- Comment on Nobody Wants a Nazi Electric Car 3 days ago:
Well not nobody. Turns out there are some Nazis. /s
- Comment on Pakistani religious body declares using VPN is against Islamic law 3 months ago:
What do you mean it didn’t happen? That law is working it’s way through the Iraqi parliament and is expected to pass because it has broad support. That’s not extremist, that’s just Islam within 2 standard deviation of the mean.
- Comment on Pakistani religious body declares using VPN is against Islamic law 3 months ago:
Edit: forgot to add that it’s not a practise anymore except some extremist groups like the taliban and some remote places like in yemen.
This is a bald faced lie.
- Comment on Pakistani religious body declares using VPN is against Islamic law 3 months ago:
Is it Islamaphobic or is it accurate? Iraq, an Islamic Republic is proposing lowering its age of consent to 9. It’s a move supported for and suggested by its Islamic clergy.
Maybe you meant to say, “Acknowledging” instead of “Alleging”?
- Comment on Pakistani religious body declares using VPN is against Islamic law 3 months ago:
Are you saying dislike of child molestation is Islamaphobic?
- Comment on Pakistani religious body declares using VPN is against Islamic law 3 months ago:
So boning 8 year olds is cool, but a VPN is a step too far?
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 5 months ago:
Is NOSTR any good? I’ve heard a bit about it but I haven’t gotten my feet wet yet.
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
The goal should be to use whatever is most effective and efficient for yourself,
And if taught as they should be, that will be the keyboard.
Counting out 5*5 on your fingers works and might be the fastest way you’ve been taught to multiply, but that doesn’t mean we should excuse schools not teaching times tables and how to use a caluclator.
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
It works well for casual conversation. But if you’re trying to have a technical conversation it will fail on uncommon or custom words or phrases.
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
They also stopped teaching typing in schools. My younger family members never had an computer class or a typing class.
- Comment on JPEG is Dying - And that's a bad thing | 2kliksphilip 6 months ago:
- Comment on JPEG is Dying - And that's a bad thing | 2kliksphilip 6 months ago:
Slight tangent. But I’ve recently been pulling old home videos off of MiniDV tapes. And I’ve found that the ffmpeg dv1 decoder can correct several tape issues when re-encoding from
to essentially any modern codec. So I’ve got like 3GB video files that look incredibly poor, but then I re-encode them into h264 files that look better than the original. It’s baffling how well that works. - Comment on Researcher finds a way to invisibly reverse Windows updates 6 months ago:
The problem is that the quality on Mac has been degrading so It might just be time to consider a switch. Honestly, for that type of user, I recommend Chromebooks.
- Comment on Tesla’s Share of U.S. Electric Car Market Falls Below 50% 7 months ago:
Honestly, because of the EPA regulations, it’s difficult and expensive to make the small trucks that were so popular in the 1980s and 1990s. Tesla could have cleaned up with a simple single-cab electric truck (especially if it came with fleet purchase options). Because of the economics of the situation if it were priced in the 25-35k range it would fly off the manufacturing lines and become the new standard workhorse for local businesses (think plumbers going out to 5-6 calls a day and then charging overnight), plus it would have the added benefit of a “bring your generator to the worksite” stuff.
They’d just have to be willing to strip a lot of the fancy electronic stuff out for manual things (like manual doors, environmental controls etc…).
- Comment on I had to design a simple general purpose language for university, so I tried creating "ZoomerScript" with Jetbrains MPS 1 year ago:
flex X on the fools
does verbose logs only. - Comment on Supermarket responds after Reddit user’s warning about self-checkout overcharge — ‘Was annoyed that the total amount due on my supermarket purchase did not equate to the individual items I purchased.’ 1 year ago:
If there’re two different items calculations one “real” one and “display” that’s an intentional choice made because they know there can be discrepancies.
- Comment on Supermarket responds after Reddit user’s warning about self-checkout overcharge — ‘Was annoyed that the total amount due on my supermarket purchase did not equate to the individual items I purchased.’ 1 year ago:
Did they call someone over when they saw the discrepancy? Because, you know, mistakes happen.
Not in software. The software is doing exactly what it was programmed to do.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Tesla blamed drivers for failures of parts it long knew were defective | Tens of thousands of customers told Tesla about a host of part failures on low-mileage cars. The automaker sought to blame d... 1 year ago:
Claiming customers damaged things that were manufacturing issues is fraud. Tesla should likely be shut down for that action alone. But that would never happen.
