- Comment on Every. Damm. Time 12 hours ago:
Sounds like a coward who isn’t willing to be furry on main
- Comment on Need to save money? You can literally just buy these for pennies, you don't have to go to the Olive Garden. 2 days ago:
Is it just me or do they taste significantly worse than when I was a kid
- Comment on That explains a lot 3 days ago:
Don’t worry they didn’t make a real black hole, they just did the Supersonic rubidium gas trick
- Comment on That explains a lot 3 days ago:
They didn’t make a black hole, they just did the supersonic Rubidium gas trick
- Comment on It works for anything 5 days ago:
- Comment on It works for anything 5 days ago:
- Comment on Tough Talk 5 days ago:
One time I got a girlfriend by telling them that. In retrospect, the fact that worked at all should have been a pretty big red flag.
- Comment on Swim at your own risk 1 week ago:
Feels like every presidential election
- Comment on aww man here we goo... 2 weeks ago:
I had to look up what that was. Very happy I did.
- Comment on The Man Who Met Kit Duncan 3 weeks ago:
Speak for yourself.
- Comment on EggCoin is now officially notarized at a United States bank! 3 weeks ago:
I do think the fact that bitcoin is basically a random number generator that contributes to global warming is important context, but this specifically criticism also applies not just all modern currencies but also physical investments as well. If we all decided tomorrow that Funko Pops aren’t worth anything, all the Funko Pop flippers would immediately chuck their “investments” into the nearest landfill. Same would happen to real estate investment if we decided that the best way to enshrined housing as a human right is to not treat land as something that can be bought, sold, owned, and repossessed by the bank if you default on a loan.
I think the crypto cultists’ blind faith in hodling until they go to the moon has caused the rest us to subconsciously internalize that crypto is a “real” thing in some way. It doesn’t behave like an investment because it’s not an investment:
- its not a value-generating asset that we can use to do things, like a car or a horse
- it does not hold artistic value like Funko Pops or real art
- it doesn’t have inherent use like gold or land
- it isn’t even a proxy for some other valuable thing thats harder to to trade, like stocks or futures
- it has a similar claim to being currency as Rai stones
Point is, it’s not valueless because it loses value when we stop caring, it’s valueless because it has no fucking value.
- Comment on EggCoin is now officially notarized at a United States bank! 3 weeks ago:
Also, I hate how wallets keep sending you emails like “Suspicious activity on your account” and “Your account may be compromised”. It’s very annoying to ignore them, amirite? Like, you know nothing is gonna happen because I can’t see your password
- Comment on EggCoin is now officially notarized at a United States bank! 3 weeks ago:
Okay, that’s not fair, bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that actually gains “value” over time. Not because it’s actually useful for anything, it’s just so old that it can’t be mined faster than bits of it being lost in the wallets of ex-hodlers who realized they’d been scammed, jumped ship, and then forgot their passwords.
- Comment on Reddit slop 3 weeks ago:
I’m gonna post it again
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to [deleted] | 16 comments
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to | 0 comments
- Submitted 2 months ago to [deleted] | 0 comments
- Comment on Awkward 3 months ago:
Shit, there’s still auks out there? We didn’t kill them all? That’s sick!
- Comment on The Mighty Hummingbird 3 months ago:
I mean, fits with their personality. How else would you describe something with a chainsaw on their face that will fight to the death for a flower
- Comment on Blessica Blimpson 4 months ago:
This is why I will be taking my wife’s name
- Comment on Hmmmm 4 months ago:
Funny thing is that psych papers tend to be very readable
- Comment on Let me at 'em!! 5 months ago:
When I was a kid, I was legitimately afraid of this
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
What the fuck why is this correct
- Comment on repost 5 months ago:
It’s closer to $500 if you make the whole thing yourself.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
The Hammer and the Anvil in my ass
- Comment on Ballaholic I'm guessing 5 months ago:
I’ve literally done exactly this
- Submitted 6 months ago to [deleted] | 13 comments
- Comment on Share your favourite memes 6 months ago:
- Comment on Two trucks 6 months ago:
Ikr? The chocolate rain one literally changed my perspective on life. And I wish I could go back in time and listen to Wow Wow again. Don’t also was a banger despite being an outtake
- Comment on Two trucks 6 months ago:
I figured Bustin would cut it because it was the only breakout hit from that series