- Comment on Changes to law would give police ‘licence to kill’, UK rights groups warn 1 week ago:
The profession seems to be custom made for them.
- Comment on If a 2M employee return to work order is declared soon, I could see us in the US finding ourselves with tent cities full of white collar workers. 1 week ago:
Confiscate? They are getting it back at some point? Because in Montreal and North America in general, the police just treat homeless people’s stuff like radioactive trash. They just clear the place with machinery and put all the stuff in a trash container.
Some homeless people here have lost ID cars and important documents because once the police decides the camp is gone, the homeless can’t go back to get their stuff. Its just all going to the dump, with everything inside.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Isn’t Molson a Canadian company? WTF would they donate to this crap?
- Comment on ‘Shameless’ MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski blasted for hypocrisy over Trump visit: ‘Bending the knee’ 2 months ago:
In the past two years, Trump has called for every major American TV news network to be punished, according to a CNN review of his speeches and social media posts.
He has imprecisely but repeatedly invoked the government’s licensing of broadcast TV airwaves and has said on at least 15 occasions that certain licenses should be revoked
- Comment on What do you like/dislike about lemmy? 3 months ago:
I’m not sure about the circlejerk thing. I am vehemently anti car and would like to circlejerk on one of the many “fuck cars” communities, but any post that gets some attention gets filled by comments of people not from those communities.
So I very often see posts where I agree with the content but the discussion and the comments are all over the place, from car apologists that are like “but IIIIIIIII live in the woods therefore public transit is not feasible for anyone”, and it makes “circlejerking” difficult.
Like, if you have a community about mushroom and want to have enthusiasts discussing mycology, it’ll be fine until a thread becomes popular and fills with users not from that community, asking what is mycology and why they should care.
To be honest, I had the same issue on reddit too and that’s a major reason why I stopped going there.
- Comment on This Is Why You Should Never Store Your Retro Game Collection In A Shed | Time Extension 5 months ago:
Where I live temperatures can reach -30C in winter and 30C in summer, so storing anything “sensible” in a shed is a very bad idea. Everything has to be stored in a controlled environment or it will quickly get moldy and rusty.
However, I kept my old 5.25" diskettes in a box where they were a bit squeezed together and they obviously didn’t like that. It could also just be time. Anyways, a few years ago I decided to copy everything on hard drives and some diskettes are now unreadable.
I waited too long to backup them and now it’s too late for some of them.
And even stored “properly”, I also have burned CDs from the early 2000 that are also unreadable. It’s unfortunate but there’s nothing I can do now, except tonlearn the lesson.
I’m always baffled by people that find old computers stored in barns and still working. Where I am I don’t think they would last more than two winters with this kind of temperature and humidity variation.
- Comment on Toilet specific plungers get the job done faster and with way less effort and mess. 5 months ago:
They sell these in dollar stores here.
I didn’t have to unclog a sink for years and didn’t own a plunger. I was looking for a “classic one” but they only had these and I wasn’t sure. I gave it a try anyway and to my surprise, it was very efficient.
- Comment on If malls continue to shut down and decay over the next twenty years, someone should turn them into retirement communities for GenX and Millennials. 6 months ago:
If they come back, I hope they will be more accessible on foot, with a bike, or with efficient public transit. Because if they are still surrounded by deserts of parking lots, only filled with EVs instead of ICEs, they can continue to die.
- Comment on US slows plans to retire coal plants because of AI power usage 6 months ago:
Nuclear plants cannot be built fast enough for the ever growing demands of “AI”.
- Comment on Nuclear too slow to replace coal, and baseload “simply can’t compete” with wind and solar, AEMO boss says 7 months ago:
Just wanna add that storing energy can also be done in other forms than electricity. For example, pump water up a hill with solar energy during daytime, and use turbines and gravity during the night
- Comment on Ascended to Spanish 9 months ago:
I never realized this but it seems logical. I grew up in a French speaking area of Canada, English is the second language, but the provincial TV was broadcasting Spanish lessons. From the earliest moment that I can remember watching TV, there was Spanish lessons on it.
- Comment on True Love 9 months ago:
- Comment on wise 10 months ago:
“My parents were Starfleet officers and I’m at the top of the evolutionary ladder!”
- Comment on Real! 1 year ago:
This is a tad misleading.
Other languages may use the word computer in their language but some alsonhave their own word, even if not using it.
Spanish has ‘el ordenador’ and German has ‘der Rechner’.
Also, it’s a bit rich to say French has an extended vocab when English sometimes imported French words twice, like warranty and guarantee, or guardian and warden.
French is purist but then English took words like ‘dette’ and ‘doute’ and added a ‘b’ just to keep it closer from Latin… right.
