- Comment on Bioware Is "Downsizing" As It Transitions To Mass Effect 5 4 weeks ago:
Squeeze me? Bacon powder? Mass effect 5? Where was 4? Anyone who says Andromeda I will install Windows vista on your personal computer.
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 1 month ago:
That’s called dysentery.
- Comment on Emiy 4 months ago:
Noel sounds like no l. So Emily without an l is Emiy
- Comment on More trustworthy than what's currently on the road 4 months ago:
Don’t trust it, it got Lindsay Lohan on drugs!
- Comment on Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands. 5 months ago:
Nuclear land use is still below all other forms of energy generation when you take the whole lifecycle, from mining to refinement to production and construction, lile I said in my above post.
Most nuclear plants contain all their nuclear waste during their lifetime operation and transport after decommissioning. Yucca mountain was designed as a backup and assumed 30 years to fill if fuel rods were not reprocessed.
- Comment on Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands. 5 months ago:
Nuclear only has one caveat is the price.
It’s the safest, bar none. More people died constructing the Hoover Dam than died in relation to Chernobyl and Fukushima combined.
It uses the least amount of land per megawatt produced. This applies both in raw terms of reactor size to generators, turbines or solar panels, or if you include all land needed to mine, process, refine, construct and decommission a form of energy. Cadmium based roof top solar is the only thing that comes close, which is not just niche use as no single building footprint can hope to produce enough power for a single floor, let alone high density structures, but cadmium based solar is also ridiculously expensive. And this metric fails to mention how inefficient battery storage for things like solar is, which further inflates the land use.
In terms of greenhouse gas emissions, be it carbon, methane and other climate devastating, Nuclear is the lowest in terms of emissions, and those emissions are all front loaded as part of the construction and mining process, which can theoretically be lowered with more RnD into greener practices for those industries.
So we have a source of power that is safe, efficient and proven that would allow us to put more land aside for conservation efforts which would help with carbon capture as well as lower emissions. And the only major downside is the higher upfront cost? Take a guess what’s going to happen to energy costs if we continue the current course and climate collapse continues to happen.
- Comment on Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands. 5 months ago:
Brb gettig my Nuka cola
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
Stop insisting people have the right to torture animals.
- Comment on "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy" 5 months ago:
The only reason I can think to release it as it was, was for tax write odd purposes with how much money it was going to lose.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
Top/Bottom Step/Sibling Pitcher/Catcher Thot/Simp Bull/Cuck
- Comment on Healthcare 6 months ago:
She’s an only fans thot, this is just advertising to her simps
- Comment on Starbucks' new CEO will supercommute 1,000 miles from California to Seattle office instead of relocating 6 months ago:
Transporting organs doesn’t happen on Private Jets, helicopters and courier craft typically do the job. It’s also now well within the possibility for medium sized drones to be able to rapdily move something the size of an organ container reliably long distance, faster and more efficient than a jet can load, fuel, taxi, land and unload.
Private Jets are just luxury items of the rich, and are the carbon equivalent of burning down small forests or power a small town with coal burning. There is nothing they do that can’t be done more efficiently by a drone or helicopter for a fraction of the emissions.
- Comment on 23 and me 6 months ago:
Can’t watch it or Disney might kill my family.
- Comment on . . . 6 months ago:
What the hell are you putting on pizza that a burnt piece of bread is the healthiest part?
- Comment on Steam adds new "Trending Free" tab to hide demos from new & trending 6 months ago:
When your core gameplay loop is all of 15 minutes long that feeds into a 40-60 hour repetitive grind to unlock a slightly better item, new title or recolored cosmetic, combined with a complete absence of quality or competent writing, innovative mechanics while it’s apparent most of the budget went into marketing and pre-rendered cutscenes that can be just watched on youtube, yeah it’s bad to give potential customers a 30 minute demo that displays everything your game is without hinting any additional benefit for purchasing the full game.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
If you think the single men are bad that age, look at the women!
