- Comment on Does 'attempted murder' require a viable method? 5 days ago:
It kind of depends on the facts and your jurisdiction. With the button, maybe? With a death note book, almost certainly not.
When proving the elements of attempted murder (or any non-statutory crime), the state has to prove both “mens rea” and “actus rea” (that you intended to do the thing and that you tried to do the thing), but when you’re being charged for something “attempted” you have the defense of “impossibility,” when the actions you are trying to take couldn’t have possibly worked.
Now, that doesn’t cover cases where you were only wrong in point of fact. For instance, buying fake drugs from a cop. But it does cover instances like using a voodoo doll.
There’s more detail on all the above in the illustrated guide to law, which is a pretty solid resource for stuff like this. Here are the relevant sections:
Actus Rea Explanation: lawcomic.net/guide/?p=261
Attempted Crimes: lawcomic.net/guide/?p=344
Impossibly Defense: lawcomic.net/guide/?p=416
- Comment on Far to many people think that Jesus from the Bible was light skinned, even though he grew up in what we call the Middle East. 2 weeks ago:
The gospels were, while written decades after the fact, written by people who were alive at the time. It’s not really a game of telephone.
It turns out that when a guy dies in his early 30s, most of his buddies are still alive 30-50yrs later.
- Comment on AI-generated poetry is indistinguishable from human-written poetry and is rated more favorably - Scientific Reports 3 months ago:
In 1962 Phillip K Dick put out a book called “Man in the High Castle.” In it there was a scene that stuck out to me, and seems more and more relevant as this AI wave continues.
In it a man has two identical lighters. Each made in the same year by the same manufacturer. But one was priceless and one was worthless.
The priceless one was owned by Abraham Lincoln and was in his pocket on the night he was assassinated. He had a letter of certification as such, and could trace the ownership all the way back to that night.
And he takes them both and mixes them up and asks which is the one with value. If you can no longer discern the one with “historicity,” then where is it’s value?
And every time I see an article like this I can’t help but think about that. If I tell you about the life and hardship of an artist, and then present you two poems, one that he wrote and one that was spit out by an LLM, and you cannot determine which has the true hardship and emotion tied to it, then which has value? What if I killed the artist before he could reveal which one was the “true” poem? How do you know which is a powerful expression of the artist’s oppression, and which is worthless, randomly generated swill?
- Comment on College students used Meta’s smart glasses to dox people in real time 5 months ago:
Fair. I presume that they meant publicly available in the sense that it was accessible to the public, not in the sense that it was necessarily free.
The article says they are using PimEyes, which I assume means that they’re paying for a subscription.
- Comment on College students used Meta’s smart glasses to dox people in real time 5 months ago:
They did mention a name. Publicly available database called PimEyes apparently.
- Comment on College students used Meta’s smart glasses to dox people in real time 5 months ago:
It’s in the article. Public database called PimEyes.
It doesn’t go into much more detail than that. Says it’s an open to the public face searching database.
- Comment on Who Wants To Be A Lemming... on ABC? 6 months ago:
The NBA allows women to try out though? It doesn’t ban women from competing at all.
- Comment on I love SVU 7 months ago:
Why is this superimposed on a screenshot from Quest 64, lol?
- Comment on self hosted digital journal? 7 months ago:
Here’s the note taking and editors page of awesome-selfhosted. Looks like there are a few contenders in there. DailyTxT looks decent for your use case.
- Comment on Priorities 7 months ago:
We’re there police snipers at a student rally shooting at people? When did this happen?
- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago:
Why not just compare the model 3 to an 18-wheeler then? Those weigh way more. Would have made his point better.
And it’s a completely meaningful comparison, as long as you throw away the fact that different vehicles are used for different things.
- Comment on How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment 8 months ago:
A model 3 to an f150 is absolutely apples and oranges.
- Comment on Many Network Interfaces per VM/CT - Good Practice? 9 months ago:
Yeah, it can for sure. Definitely worth mentioning. Gotta watch what interface is set as the default router, or you’re bound to have a bad time. That said, the same is true with his originally proposed solution of pushing a trunk port to the VM, so it’s not any worse in that regard.
But yeah, full agreement on the correct solution. Keep it simple.
- Comment on Many Network Interfaces per VM/CT - Good Practice? 9 months ago:
I wouldn’t let every VM have an interface into your management network, regardless of how you implement this. Your management network should be segregated with the ability to route to all the other VLANs with an appropriate firewall setup that only allows “related/established” connections back into it.
As for your services, having them on separate VLANs is fine, but it seems like you would benefit from having a reverse proxy to forward things to the appropriate VLAN, to reduce your management overhead.
But in general, having multiple interfaces per VM is fine. There shouldn’t be any performance hit or anything. But remember that if you have a compromised VM, it’ll be on any networks you give it an interface in, so minimizing that is key for security purposes. Ideally it would live in a VLAN that only has Internet access and/or direct access to your reverse proxy.
- Comment on First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says 9 months ago:
I’m well aware of the existence of alternatives. But you must agree that what is achievable with an implant far outstrips the current alternatives?
- Comment on First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says 9 months ago:
Maybe someday, but that’s not the point of the tech as it stands. It’s accessibility.
They guy who it failed in (Noland Arbaugh) is a full on quadriplegic. The ability to use a computer in a semi-normal way is absolutely beyond life changing for him.
- Comment on Is there a FOSS make-your-own-dictionary app? 9 months ago:
I think what you are probably actually after, based on your description/comments is a flash card app, not a dictionary app?
To that end, seems like a guy on the open source subreddit made a thread about it and built one that’s FOSS. Some other good suggestions in the thread, even if his solution isn’t what you’re after.
