- Comment on check it before you wreck it 6 days ago:
Shaka, when the walls fell…
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra!
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
The boomer ellipsis drives me nuts. It gives me a very ominous feeling, like something is being left unsaid that I’m supposed to extrapolate. The only time I use an ellipsis in text is when I want to indicate that the thought is incomplete.
- Comment on Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates 1 month ago:
This is not an issue isolated to Canada, this same story - give or take a few details - is playing out all over the Western world. The liberals are being exposed as lame ducks and losing the support of the people, leaving the faux-populist far right to take their place, in the conspicuous absence - or rather, enforced impotence - of left-populists. The status quo is falling apart and fascism is returning in force, largely unopposed.
- Comment on And because you deserve it, here's one from the top shelf 1 month ago:
So I’m not a medical professional, and I didn’t speak out of an abundance of caution while making an offhanded comment on a shitpost. Sue me.
- Comment on And because you deserve it, here's one from the top shelf 1 month ago:
And conversely, not everyone is you. Weed has particularly variable effects, I know it might not work for my grandma, but as I see it it’s worth a shot if the alternative is opiates. She’s only unwilling to try it because she grew up being lied to about cannabis and thinks it will make her crazy. She’s even afraid of CBD.
- Comment on And because you deserve it, here's one from the top shelf 1 month ago:
Honestly wish I could convince my grandma that weed would be better for managing her arthritis pain than the opiates her doctor has her hooked on.
- Comment on Magnus Carlsen: Chess champion quits FIDE tournament after being told to change jeans 1 month ago:
I’ve worked IT jobs that require khakis and it’s equally stupid and pointless.
- Comment on New Cyberpunk Netflix animation confirmed as 2077 tops 30 million sales 2 months ago:
It’s not that hard to imagine either. My mind immediately jumps to a sort of post-apocalypse where climate change caused the governments of the world to collapse. Sounds bleak at first, but you can make the setting solarpunk by showing how people adapted to live in the new world sustainably, and are thriving in the absence of oppressive hierarchies maintained by corporations and states. The external threat could take all kinds of forms, but I think the most compelling would be a cyberpunk city-state that survived the collapse and is now attempting to re-establish governance over the thriving solarpunks.
- Comment on don't be a coward 2 months ago:
Raccoon paws and octopus tentacles both rival the dexterity of human - and other primates’ - hands in my opinion. They even have certain advantages.
- Comment on ‘Do not pet’: Why are robot dogs patrolling Mar-A-Lago? 3 months ago:
- Comment on If a leftist ran for president, would liberals support him? 3 months ago:
Except all the liberals insisted they would vote for Biden’s corpse before letting Trump win. What does it say about them if an actual progressive is the real dealbreaker?
- Comment on If a leftist ran for president, would liberals support him? 3 months ago:
This is not colorblind friendly at all.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
I wonder that as well, I have a false front incisor and haven’t noticed any difference in durability, but as far as sensation goes it’s practically identical, if a bit less sensitive to cold. Then again, the part that actually gets replaced doesn’t exactly have nerve endings, I still have those underneath it.
- Comment on Do the ultra-rich consume popular media? 3 months ago:
He just had to know what the true hero of the story, Jules-Pierre Mao, would get up to next.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
Agreed, until prosthetics can achieve full parity of both function and sensation then they are only good as replacements for parts that are already missing. No sane person is swapping their hand for one that lacks a sense of touch just as good or better than what they have already, even if it’s mechanically superior. In such a scenario that mechanical superiority is desired they would opt for an augmentation over a prosthetic.
- Comment on If aliens do come it may be only cause they want us on thier side of some bigger war. 3 months ago:
Except the moment you have orbital dominance over a planet then no amount of ground or atmosphere based weaponry matters whatsoever. All they would have to do is drop some mass from orbit and they can cause destruction far beyond even the most powerful nuclear weapons.
- Comment on where the magic happens owo 3 months ago:
Wow, I know some of those words.
- Comment on Swiss Experiment Will Place Solar Panels Between Train Tracks 3 months ago:
This is just bait for grant and investment cash. Sounds genius to venture capitalists divorced from reality.
- Comment on Pee posting? 3 months ago:
Are you just supposed to carry that around with you everywhere? Do you wash it in the sink after every use? If I were a trans man I think I would just use a stall.
