- Comment on lemmy should tots let you post things to your own user profile 2 months ago:
Literally the last thing I would want from a link aggregator forum is facebook. I hated when reddit started shoehorning that dumb shit into their site and I hate that people are asking for it now.
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
This is equally as infuriating to me as the rising cost of stamps. 😐
If you are going to pretend to have scruples then at least pretend to have standards, or dignity for that matter. 😂 If you are so involved (even in the most modest terms) in the ecosystem of predatory games like World of Warcraft, to the point that you are even tenuously aware of news relating to them then you deserve all of it.
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
FYI, the disney situation that people are referring to here is a very complicated legal situation rife with bad actors. The reporting on it was broadly mishandled by the media, so legal professionals have broken it down. It is far more nuanced than people here are making it out to be and the simple narrative that you will see getting upvoted entirely mischaracterizes what actually happened (ie happened according to both disney and the plaintiff, yes they both agree). But due to the fact that disney kind of comes out of the situation looking like - dare I say - the good guy (or at least the gooder one), people have latched onto the misinformed simplistic narrative because it requires less effort and falls into the evil corporation trope. So instead of making any claims here, because I’m exhausted from arguing with Internet babies and I have a ketamine therapy today, I encourage you to watch Legal Eagle’s breakdown of the case.
I’m not trying to convince you of anything other than the fact that this is a complex topic that has been mishandled by the media. I work in an extremely remote location with thousands of people that might as well be flat-earthers, so being truthful is extremely important to me. And we will need honest discourse if we as a society are ever going to overcome the misinformation brainworm that US politics has put on steroids. Good luck.
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
The restaurant isn’t suing them, ding dong. The guy who consented to an arbitration agreement is. Jesus fuck, it is okay to be wrong. I know it sucks. It sucks even more to imagine that Disney might be doing something remotely respectable and have to admit that. But it’s okay. I’m wrong all the time. I face it, accept it, learn from it, and move on.
When you are ready to move on, go for it.
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
No, the fact remains that there is literally no reason for Disney to have been included in the lawsuit to begin with. And the “unrelated service” that they used (on actually several occasions according to Disney’s motion) contained a boilerplate arbitration agreements that literally every corporation under the sun uses. Shady as shit? Absolutely. Both parties are being shady as shit. The lawsuit only included Disney because there was never going to be a big payday without them. Nothing about the plaintiff or Disney is either credible or relevant.
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
Disney also does not have health inspectors in another company’s kitchen, because they don’t own that fucking kitchen. Bro, you are arguing with a keyboard warrior on Lemmy. Your total lack of understanding is clearly established by both the raft of legal professionals who have already demonstrated the reality as well as THE PLAINTIFFS FUCKING FILING. So by all means, reach out to the plaintiff and explain to him and his lawyer how much more you know about it. 🙄
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
The amount of brain worm from this whole thing is amazing to me. This is on the level of trumper shit at this point. Seeing so many people incapable of acknowledging that they misunderstood something is just crazy. Anyway, just wanted to let you know you’re a good person for being patient with so many boobs.
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
If you go to your friend’s house for dinner and they end up giving you E Coli, do you sue their landlord? Because that is the situation you are glossing over by saying:
even interpreted in the best possible light
This is very reductive of the situation according to the plaintiff himself; which means you are either insincere or incapable. Either case leaves me entirely disinterested.
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
Obviously I can’t possibly speak as to why they chose to do what they did. But I would assume that making a motion to dismiss due to the fact that arbitration has already been agreed to (seemingly unrelated from your perspective but from a legal perspective is really the only substantive aspect, so wildly related) is far less scandalous than making a motion to dismiss with no recourse for the plaintiff at all and would be far more damaging to their reputation.
And that DOES make sense.
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
I appreciate your concerns, but truly: I owe you nothing. It takes very little integrity to make an uninformed allegation and then sit back with a smug look and a mug full of selfrighteousness decrying “prove me wrong”.
Why don’t you prove Legal Eagle wrong? It would without a doubt be more fruitful because I’m not entertaining it.
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
I don’t disagree, but I believe there was a communication barrier for her. I could be wrong and don’t remember right now, but I believe she did not know English.
though I do think the waiver arguments underpinning that side of the case will wind up getting pressure tested in pretty short order.