- Comment on What a life to leave your children 10 months ago:
Can you source most Americans working 2-4 jobs? I tried Googling around, and it seems the actual number of Americans with 2+ jobs was about 8mil, or 5%.
One out of twenty Americans is a far cry from “the average American.” But I’m open to being wrong. Just couldn’t find anything supporting that claim.
- Comment on Ubicloud wants to build an open source alternative to AWS | TechCrunch 11 months ago:
I was just about to say, isn’t this just OpenStack?
I don’t even think OpenStack is needlessly complicated.
Yes, it is complicated, but who thinks operating a cloud environment the equivalent of AWS is trivial? - Comment on Florida Senate takes up bill banning kids from having social media accounts 1 year ago:
As I get older, I’ve realized that places like here and reddit would be wildly better if everyone younger than me wasn’t allowed to use it, lol. :P
- Comment on Just a little morning pick-me-up... 1 year ago:
Welcome to the “Beef and Dairy Network Podcast.”. This week, we’ll hear from Mavis of South Hampton, the inventor of that most popular drink, beef fizz.
- Comment on Can I just convert to Judaism tomorrow and get a free vacation to Israel? 1 year ago:
It’s either or. But the Obama thing was mostly just racism.
His dad isn’t an American citizen (Kenyan) and he has a couple of half brothers who aren’t citizens (different mother, born in Kenya).
Obama was double fine, both because he had a US Citizen mother and because he was born in Hawaii.
The conspiracy theory at the time was that he was actually born in Kenya like his half brothers. The conspiracy mostly just ignored that his mom existed, since she died back in 1995, so she wasn’t there to defend the point.
- Comment on Would magically turning all trans people into the gender they want to be be unethical? 1 year ago:
Out of curiosity, would you feel the same if the question was, “If I could snap my fingers and cure everybody on earth who has a terminal illness, would it be unethical to do so?”
Like, you would be modifying their body without their consent. On the other hand, you’re literally curing people with terminal illnesses. Seems churlish of them to complain.
- Comment on Looking for low power devices for selfhosting 1 year ago:
Not to state the obvious one, but there’s always the Raspberry Pi.
The supply has gotten better on those, so you can probably pick one up in your price range, and the power draw is super minimal.
- Comment on UK plan to digitise wills and destroy paper originals "insane" say experts 1 year ago:
I don’t think you’ve read your own source right. As far as I can tell that doesn’t say paper is preferred anywhere. That document seems to just be saying, “if you use paper, use this, if digital, use this” for each type of data you want to store.
And while I agree they’re not recommending to shred all their paper documents and scan them into PDF, they’re also not recommending to print off all your electronic documents and put them into filing cabinets either. Both are acceptable formats for different things, in their opinion.
And while I agree that low acid paper isn’t likely to break down over 1000 years if left alone, the odds of the building they are in burning down or getting a silverfish infestation is actually pretty decent over a 1000yr period, so I don’t think the odds of them surviving is nearly as good as you think.
And also, while I agree that PDF will likely be replaced a few dozen times in the next millennium, it’s also really just a glorified markdown format. Every new standard will have converters to move from the previous standard to the new. Is that work? Certainly. Is it more work than actively maintaining physical archives? No. Especially since, as PDF is the defacto standard for electronic documents for every world government, any major shift in that standard will have well support paths forward for upgrading.
And most importantly, none of your points actually addressed my core point, which was, regardless of which one is “easier” to maintain, it’s clear and obvious which one is cheaper. The cost associated with maintaining large physical archives is astronomical. Buying up some cloud storage is minimal.
- Comment on UK plan to digitise wills and destroy paper originals "insane" say experts 1 year ago:
Ah, yes, flash. A program that only lasted 15 years and was a platform that could execute arbitrary applications, most of which were silly video games.
A total apples to apples comparison with an open standard format for rendering static documents with hundreds of different reader implementations that’s been around for a third of a century and is used by every major world government as the core standard for electronic documents. :P
- Comment on UK plan to digitise wills and destroy paper originals "insane" say experts 1 year ago:
Wait, hold on. Are you arguing that, in the long run, it’s cheaper to pay rent and maintenance on facilities and personnel to caretake reams of paper than to have a bunch of PDFs on Google Drive?
Paper isn’t some magical substance that doesn’t need any maintenance ever. Silverfish, fire, water, and a million other things need to be actively guarded against to keep these records usable.
On the other hand, PDF has been around since 1992, and it hardly seems to be going anywhere. And even if it does, running a “PDF to NewStandard” converter on the files every 30 years or so seems unlikely to cost as much as 30yrs of rent on a physical building. And that holds true even over the course of 1000yrs. Rent’s not cheap, and neither are people who maintain physical records.
Like, I’m not advocating for destroying the physical documents, but the idea that it’s even remotely close to being cheaper to keep them as paper vs digitizing is an absolute fantasy.
- Comment on What's the best website to learn and practice SQL? 1 year ago:
Codewars. It has Postgres as one of the languages.
- Comment on GitHub user claims Twitch has malware 1 year ago:
Forgive me if I wait for more concrete evidence than the word of a guy who refuses to cite his sources because he thinks Twitch is in collusion with the US Government and he may be thrown in jail or disappeared for doing a write up on some publicly available source code.
- Comment on Omegle Was Forced to Shut Down by a Lawsuit From a Sexual Abuse Survivor 1 year ago:
Like, I don’t really care one way or another, but are we not on Omegle’s side on this one?
Like, yes, Omegle was a cess pit. We all knew that. It was basically 4chan with video chat. But, like, this case seems like a parenting failure more than anything, right?
I don’t know that I see why this is Omegle’s fault really, and it’s kinda dumb they had to shut down over it.