- Comment on Apple has seemingly found a way to block Android’s new iMessage app 1 year ago:
Apple reportedly built a version of iMessages for Android a long time ago. Then they realized how many phones their bubble scheme sold and reversed course.
- Comment on TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion 1 year ago:
In the 20s Gaza was a tourist destination.
- Comment on It's not just about facts: Democrats and Republicans have sharply different attitudes about removing misinformation from social media 1 year ago:
Has WikiLeaks every published a false leak? Why would he not be trustworthy?
- Comment on It's not just about facts: Democrats and Republicans have sharply different attitudes about removing misinformation from social media 1 year ago:
They were never able to be called unauthenticated. They were published with DKIM signatures from the beginning.
- Comment on It's not just about facts: Democrats and Republicans have sharply different attitudes about removing misinformation from social media 1 year ago:
They weren’t able to add more because a Republican Congress cut down approved funding to do so.
The “like your plan you can keep it” depended on private insurance continuing to offer plans that would not be tax advantaged. No additional funding was needed to see that that wasn’t going to be viable.
It’s not okay but it’s not as big of a deal as you’re making it, moreover it’s been well reported that she renounced it apologized and since corrected it, so it’s more to the point that it doesn’t support your original argument.
At the beginning of the scandal, the content of those emails were treated as faked and the first response from the media was to self censor stories about them.
That’s actually part of what made it a bigger story, is that when it later came out that they were real instead of people finding out about it months and months ago they found out in bits and pieces over time. In that instance the censorship actually likely hurt the Clinton’s more than it helped; but the outrage is still felt mostly on the right as they saw it as another in a long line of censorship decisions that targeted the right.
- Comment on It's not just about facts: Democrats and Republicans have sharply different attitudes about removing misinformation from social media 1 year ago:
The only reason he accurately predicted the outcome of Obamacare is because as soon as Republican states no longer had a democratic leadership to contend with they gutted the programs and made them a hollow form of their former selves. Predicting that isn’t exactly rocket science if you’re the one causing it.
That’s not actually true. Once the plans were no longer eligible to add new members in; they became plans that could no longer add news subscribers into; meaning that the Insurance companies would have an ever decreasing group of people to pool their money with; making the plans ever more risky. Most of those plans stopped being offered long before Republican governors choose to not expand Medicare coverage.
As for all your other stuff I don’t think we need to go farther than bringing up Clinton’s emails to see that your arguments are reaching.
These emails are valid emails. They’re not fakes. During the election; media outlets treated them as if they were fakes.
- Comment on It's not just about facts: Democrats and Republicans have sharply different attitudes about removing misinformation from social media 1 year ago:
Well it’s likely because both sides have seen instances where something that is absolutely true be silenced with a “disinformation” or “false news” justification. In recent memory, it has been more “left supporting” news stories that have been silenced than “right supporting” ones that have been falsely silenced. But in recent memory:
- Joe Biden’s son’s laptop. Later confirmed to not be Russian and to be accurate.
- Various emails from the Clinton Campaign being leaked. Claimed to be faked but largely proven accurate at the time of the leak (via DKIM) and with future legal action.
- Several stories about Biden’s declining health. Some of these during the primary pissed of the Bernie wing of the party for being silenced, some during the general pissed off Trump supporters. Biden is 80 years old. Everyone 80 years old has declining health but discussion of it was generally verboten.
- “Lab Leak Hypothesis” Still not proven true or false but believable enough that several government agencies believe it to be credible.
- Origins of the “Russia Collision” story being a person affiliated with Clinton/DNC.
And there’s a long list of obviously biased “fact checkers” making obvious mistakes. Like claiming Romney was lieing when he accurately predicted the outcome of Obamacare a claim that they would call the lie of the year on behalf Obama for repeating in 2013. I pick on polifact for being left leaning but there’s similar right wing “fact checkers” doing similarly biased fact checks.
- Comment on Teen boys use AI to make fake nudes of classmates, sparking police probe 1 year ago:
That’s a good point.
- Comment on Teen boys use AI to make fake nudes of classmates, sparking police probe 1 year ago:
In the US a photoshopped nude would be copyrightable. But courts here have said that AI generated content doesn’t get the benefits of copyright.
- Comment on Teen boys use AI to make fake nudes of classmates, sparking police probe 1 year ago:
Given that AI images and media can’t be copyrighted, does the nominal “subject” have any recourse?
- Comment on Tesla Model X Owner Has Had Enough Of Minimalism, Adds Physical Buttons 1 year ago:
SE thing that prevents you from putting in a piece of shit knockoff part that puts others at risk while you’re driving?
You’re desire to not die.