- Comment on Night shift sucks 6 months ago:
Rule one of management is their problem is everyone below thems problem. Conflicting info/orders? You should know who is right. Bad info given? Why did you do something so dumb? Short staffed? Figure it out. Day side is short? Why arent you helping your team?
If you have any responsibilities on overnights save for run a machine to hit quotas there is always going to be some dumb mandate or oversight from management on the dayside that your team is going to take a hit for.
- Comment on Night shift sucks 6 months ago:
As a night shifter, occasionally this is a perk. You can get simple questioned answered the same day, and if there is ever some kind of policy issue it can be brought to their attention relatively easily. To say nothing of an emergency situation where you need someone above shift supervisor, management may say call them in an emergency but they never answer their phone at 3am but god forbid you don’t pick up on the third ring at 2pm when you’ve been asleep since noon.
- Comment on IQ Test 6 months ago:
Good luck explaining infinite atmosphere would mean infinite gravity and we’d be crushed into a black hole.
But yeah, sure. Earth is the flat object in the observable universe and NASA totally has the power and budget to make possible test you can do to prove otherwise wrong.
- Comment on Say it. 6 months ago:
Are you saying Japanese lore of 2000 year old fox ladies lied to me?
- Comment on Alignment Chart Shitpost 7 months ago:
LE should be an empty roll with a magazine or newspaper on the shelf. NE should be empty. CE should be a roll of duct tape.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 7 months ago:
This, Biden isn’t going to drop out and most of the people calling for him to resign benefit either directly from him no longer being on the ballot, or indirectly benefit in the chaos and doubt of opportunist in the democratic party jumping on what they perceive as an opportunity to enhance their standing and power within the party and political establishment as a whole.
If one singular data point (a bad debate performance) is enough to make you or anyone else think a person should immediately step aside, you’re exactly the kind of person these attacks and campaigns are directed at: someone easy to sway and scatter. I don’t particularly like Biden or most of what he’s done in the last 2 years specifically, but I also know that splitting off from him or encouraging a third candidate that will split the vote is just going to hand GOP the reigns for the next 4 years and given how they’ve spent the last 8 stomping on rights and democracy, it’ll probably be another 20 years before they lose power short of another revolution or civil war. So weighing those two scenarios, yeah I’m just going to vote Biden, sleepy or dark brandon, doesn’t matter since he can always resign after the election and let Kamala take up POTUS.
- Comment on Uncovering Every Lie in MKBHD's Softball Interview; a scathing critique of 'brand safe' influencers 8 months ago:
Not to defend him (can’t really stand his videos at all) but he’s not a journalist. He’s just a freelance spokesman for products that will sponsor him.
- Comment on Make the switch today before the Windows AI gains sentience 8 months ago:
Sorry, I’m too old for club penguin.
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 9 months ago:
Me reading the headline: “Why would Valve make a porn shooter?”
- Comment on Final Fantasy Maker Square Enix Will Aggressively Pursue a Multiplatform Strategy After Profits Tumble 9 months ago:
I just look for people in my friends list that don’t have it yet and curse them with owning a copy, knowing I won’t hear from them for like 2-4 weeks.
- Comment on Never make the mistake of visiting a community for your favorite podcasts 9 months ago:
I will not touch undertale or deltarune with a 10 foot rusty pole due to my exposure to collective fanbase before either game came out. I’m sure they are fine games in their own right but the community has just mentally ruined any desire I had for them long before I would have been able to get them and try them on my own.
I’m so glad I found Portal before I interacted with that community.
- Comment on Xbox president: Studio closures will ensure 'business is healthy for the long term' 9 months ago:
Funny how they praise success these studios achieved before suddenly slamming the door shut and firing those people, but 343 has literally been fucking the corpse of Halo for 12 years now and you still funnel then millions of dollars to keep ruining everything.
- Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
Excuse me sir, we are strictly a French Onion kind of bear, thank you very much.
- Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
As man, all the men getting offended or angry over the women picking the bear are the exact reason the bear is the correct choice.
I’d be a little disturbed to find out some stranger picked me to roam around the woods lost with. The fuck are you planning?