The moment you assign a negative conotation, you are passing judgement.
Others have replied saying that having such piercings did not hamper their sensitivity or even increased it.
I mentioned it can even serve to correct inverted nipples.
I respect you do not see such practice in a favorable way but if you don’t like, just don’t do it. Nobody is advocating for it.
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 6 days ago:
I’ll grant that but there is no need to judge others.
- Comment on Good afternoon I choose thoughts you've never had before. 6 days ago:
For individuals with inverted nipples, it may aid in form them, by the scar tissues.
And many do it exactly for sexual stimulation, personal affirmation or just aesthetics.
Why the emphasis on judgement? You don’t like it, just don’t do it. People have the right to dispose of their body as they see fit.
- Comment on Chat, is this true? 1 week ago:
Somebody teach me the basic pronounciation, so I can make a slightly less fool of myself when trying to say it, and I’m on board with that.
- Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 1 week ago:
I don’t know what Cashapp is but I’m going to take the risk and say it’s a fintech that handles direct money services. How off am I?
But I’m talking about a bank. The institution only exists through an app. Let’s say you do a odd job and you get paid cash. You can’t deposit that money: there is no place or way to do so.
- Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 1 week ago:
We’re talking of what is, technically a bank (Moey), that entered my country through another bank. What is even stranger is that you can’t even go to one of those banks and make a deposit on you account.
I use the services of what you can consider the most de-materialized bank in my country, which has less than twenty physical locations in the entire country, but they have a very robust help line and you can use the locations of another bank in the same group to deposit money to your account.
But Moey? Either the money is wired in or your stuck.
- Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 1 week ago:
I’m shocked.
Right off the top of my head, I can mention an entire finacial institution that only exists through an app. No website, no physical locations, no nothing. It’s one app and that is it.
- Comment on Chinese EV leader BYD to offer ‘God’s Eye’ self-driving system on all models 3 weeks ago:
How long until someone saya “F it, I’m hacking and disassembling the parts I don’t want on this.”?
- Comment on French President Emmanuel Macron announces €100 billion investments in AI 3 weeks ago:
Will this be done through funding colleges and universities, doctorates and other publicly funded projects and initiatives?
If so, good. AI might be a good tool, after a long, curated, legally directed and supervised, period of investigation, to create safe tools for public use.
If not, and this money is to be thrown out to private companies, with little to no oversight, it is pure waste of resources, badly needed to fund other social sectors.
- Comment on Sweden's police struggle to find motive for mass shooting 3 weeks ago:
Sometimes, there is none. A person snaps, acts on an impulse, causes misery and that is it.
- Comment on She would be proud 4 weeks ago:
I was trying to avoid that but thank you for volunteering it.
- Comment on She would be proud 4 weeks ago:
First things first: garbage bagel
A bagel made with garbage? A bagel stuffed with garbage? A bagel found in the garbage? A bagel so bad it should considered garbage?
I’ll be thinking about this throughout my day. This is good entertainment value! Thank you.
Now, to the subject at hand.
That is horrible to know and a lot more common than we like to admit, even today, in our present time of sexual freedom and liberation. Yet we insist on creating this pure and perfect image for people the moment they become older and that is simply idiotic. Old people were young once.
- Comment on She would be proud 4 weeks ago:
Why does everyone presuposes grandma was a prude woman? Who knows what she did when she was young.
- Comment on We played a game of "got your ears." Long story short, it got out of hand. How do I get them back on before my wife comes home? 4 weeks ago:
What’s the breed?
- Comment on SLURM 4 weeks ago:
'kay, hear me out…
You are a very dangerous individual. And whoever came up with the concept in comic is on an entire level of evil, all on their own. This comic is a crime. On what category, it is still to be defined.
Do you know hiw many years it took me to work myself around the concept of the Alien Matriarch? Too many. Getting rid of the notion of an old dude going from chimney to chimney dispensing gifts was easy. Old fat men don’t crawl down chimneys.
This forces me to revisit two concepts I never considered possible to overlap.
Now I want to go and find one of those guns the Space Marines used to engage the xenomorphs in Alien II. And a big effing cargo loading exoskeleton.
I’m not sleeping tonigh. Or ever. And this December I’m going to set traps on the roof.
- Comment on If you can find the oil filter, I'll give you a quarter. If you can get it out after the lube tech tightened it to 325 lbft, I'll give you sixty bucks. 4 weeks ago:
Okay, you’re a mechanic, great, you’re awsome, thank you for your input but oil filters do have a set torque strenght to be tightened to. Overtighten any screw can and will cause damage either to the screw itself or the socket it is being driven into and I’m sure you know it.
I had a mechanic do this - the better to overtighten than not - and strip the socket of the oil level sound: the mounting block was aluminum, the screw was steel. Guess what happened when the sound had to be replaced?
The cost to have that damage alone repaired made scrap the car. It was still in good shape but not worthy of spending that much to repair.
- Comment on If you can find the oil filter, I'll give you a quarter. If you can get it out after the lube tech tightened it to 325 lbft, I'll give you sixty bucks. 4 weeks ago:
Are you taking suggestions or questions?
The oils filter is the bright blie thingamabob sticking out the side of the engine on the bottom of the screen.
To remove it, I risk I could, but only after sharing a piece of my mind with the loon that tightened it at that setting.
- Comment on For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis 4 weeks ago:
Silent Storm is missing on that list.
I have a lot of hours piled on that one. Extremely satisfying ragdoll physics.
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 4 weeks ago:
Would ot be possible to have this poster printed? i’d like to hang this in my kitchen.
- Comment on See something you like? 4 weeks ago:
That is really nice.
- Comment on See something you like? 4 weeks ago:
Wasn’t expecting that.
- Comment on See something you like? 4 weeks ago:
I would gladly give you those eggs, if I was able to.
- Comment on See something you like? 4 weeks ago:
That is a basic human right. Let’s at least have a small sliver of respect.
- Comment on See something you like? 4 weeks ago:
Egg vending machine? That sounds interesting.
- Comment on See something you like? 4 weeks ago:
Regardless of imaginary lines drawn on maps, we’re all human and we’re on the same rock, crusing through space.
- Comment on See something you like? 4 weeks ago:
Local egg farm. These are large eggs and then I have a tray of extra large eggs. They treat really well their chickens.
- Comment on See something you like? 4 weeks ago:
But spread the anti-fascist virus, please.