- Comment on Rare Neo Geo Glass Cleaner Up for Auction at 300,000 Yen | Retro Gaming News 24/7 7 months ago:
Financially stupid? I guess, but that applies to almost all collectibles. It’s not financially stupid if you’re a multi-millionaire. So does paying to go out for a meal when it’s cheaper to cook at home, but people still do it because they enjoy it.
- Comment on Microsoft wants to hide the 'Sign out' button in Windows 11 behind a Microsoft 365 ad 10 months ago:
Not really. Adobe creative cloud is used my almost all graphic/media professionals, yet doesn’t work on Linux… that’s not very niche
- Comment on Microsoft wants to hide the 'Sign out' button in Windows 11 behind a Microsoft 365 ad 10 months ago:
As much as everyone pushes Linux, it’s not a suitable replacement in a lot of scenarios
- Comment on How can a person be very sad, irritated or angry and still not show it on their face ? 11 months ago:
I’ve had depression for years. You get good at pretending to be happy/ok and you mostly just become numb and very good at hiding things on the outside.
- Comment on Fully working 270€ Nest Dropcam will no longer be supported. 11 months ago:
Having a weatherproof case made wouldn’t be too much issue. Let me know if you go ahead with it and maybe I can do the case.
Cost wouldn’t be feasible for 1-offs, but any volume orders and the price for the cases would come straight down.
- Comment on India may block Proton Mail 1 year ago:
Congrats, you just invented ProtonMail
- Comment on A sports arena in my city is was in debt and a supermarket chain stepped in to ease the debt. The catch? The stadium has to name itself after this supermarket chain. 1 year ago:
That’s just sponsorship…
- Comment on Apple resumes Apple Watch sales after ban is paused. 1 year ago:
This is quite common in patent infringement cases and isn’t something granted to Apple because they’re Apple.
This happened at a company I used to work and that only had ~$10M turnover.
- Comment on Google proposes Project Ellmann, a chatbot that intimately knows you 1 year ago:
Ha ha, no.
- Comment on The smartphone has made a game of hints harder for future generations. 1 year ago:
Maybe holding your phone would be a hint you want somebody’s number? That’s all I can think.
- Comment on Microsoft’s Windows Hello fingerprint authentication has been bypassed 1 year ago:
The comment I replied to said stolen, which is what I was getting at.
There’s also nothing to stop someone watching over your shoulder to see your PIN for your phone/laptop. Nothing is infallible.
- Comment on Microsoft’s Windows Hello fingerprint authentication has been bypassed 1 year ago:
Someone is stealing my body parts, what they access on my devices is the least of my worries!
- Comment on If other countries can afford massive internet pysops why can't I find a job in the states where I get to meme and troll all day for the US military? 1 year ago:
You can find that list here:
- Comment on Old Wallpaper Matching? 1 year ago:
For the wallpaper you could have a custom print run done. I own a small printing company in the UK and we do bespoke wallpapers from time to time. Not sure where you’re based, but I’m sure you could find someone localish to you.
With regards to the design, unless you happen to find an exact match, which I’m doubtful of, you would end up just ‘taking a guess’ to create the rest of it. Or adapt the design into something you like yourself so you have old and new both in one.
- Comment on Steam Deck OLED is now available 1 year ago:
The original uses LCD, not LED.
- Comment on Choose wisely! 1 year ago:
What’s the point in breaking in if it’s empty? How empty does it need to be? Does it need to be a vacuum or does air still count as empty?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Why use this when Mastodon and Signal already exist?
- Comment on Why does looking directly at the sun damage your eyes? 1 year ago:
But where’s the sun in this analogy?
- Comment on Welsh government towrite to Duolingo afterupdates to coursepaused' 1 year ago:
That was just the guy’s address…
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Did you just complete the mission with the tutorial in for this?
- Comment on What is your favorite cybersecurity tool and why? 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t really say these are cybersecurity tools, but it’s sure as shit not Brave.
- Comment on YouTube intensifies fight against ad blockers showing pop-ups, and users are frustrated | Blocking ad-block users 1 year ago:
For as many hours of YouTube that I watch, maybe 1 hour daily, I don’t mind setting my VPN to turkey and paying $15 for the year. I mostly use it for music anyway… I certainly wouldn’t pay the full price for it though.
- Comment on Google Maps partners with TfL to prioritize safer cycling routes in London 1 year ago:
Move to London
- Comment on Vintage Mac Community Begs Manufacturers for New Supply of Rare Dongle as Resellers Charge $250 1 year ago:
But it’s made by Belkin
- Comment on After USB-C win, EU tells Tim Cook that Apple must 'open up its gates to competitors'. 1 year ago:
- Comment on AI-Generated 'Subliminal Messages' Are Going Viral. Here's What's Really Going On 1 year ago:
I read the ‘Gay Sex’ as ‘Day Sex’ 🤔
- Comment on Terraria developer bashes Unity, donates $200k to open source alternatives 1 year ago:
There’s 2 game engines listed. Both for $100k and $1k/month.
So the $200k is correct and a further $1k/month on top of that.
- Comment on Most English schools handing out clothes and food to children 1 year ago:
My son is in primary school, but they’re pretty chill. Must be a red jumper, but doesn’t need the school logo. The standard, must be grey pants, black shoes, grey socks etc… but at the end of the year he’s usually grown out of his current pair of shoes, so for the last 2 weeks he’s in trainers because we don’t want to buy new shoes for 2 weeks that he’ll have likely grown out of before the next school year - they completely understand.
- Comment on What is your favorite domain name provider, and why? 1 year ago:
I was using Gandi for years, but they’ve started charging for mailboxes now. I have a lot of mailboxes that are hardly used, but I need to keep.
Just moved to namecheap based on reviews and so far they seem fine