Possibly. Disney withdrew their motion after the PR hit them, and are likely negotiating a settlement. But other cases may change the way arbitration agreements and contract law are handled.
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
Your uninformed conjecture is not fact or truth.
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
The reason why literally any motion to dismiss would have likely been successful on the merits is because the only way, literally the one and only way the plaintiff was able to include disney in the lawsuit is because disney owns the land that was leased to the completely separate and not-affiliated-in-any-way-to-disney Irish Pub restaurant. The plaintiff argued that because there were pictures of disney owned lands for lease on their site and some of those pictures showed current lessees, ie some included the Irish Pub restaurant, he argued that they were also liable.
But if the connection to Disney was so remote and tenuous, why include them at all? Simple. Why sue a poorly managed restaurant that will likely collapse under the fairest fiduciary breeze leaving very little remuneration for you, when Disney’s pockets are vastly deeper? Now, again, fuck disney forever, so I could care less that someone tried to take a bite out of disney in an unscrupulous way. But if you’re going to do some shady shit to a corporation known for shady shit doings in an economy that encourages the most shady shit under a system that cultivates new ways of doing shit more shadily, then you have to expect them to fight less than fair.
I don’t want to speak ill of the dead, so I’ll assume that the deceased had no idea what was happening and instead speak ill of the living - in this case, her complete, utter, totally useless fucking husband. A moron of the highest degree who took his anaphalactically compromised partner with a known and fatal sensitivity to nuts… TO AN IRISH FUCKING PUB RESTAURANT!!! After the restaurant had demonstrated multiple times that things were not in order, they continued to dine. Assuming that these things (none of these as of a week ago at least have been denied by the plaintiff) are true, I honestly think the guy should be investigated for manslaughter.
So, you can understand why seeing people cry alligator tears over the poor innocent village idiot whose incompetence has now cost someone their life is pretty fucking sad to see. I mean, the constant and incessant misplaced vitriol toward Disney while they prepare to settle with a guy they owe nothing to is kind of making disney out to be the good guy - and that is the true travesty IMO.
- Comment on US couple blocked from suing Uber after crash say daughter agreed to Uber Eats terms 5 months ago:
I realize that there is no way for me to argue this without sounding like some sort of neck beard corporate shill; but if you truly believe that the Disney+ debacle was at a basic level - Evil corporation uses despicable loophole to leave innocent widower stuck with the consequences of corporate negligence - then you really don’t know anything about that case at all, and singing in harmony with the endless voices parroting the same misinformation is not something you should be proud of.
Fuck Disney, all day, every day, forever. No doubt. But they tried to use a tactic that was EVERY BIT as disgusting as the one that roped them into the lawsuit to begin with. It is extraordinarily likely that Disney was going to be released from that suit but after the PR spin, they decided to throw the guy a bone just to save face. We don’t have to agree that Disney was somehow being magnanimous, but they chose to take one on the chin that apparently only they and Legal Eagle knew they would get out of.
I don’t have a problem with people spitting at Disney, but at least do it for a truthful and reliable reason.
- Comment on Mushroom learns to crawl after being given robot body 5 months ago:
How could Last of Us get any scarier? Make all the infected also the corrupted machines from Horizon Zero Dawn. Awesome.
