- Comment on Brazilian court gives Apple 90 days to allow sideloading on iOS. 2 days ago:
I wonder if they will implement the same malicious compliance as they did in the EU with the junk core technology fees and notarization requirements.
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 5 days ago:
I believe Valve just has a flat hierarchy, but not worker owned.
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 5 days ago:
tech-coops.xyz seems to have a list of companies.
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 5 days ago:
One answer to capitalist companies seeking to maximize profit at all costs are worker owned companies. When the workers are in control of the business decisions, they won’t vote for the decisions going against themselves.
Sadly, I don’t know that many worked owned tech companies. One example is www.igalia.com
If more people would be willing to start work owned companies rather than your typically capitalist startup, we could have more options.
- Comment on ‘The tyranny of apps’: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners 2 weeks ago:
Mobile apps are also loaded with third party ad and spyware frameworks which bloats up the size.
- Comment on Best New And Emerging Technologies 1 month ago:
Valve’s Steam Deck is the only piece of technology to come out over this past decade that is exciting. Desktops/laptops and smartphones have completely stagnated. Proprietary OSes with each release are introducing more user hostile features and spyware. The Steam Deck is a breath of fresh air with it not being locked down and you can install whatever you want, as it includes a full KDE desktop environment.
- Comment on Court Orders Google (a Monopolist) To Knock It Off With the Monopoly Stuff. 4 months ago:
Whoops, I thought it said “not opt out”. Too early in the day apparently 😅
- Comment on Court Orders Google (a Monopolist) To Knock It Off With the Monopoly Stuff. 4 months ago:
Allow third-party app stores for Android, and let those app stores distribute all the same apps as are available in Google Play (app developers can opt out of this);
Developers should definitely be able to pick with AppStores their apps are distributed in. This seems strange they can’t opt out.
Pretty sure Fdroid doesn’t want PlayStore spyware apps.
- Comment on [rant?] I'm hopeful for the future of technology 5 months ago:
At the moment there is no end-to-end encryption as part of RCS. Google created a proprietary add-on for their app. Apple is working with the standards committee to add end-to-end encryption.
RCS on android has only two supported apps, one by Google and one by Samsung. Google is actively blocking phones with custom Roms from using their RCS app.
Google also provides/hosts the RCS backend software used by most telecoms. They can host their own implementation, and most did at the start. But now a lot switched to Google to provide their RCS service.
You can’t get around Big Tech spyware if you want to use RCS.
- Comment on FTC urged to make smart devices say how long they will be supported 5 months ago:
I have had a similar idea. Basically some third party that is trusted to be the escrow for all the source code and documentation would basically release it once the company stops supporting it.
- Comment on Why we don't have 128-bit CPUs 8 months ago:
Funny how we are moving back to bicycles, as cars aren’t scalable solution.
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
For anyone in Germany: connect.oclc.org/bib-der-dinge
- Comment on Apple iPhone sales decline 10% in first three months of 2024 10 months ago:
No one says you have to buy a new phone, used iPhones a usually a lot cheaper.
- Comment on Mozilla lays off 60 people, wants to build AI into Firefox 1 year ago:
- Comment on Google Pulls the Plug: The End of Third-Party Cookies and What it Means | TWiT.TV 1 year ago:
On mobile it is pretty common to force the user to create an account before being able to use the app, so people may already be trained on it.
- Comment on Who makes money when AI reads the internet for us? 1 year ago:
While I prefer to doing the reading/searching/summarizing myself, rather than have it presented to me, the current website revenue model is so broken with ads, tracking, and other pop ups. The user experience is really horrible.
- Comment on Google’s CEO faces employee questions about layoffs — “Why has there been such an extraordinary effort to limit the internal visibility of layoffs announcements?” 1 year ago:
“While answering a question about whether any executives had been laid off or had their compensation lowered, he said that, since rolling layoffs began this year, a “higher proportion of directors and VPs have been impacted than levels one through seven.” He also suggested that having to make the cuts is punishment itself. “Part of leadership is also making the tough decisions that are needed.”
Lol, if only the people being fired had someone to fire, then they could punished instead of fired.
- Comment on Why Linux is Best for Most People 1 year ago:
Actually GCD is a library (libdispatch) rather than just a language feature and can be used on other platforms: github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-libdispatch
- Comment on Researchers warn that Windows 11 restrictions could send 240 million computers to landfills 1 year ago:
I don’t think it’s fair to blame individual consumers. The whole consumer electrics industry is predicated on planned obsolescence and getting the consumer to buy the latest devices. In reality computers and smartphones have stagnated in terms of functionally for every day people and frequent upgrades aren’t necessary.
Here Microsoft has colluded with hardware manufactures so Windows 11 will obsolete perfectly usable computers. What choice does the consumer have to fight back? Regulation is needed to force consumer electronics to be sustainable and long lasting.