- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 1 day ago:
I got my start with atari 2600 but I think the GameCube was the best looking in both form and function. Best looking computer is an IBM Aptiva S IBM Aptiva S
- Comment on Why's everyone freaking out about Firefox Terms of Service? Isn't it Open Source? 2 days ago:
I agree if it gets bad they will just resurrect Icewessle once again.
- Comment on EA just released source code for a bunch of old Command and Conquer games, and added Steam Workshop support to bangers like C&C 3: Tiberium Wars 3 days ago:
Its was the first EA purchase I have made in more than 9 years. It felt weird doing it. I wonder if this will change OpenRA
- Comment on Regeneration from the commerical seed bank 5 days ago:
Hands down Pizza Place Plus is hands down the best pizza for delivery pizza in the USA outside of NYC
- Comment on U.S. leads countries where golf courses occupy more land than solar, wind plants 5 days ago:
It’s still fresh water not bring treated and when you have rivers at record lows every oz you can get is worth it
- Comment on U.S. leads countries where golf courses occupy more land than solar, wind plants 5 days ago:
Plus the amount of water to keep nonative English grass on American soil green makes it even woese than a strip mall
- Comment on which softwares can I self host without public IP? 5 days ago:
Your domain need to be tied to cloudflare you don’t need to buy one from them. I just moved mine to them didn’t pay them a dime
- Comment on If a mysterious force secretly changed EVERY clock worldwide one minute forward, how long would it take until people notice, and how would people/governments react? 1 week ago:
Interesting so I guess they update the almanac when a leep second is preformed
- Comment on If a mysterious force secretly changed EVERY clock worldwide one minute forward, how long would it take until people notice, and how would people/governments react? 1 week ago:
Yeah but they said all clocks so all the sats would still be in sync just like we had a leep second it would just be a leep minute.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
Yes but we should still make them pay for every inch they take.
- Comment on Why there is no photos of earth from space? 1 week ago:
Thank you op is lame but I’m glad I checked their moronic post for your comment this is awesome bookedmarked.
- Comment on I spent the last year working on the Fediverse. Here's what I've learned. 1 week ago:
I’m pretty sure they do along with a few more companies it’s called the united states government.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 1 week ago:
This is some good feedback. Not op but I have a genuine question if you are a middle aged man. How would you engage people that may be younger than you 20s and up and not look like or at least feel like a creep. Other than my wife I have basically no friends that share my interest. But can’t engage for fear of coming off as a creep.
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 2 weeks ago:
Note he still does hose kind of videos under a different name for Second Wind.
- Comment on Do snakes prefer to drink warm or cool water? 2 weeks ago:
Very true on the second part I mean you have to do that anyway for the reptile .
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
If you are on Linux and I guess windows but nor sure. You already use it for cache. So you can never have enough ram. As long as it’s the same speed of your existing ram or you will screw yourself in preformence.
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 2 weeks ago:
Along with assholes testing boundaries that others have said. It can also be someone trying to be witty and speaking before they processed the implications of what they said. I know I have done that but I also showed regret when telling someone I meant it in jest.
Your examples are clearly not that though they were just an ass and didn’t want to deal with the consequences of being such.
- Comment on Do snakes prefer to drink warm or cool water? 2 weeks ago:
A few more variables to think about is you would have to keep the heated water at that warmer temperature the whole time. Plus also noting the ambient temperature to graph with each event.
- Comment on You Can Post Your Way Out of Fascism if You Own the Means of Posting 2 weeks ago:
Yeah but no one wants to write about the real solution. # See inglorious basterds for instructions.
- Comment on Why the Epic Games Store was hated during it's early existence? 2 weeks ago:
I do it so the devs get paid and I get to try games before I pay for them. I would never use their app I use heroic instead.
- Comment on Why the Epic Games Store was hated during it's early existence? 2 weeks ago:
It’s also the reason I have 100s of games on epic and have never spent a dime on epic. When I like a game I by it on steam.
- Comment on We could be going towards Star Trek like earth, but instead we're going for Star Wars like democracies 2 weeks ago:
Yeah I was hoping for WW3 but we just got climate collapse instead. No star trek for us.
- Comment on We are becoming the first digital grandparents 2 weeks ago:
Yeah AIM for me but I did them all with pigeon
- Comment on We are becoming the first digital grandparents 2 weeks ago:
Yeah I know I mean my first console was an atari first racing game was RC Pro Am for the nes.
- Comment on We are becoming the first digital grandparents 2 weeks ago:
What features pushed you over to Wii. I was not a fan of the giro driving for Wii. But I’m interested in your thoughts .
- Comment on We are becoming the first digital grandparents 2 weeks ago:
My notification is still the ICQ UhOh sound. Drives my wife up the wall.
- Comment on We are becoming the first digital grandparents 2 weeks ago:
You say Mario Kart 64 for the age cred but we both know it will be double dash and I’m from pre SNES Mario Kart era.
- Comment on [Damien Walter] wait...are we an oligarchy now? 2 weeks ago:
They finally just gave up the facade
- Comment on Why are headhunters or recruiters so laser focused on getting my resume? 2 weeks ago:
Also they make up bullshit and put it on the resume giving you a bad name with a bunch of employers. I only give them PDFs if I’m interested
- Comment on "Star Trek is dying." How would you sell it to a younger audience? 2 weeks ago:
It’s more TV is dying and Kurtzman hates Star Trek as a concept and can only write one kind of story. There is this thing we need to find that thing. An entire season about finding that thing.
When star trek is done right it works and gets shared around and does well. The five OG star trek series. Strange new worlds, The Orville.
It also kills me that Kurtzman misses the entire point of what Section 31 was in DS9. When he said a utopia can’t exist without someone doing the dirty work like S31. That kinda of undermineds the entire point of star trek and If we have gotten to that point star trek is already dead and a dystopian zombie is wearing it’s face.