- Comment on Why are there triangles in the infill that get filled with one layer? 2 days ago:
This is the answer. They are bridges to support the next layer.
- Comment on How Hard did I screw myself by """Cleaning""" the Nozzle at 300°C... Multiple Times...? 5 days ago:
It’s a P1S. A nozzle that is hard/cumbersome to change is 15 USD. One that is almost as easy to change as a regular nozzle is 35 USD.
Add shipping costs, maybe taxes, the fact that they can have crazy delays…
I remember on my old printer I’d by a bag of nozzles even if I didn’t need them. But on a Bambu… Yeah, I’d try to salvage the nozzle too.
- Comment on Amazon worker who was ran over and shot during NO attack denied medical leave. 4 weeks ago:
I have no words for this. I’m… That’s… It’s just… Wow.
- Comment on Amazon worker who was ran over and shot during NO attack denied medical leave. 4 weeks ago:
They do here.
If you fire someone just for getting sick, you can expect the union to sue you. They have really good lawyers. Your best option is to settle out of court. And now you are not popular with the union, giving you less leeway in the next case.
It just easier and cheaper to do the right thing, which includes documentation of how you did your best to make it work.
- Comment on Amazon worker who was ran over and shot during NO attack denied medical leave. 4 weeks ago:
The employer isn’t required to let sick people be sick?? Or are they only required to grant unpaid sick leave?
This is hard for me to wrap my head around. Here, if a new employee gets sick within the first 8 weeks, the employer can get the pay partially refunded. But the employer must always pay in full during sick leave.
- Comment on Excel enters its 40th year 3 months ago:
Number of features that is has? Sure.
Number of features that I need? Google Sheets wins.
As I use Excel at work, I’d be happy if you prove me wrong here. Just yesterday I needed to do a simple search/replace with regular expressions. My solution was to copy the data to Google Sheets.
- Comment on Excel enters its 40th year 3 months ago:
I spent some time looking into this, getting nowhere. What’s your favorite library that actually works for you?
- Comment on Offsite Backups with Slow-ish Upload? 1 year ago:
Seemingly. 🙂
My ISP only has symmetric. The cheapest one they advertise costs about 10 Big Macs per month.
I can’t speed test my connection as my wifi is the bottleneck. But the way our law is, they can’t really lie about speed. The “up to” trick was banned a long time ago.
- Comment on It shouldn't be called ADHD; it should be called restless brain syndrome. 1 year ago:
if you would just live your life I don’t think you would call it a disorder, more like a different way of processing tasks
The more I learn about ADHD, the less I see it as a disorder. I see it more as a personality trait. Unfortunately most of our society is based on people not having that personality trait, making it harder to fit in.
On the other hand, if you’re lucky enough to find a lifestyle that fits your personality type, that personality type is actually very helpful, the opposite of a disorder.