Balivernes! ;)
- Comment on I miss windows 1 year ago:
I live in a studio and I am “lucky enough” to have one big 11’ x 4’ window pointing southeast. Half of it can be opened but since there’s no way for air to circulate, it’s pretty useless. So when the sun is out and is shining in my only window, the place turns into an oven.
- Comment on special characters are dope 1 year ago:
I can only speak for French. It’s a whole letter representing a vowel called “l’e dans l’o” (the e in the o). It’s completely different from an accent and doesn’t work according to the same rules as accents. I know it may sound crazy but yes, there are rules/a history for diacritics in French, and that letter is not part of it,
It does make two different sounds depending on the word though, so maybe œ should get an accent?!
- Comment on special characters are dope 1 year ago:
And they’re called diacritics.
- Comment on [Louis Rossmann] Google supports right to repair? Think again. 1 year ago:
But if you just watch his videos and buy his stuff he will teach you how to repair yours!11! /s
The few times I watched his videos, he sounded like a libertarian bro. And maybe it was sarcasm and I didn’t catch it but at one point he muttered something about Trump fixing the potholes of New York. That’s about when I stopped taking him seriously.
He’s still an important voice for the right to repair movement but you’re right. I also can’t stand him. Unfortunately he has very dedicated/vocal eeehm, fans, so legitimate remarks on him are often met with downvotes.
- Comment on Duo out here teaching me the essentials 1 year ago:
Today I learned that a giraffe in Greek is a spotted camel.
- Comment on How do people understand each other? 1 year ago:
[Foreign language]
- Comment on I wish there were more articles about tech not tech biz 1 year ago:
Quite candidly, it’s not articles selling the spiel of tech bros that is going to help us. I’m one of those commenters and I also wish “Technology” was about technology instead of trying to sell the latest gadgetbahn or a solar road or self driving cars.
- Comment on Tesla Whistleblower Says 'Autopilot' System Is Not Safe Enough To Be Used On Public Roads 1 year ago:
Being “anti car” is good for people that love cars. More public transit means less trafic, less congestion, less demand for gas and generally just more space for people that actually like to drive cars.
Plus, if some people don’t want to drive a car and just want to get places, maybe don’t get a car? There’s already safe and proven “technology” to do that. I understand the added safety bonus of “autonomous” cars but let’s be real, it’s not advertised as something to boost the safety of everyone around, it’s advertised as “autopilot” or even worse, “Full Self Driving”.
I am certainly anti car, but pointing out the flaws in “FSD” or “autonomous cars” and how it’s being falsely marketed to people is also on topic and is not exactly “inserting my views”. People can still love cars and use them, just don’t BS us with the “FSD” and “autonomous” spiel.
- Comment on Tesla Whistleblower Says 'Autopilot' System Is Not Safe Enough To Be Used On Public Roads 1 year ago:
I know it’s not the answer you’re looking for but, what is safer for pedestrians, cyclists and other drivers, is to have less cars on the roads. Buses can move dozens of people with a single trained professional driver. Trains can move hundreds. It’s illogical to try to push for autonomous cars for individuals when we already have “self driving” technologies that are much much safer and much more efficient.
- Comment on Trek Club 1 year ago:
Not necessarily capitalist.
Left-libertarianism, also known as left-wing libertarianism, or social libertarianism, is a political philosophy and type of libertarianism that stresses both individual freedom and social equality. Left-libertarianism represents several related yet distinct approaches to political and social theory. Its classical usage refers to anti-authoritarian varieties of left-wing politics such as anarchism, especially social anarchism, communalism, and libertarian Marxism, collectively termed libertarian socialism.
- Comment on Trek Club 1 year ago:
Yeah. Libertarian is not only a thing for the right. There are libertarians on the left too.
- Comment on Directed by JJ Abrams 1 year ago:
Going above warp 10 is definitely not recommended.
- Comment on Replacing meme formats with Star Trek (part 17, or whatever) 1 year ago:
The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined that time travel is impossible.
- Comment on COP28 president says there is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels 1 year ago:
Even then. One of my religious colleague tried several times to tell me about some “scientific author” that proved the existence of Allah.
- Comment on The chairs of Trek 1 year ago:
Of course there is a detailed list of all the chairs that have appeared in Star Trek. I never thought I’d say this about chairs but… interesting.
- Comment on Fake HDMI cable crackdown - Taiwanese police raid suppliers of counterfeit HDMI cables, seize $2.6 million in knockoffs in a single day 1 year ago:
I googled it a bit and apparently the micro usb cling is mostly because of cost and design. I thought the cost was about licensing fees but since there are indeed none for this connector, it seems to be about how USB-C is much more complex to implement on a circuit. So in order to simplify the circuitry and also save a few pennies on every device, we’re apparently stuck with micro usb for a while.