- Comment on Despite economic growth, 70% of Americans believe the economy is getting worse 6 months ago:
I work with people that really struggle to grasp this concept. I work rotations and every hitch I find myself spending the first few days explaining that what they call “the economy” I would call the CPI, whereas what capitalists refer to is corporate profits - and never the twain shall meet. But this is yet another complexity that the right benefits from obscuring, and complexity requires thoughtful consideration for understanding. I realize I’m asking a lot from a bunch of blue collar rubes.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Seems I found the first thing you’re ignorant about. Perspective.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
I’m sure it would.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
No doubt. Every friend I have is a trumper, but my best friend believes in the cabal. It’s tough and it’s heartbreaking. But I decided I’m just going to be an example of tolerance if nothing else.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
🙏 Good on you. Thanks and same to you. Luckily I used to be petulant and conservative so I can fit in when I need to. And my income is used by my partner to raise a child surrounded by love, understanding, and encouragement. So I feel like I’m filtering a portion of capitalism into raising a little communist. 🤣 It’s enough to keep me gritting through the xenophobia. 😬
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
I think this type of thinking is just as toxic as the thinking of the ones you so quickly call “idiots”. Not only do you fail to affect the situation in any positive way, but you harden the commitment of those that fell for the grift. Furthermore, you’re blatantly wrong. I’m sure there are things you are ignorant about. I’m positive I could find things that you think that I could demonstrate to be wildly inaccurate (mostly because I work in a very niche field that very few people do). None of them would make you an idiot. It’s okay to not know something. I’m not saying you should pander to anyone, but patience is a balm. Have some.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
Closeted socialist here. I work in an extremely remote 24/7 process industry. They play Newsmax on the TVs in the chow hall and the only time they don’t is when they are replacing tvs. EVERYONE here is a degree of an alt righter. Some were at J6. Some have “Alex Jones was right” on their thermos’. I honestly believe some would kill me if I said I’ve read Marx. Not a single one of them could accurately define a political, economic, or social system without distracting with tropes, jingoistic rhetoric, or whataboutisms. Academic education is brainwashing. Christianity is a brand-name but you don’t have to read the Bible to be a christian. I made the mistake of expressing my disappointment of Trump because of what he has said about veterans. I was mocked for believing propaganda and over time I have become known as “the liberal”. That was all it took.
It’s frustrating, and I daily struggle with unchecked bigotry. But most people here do not wake up and choose to be racist or evil. They are doing what their wildly misled moral compass is telling them to be righteous. In their eyes, the pandering of the media that we see is absolute and total corruption to them. The media does lie, they have lied. Most of them couch it In ignorance and a whispered redaction, but that’s all it took. If they can lie about anything, then they must be lying about the unflattering things. There’s a bit of head-in-the-sand and delusion, but in their eyes the rape, the lawsuits, the theft from taxpayers, all of it is exactly what they would say if they were trying to make him look bad. That’s enough for them.
I honestly don’t blame them. They have fallen for grifts, lies, and propaganda that goes back at least 200 years.
- Comment on Caesar 11 months ago:
Gail the Snail: Hey Jules, I’m giving this guy a handjob under the table.
Brutus: She’s mashing it.
- Comment on Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. 1 year ago:
It’s the closest to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic they’ve ever been. But I’m sure they’ll outdo themselves tomorrow.
- Comment on Behold The Hyundai Uni Wheel. Transportation May Never Be The Same 1 year ago:
I didn’t think about that. Thanks for pointing it out.
- Comment on Behold The Hyundai Uni Wheel. Transportation May Never Be The Same 1 year ago:
Ah, really good points. Thanks for the perspective. My expertise (if I may do generously call it that) ends at the manufacture and assembly processes. Thanks for the perspective.
- Comment on Behold The Hyundai Uni Wheel. Transportation May Never Be The Same 1 year ago:
I mean you’re not wrong, but without separating the single motor to one at each wheel, you’d still have to translate the power from one point to each wheel. The uni bearing doesn’t provide that benefit. Separate motors DOES. And tuned and articulating short shafts are a new thing. So even without this new bearing as long as you had separate motors for each wheel all you would have is a short CV shaft between the motor and the wheel. Hell why not save all of the space and just incorporate the motor into the hub??? Since BDC motors are more efficient when wider and smaller, it would be very easy to fit them within current day hubs.
- Comment on Behold The Hyundai Uni Wheel. Transportation May Never Be The Same 1 year ago:
From a mechanical standpoint, the new bearing saves a nearly negligible amount of space. Splitting the motor up and moving it to the notoriously wasted wheel well space is what clears up the center of the frame. Still very cool. It’s basically a single output differential, which is already quite compact. No need to split the rotation for turning since the wheels rotation will no longer be mechanically linked.
- Comment on Behold The Hyundai Uni Wheel. Transportation May Never Be The Same 1 year ago:
I watched the video, but burying a good video under a trash article does not a good sauce make. OP should have just linked the fucking video.
- Comment on Bethesda Is Responding to Negative Reviews of Starfield on Steam 1 year ago:
Everyone seems to be missing the point so I’ll let Todd Howard remind you all, “We’re going to be doing a lot of add-on content for Starfield.”
$5 horse armor folks. That’s Bethesda. Stop paying them to make garbage, or at least stop complaining about it.