- Comment on FTC's rule banning fake online reviews goes into effect 4 months ago:
Put those monkeys underwater and you might conclude that drowning is in their nature. I know of the studies you’re referencing regarding monkeys being taught to use money and I’m aware that they were done with monkeys in captivity. In the same vein, the debunked study about “alpha” wolves was done on wolves in captivity and observations of wolves in their natural environment countered the study’s findings. Our actions are a result of the context and material conditions that we are in.
People dominate others for personal gain because they live in a system that rewards them for doing so. Place those people in a system that rewards them for helping others and the very same selfish impulse will make them saints. The “tragedy of the commons” is enlightenment era defeatist bullshit. The commons existed and were managed by people for thousands of years before capitalists enclosed them and dared to claim that it was the inevitable result of human nature.
- Comment on FTC's rule banning fake online reviews goes into effect 4 months ago:
If that’s something they need then that’s something they should get. No one will be happy doing nothing forever, in that year they will likely find something that makes them happy, especially if opportunities are made available to them.
- Comment on FTC's rule banning fake online reviews goes into effect 4 months ago:
These kinds of movements are a consequence of over-exploitation. The “lie down” movement - also “let it rot” - is similar to the “quiet quitting” movement in the US. People will not be motivated to contribute when they are struggling and do not see any benefit to trying harder. If these people were fairly compensated for their labor and had greater autonomy over how to contribute they would not lose motivation. Alienation from the result of their labor is also a huge contributor; feeling rewarded for your work can be as simple as seeing the result (a teacher seeing their students find their passions, for example).
- Comment on Is it normal to feel tired of technological progress? 4 months ago:
The technology we create takes the form of the incentives that drive its’ creation. If we create technology for the exploitation of others we shouldn’t be surprised that people use it for the exploitation of others.
- Comment on FTC's rule banning fake online reviews goes into effect 4 months ago:
Communism envisions a society where there are no haves and have nots (classless) and socialism is put forward as the economic system that will get us there eventually. There are criticisms to be made about the method but the vision is good.
Capitalism does what you’re doing here, snarkily talk down to anyone who dares suggest such a society might be possible and is worth working towards, and puts forward instead that there must be haves taking advantage of have nots for society to function and that no other way is possible.
- Comment on Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, Inc. 5 months ago:
Whose propaganda did you suck down blindly?
Chill out a bit, my comment could not have possibly given you the impression that I’m a supporter of capitalism if you had read it carefully. I began my comment by putting forward the capitalist argument for copyright - a steel-man argument - and ended it by debunking it.
Copyright is meant to foster and improve the commons and public domain
You said yourself that copyright establishes art as private property (or “intellectual property” if we’re being more precise). That does the opposite of fostering and improving the commons and public domain.
If copyright was not tradeable or transferable
Then it wouldn’t be copyright. Copyright is a capitalist construct, not a public good corrupted by capital.
- Comment on That explains it. 5 months ago:
And, after enough time, I’ve come to know Harris enough to trust her.
Keep your guard up, pal. Election years are mentally exhausting and when the dust clears you might start seeing things more clearly.
- Comment on Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, Inc. 5 months ago:
At the root of this cognitive dissonance is who benefits and who doesn’t. Copyright law is selectively applied in a way that protects the powerful and exploits the powerless. In a capitalist economy copyright is meant to protect people’s livelihoods by ensuring they are compensated for their labor, but due to the power imbalance inherent to capitalism it is instead used only to protect the interests of capital. The fact that AI companies are granted full impunity to violate the copyright of millions is evidence that copyright law is ineffective at the task for which it was purportedly created.
- Comment on US can’t ban TikTok for security reasons while ignoring Temu, other apps, TikTok argues 5 months ago:
It’s because this isn’t about privacy at all, it’s about a popular social media platform being outside the control of domestic intelligence agencies. The US is unable to control the narrative on TikTok the way they do on American social media, which allowed pro-palestinian sentiment to spread there unhindered. It had a huge effect on the politics of the younger generation (IMO a positive one) by showing them news and first hand accounts they wouldn’t have seen otherwise.
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 5 months ago:
I wholeheartedly agree, I’ve been going down the pipeline myself and this has been my approach. Recently I’ve been working with family and neighbors to get a community garden going.
- Comment on 😳😳😳 5 months ago: