- Comment on Headlamp tech that doesn’t blind oncoming drivers—where is it? 5 months ago:
I don’t think a screwdriver would illuminate much at all. You are a bit crazy.
- Comment on Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots 5 months ago:
Probably they find net zero (minus cost of hiring musicians) preferred over paying out a moderate income to actual artists. Capitalism at its finest.
- Comment on The Italian mind cannot comprehend it 6 months ago:
When you’re here, you’re ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʟᴇᴀᴠɪɴɢ.
- Comment on I don't know about those shorts, either. 8 months ago:
Did some Googling. Apparently it’s nutritional supplements:
- Comment on Relatable 10 months ago:
You have very nice eyelids.
- Comment on Trash from the International Space Station may have hit a house in Florida 11 months ago:
That wasn’t bombing. It was littering with style.
- Comment on It is wednesday my dudes 11 months ago:
West amphibia. Mountain hoppa.
- Comment on oh, between 57th and 58th? thank you!! 11 months ago:
It’s where 58th Ave meets 58th Pl. If you hit 58th Rd, turn right on 58th St because you’ve gone too far.
- Comment on 10 years ago, a person would be insulted for filming a video in portrait instead of landscape. Now, old landscape videos are being cropped and resized to fit in a portrait player. 11 months ago:
Vine was started in early 2013 and in mid to late 2012, this video was popular:
That’s about six months of true vertical video hate before the war was lost.
- Comment on Mood. 1 year ago:
- Comment on ChatGPT's Growth Is Flatlining: Where Does It Go From Here? 1 year ago:
Who’s Al??
- Comment on at least half of you need to double check this switch 1 year ago:
If you’re shitting for 3 days, there are some questions which need to be asked.
- Comment on Today's date is impossible according to Google Gemini 1 year ago:
I could teach a college course on the amount of incorrect information in this response.
- Comment on Look at how they cover their vital areas when surprised! 1 year ago:
At 5 times a day, that’s 25,910 years. 51,820 if they’ve had sex twice.
- Comment on Each Facebook User is Monitored by Thousands of Companies 1 year ago:
And there’s 3 billion Facebook users which means there must be trillions of companies spying on them! Crazy when you don’t think about it.
- Comment on I'm now concerned about the billions I flushed in my teen years... 1 year ago:
- slaps you with a penis *
You’re it!
- Comment on E3 Is dead for good after more than two decades of running 1 year ago:
Not surprising. Anyone would die from that much running.
- Comment on Are any self-cleaning cat litter boxes any good, or worth the money? 1 year ago:
And what happens with the cat?
- Comment on The truth some of y'all need to hear 1 year ago:
I wish this was true. I forgot my wallet while buying dinner the other day and now I owe my newborn baby 20 bucks.
- Comment on Seek relief 1 year ago:
Absolutely, the risks of addiction are monumentally different and should not be conflate. That said, my sister definitely did get addicted to Advil in her teens. On the other hand, I haven’t had an Advil in over ten years and in that time have only experienced a handful of headaches, each only lasting a few minutes. Chances are, I’m just very lucky. But there’s also a good chance that if I resorted to Advil before meditation and hydration, my luck would run out more frequently. YMMV.
- Comment on The incident 1 year ago:
They literally invented a specialized ball washer for this purpose. Any golfer would know this.
- Comment on Country music 1 year ago:
Just saw it for the first time a couple days ago. Beautiful film. Been keeping a running list of what age I should show Ghibli movies to my niece. I put this one at 13. She turns 4 soon, which I think is a good age to start her with Ponyo.
- Comment on Could we use AI to update 4:3 media to 16:9? 1 year ago:
The video seems a bit misleading in this context. It looks fine for what it is, but I don’t think they have accomplished what OP is describing. They’ve cherrypicked some still shots, used AI to add to the top and bottom of a individual frames, and then gave the shot a slight zoom to create the illusion of motion.
I don’t think the person who made the content was trying to be disingenuous, just pointing out that we’re still a long ways from convincingly filling in missing data like this for videos where the AI has to understand things like camera moves and object permanence. Still cool, though.
- Comment on Something Mysterious Appears to Be Suppressing the Universe's Growth, Scientists Say 1 year ago:
Electromagnetic Boogaloo
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Or because it provided both hydration and calories to people doing manual labor, like field work. It was the Gatorade of the time.
- Comment on you may ask yourself 1 year ago:
Ah, I love the Vocally Communicating Thought Generators.
- Comment on It took me 16 years to figure out why I hated a Journey song. What song did yiu hate untim yiu figured out why? 1 year ago:
Can’t stand the line, “The dog days are over.” I have no right to hate it as much as I do.
- Comment on what's the highest increase in salary you've had or seen? 1 year ago:
Did you maybe mean to say Terraform, or am I missing a key aspect of my job role?
- Comment on No evidence that UFOs are aliens — NASA attempts to make conversations about aerial phenomena more scientific 1 year ago:
Doesn’t sound dismissive to my ear. Sounds like they believe nhi are likely out there, but our attention is being maliciously diverted by the classical specter of “little green men” for the purposes of politics and control. That’s my read, anyway.
- Comment on Is Netflix's One Piece good? 1 year ago:
12-season plan, wow. I was thinking it would take them about 8 seasons to get to current if they merge some of the smaller arcs (e.g. Skypiea and Thriller Bark) into adjacent sagas. Makes me wonder if the 12-season plan includes the final (as of yet unseen) saga. If not, they must really be planning on giving each saga a full retelling with its own season. Hope they get to complete the series!