- Comment on Email provider for home server alerts 1 week ago:
I meant that the technology itself is reliable. And you can do self hosting just fine too, I’ve been doing it since 2010 or so, but running a local smarthost which sends messages via reputable SMTP provider works just fine too. Or even directly interacting with the SMTP provider from all the applications you’re running.
- Comment on 30win: A Plataforma Completa para Diversão e Recompensas 1 week ago:
Advertising spam.
- Comment on Email provider for home server alerts 1 week ago:
Commodore 64 is a home computer released at 1982. Modern expansions for it allows the thing to actually have tcp/ip stack and it can run things like telnet, but your single mastodon server, in comparison of what was available in 1980s, is pretty much equal of the whole bandwidth and storage of the internet (or arpanet, depending on how you want to time things).
Mastodon server requires (roughly) at least 2 gigabytes of memory and 20 gigabytes of storage. And with that it needs at least dual core 2GHz CPU to run it.
Commodore 64 had 1Mhz. A million hertz sounds like a big number, but we’re talking (at minimum) of two processor cores running with 2000 million hertz. Also, C=64 had 64 000 bytes of memory while the absolute minimum to run mastodon instance is 2 000 000 000 bytes.
And then there’s the storage. Your minimum mastodon instance should have at least 20GB of storage. 1541 used 5,25" floppy disks which could store up to 170 kilobytes. So you’d need someone to change disks as needed on a over 400 meter tall tower of floppy disks.
So, please tell me again where to get disk images to run mastodon server on a C=64 and how you just know that plain old email is garbage and old people just don’t know what they’re talking about.
- Comment on Email provider for home server alerts 1 week ago:
you very much can not run mastodon server on a Commodore 64. You absolutely can.
Ok. Send me the link of disk image of that. I have C64 laying around with 1541 disk drive. I’ll set up a public mastodon instance running on a C64 with a webcam stream of the setup.
- Comment on Email provider for home server alerts 1 week ago:
I have no idea what any of that means…
That checks out. You conveniently skipped the part where I requested a single messaging solution which works with either modern android/ios devices or with anything you’ll find in your dad’s(or grandads I guess) drawer, can manage multiple recipients, escalations to sms/home automation bells, works reliably even if the uplink goes down for few hours and so on.
And no, you very much can not run mastodon server on a Commodore 64.
But you seem like a young and enthustiatic individual. I was one “a few” years ago. Keep it going, but that arrogant attitude won’t get you anywhere. Email has been a thing since the 1970s and there’s a reason why it’s still going strong. Things like XMPP has been around for a good while and there’s a reason why they’re not even close of overtaking email as a primary communication technology around.
You’ll live and learn. My guess is that when you reach my age, email is still working just fine and majority of the hot stuff which is around right now has faded to the history.
- Comment on Email provider for home server alerts 1 week ago:
aren’t reliant on any particular company or service, and are easier to run and manage without requiring approval from your ISP
What other than email provides that? Browser notifications generally don’t work on mobile. Most of the common instant messengers rely on a single instance running the thing if you’re not suggesting sending messages via IRC or XMPP (or matrix or…) which have their own problems. App notifications require that you have the thing which app is running to be available and online and they more often that not require some spesific device. Also even if you had linux desktop “app” it requires that the software is running.
Also I have not met an ISP which would block sending email via gmail/amazon/protonmail/whoever. Sure, my current ISP blocks tcp/25 to the world by default, but you can request to open that too if you really want to and ports 587 and 465 are open, so you can work around that if you don’t want a smarthost for some reason.
With other options you wouldn’t need to because they already provide the features you’re looking for in those apps.
Which other protocol allows notifications at the same time on all the mobile devices, all the workstations and allow easy way to send the very same message to arbitary amount of recipients to all of their devices? I had email on a palm pilot device at 2001 or so, over mobile data with IRDA and you can read email even with Commodore 64 if you really want to (well, to be more spesific, use C=64 as an terminal for *nix server to access email, I think there’s no actual IMAP/POP client for it). There’s just no way for any other modern service to even try to compete with versatility with email.
And then there’s the more sopisthicated approaches like pushing email trough however complex procmail/perl/python/whatever scripting you like where you can develop quite literally whatever you can imagine. Set up a old fire alarm bell, hook it up to your home automation, process incoming emails and if it’s severe enough turn the bell on. Sure, at least a some of that is possible via instant messengers too, but with email I can be pretty sure that if I write a script today for it it’ll still run quite happily for the next 10-15 years.
Please do tell me which of the modern messaging alternatives offer all of that.
- Comment on Email provider for home server alerts 1 week ago:
It just boggles my mind that we haven’t moved away from this archaic technology.
None of the alternatives are as standardized as plain old email. You can use whatever you like to read them, you don’t have to rely on a single company like Meta with WhatsApp for communication, it’s easy to use, pretty damn reliable and fault resistant and just ticks all the boxes you’ll ever need for a simple message delivery.
Personally I would absolutely hate if software started to offer notifications only on slack or signal or whatever. Just let me have my email and I can then read it with a browser in library, on my cellphone, on my desktop and laptop and on pretty much every other internet connected device on the planet. And if I want, I can pass that trough to teams, sms, all the messaging platforms and even straight to my printer should I need to. With other message delivery options that’s often either pretty difficult or straight up impossible.
- Comment on Email provider for home server alerts 1 week ago:
You only need SMTP server, so the inbox size doesn’t matter (assuming you have another email where you want to receive those notifications). And even if you have separate inbox for alerts it’s quite unlikely that you get hundreds of megabytes worth of alerts every day and they’re pretty much useless after a day or two so there’s no need to keep them around.
In here ISPs commonly have SMTP service included on their service, so that’s worth checking. Beyond than that, any at least somewhat reputable provider will do as long as they provide traditional SMTP service. One option is to use a relay host on local network which sends mail trough a smart host so you can just use local unauthenticated SMTP server for all the things you run and that one service will then push the messages to the internet.
- Comment on How often do you run backups on your system? 1 week ago:
Yep. Even if the data I’m backing up doesn’t really change that often. Perhapas I should start to back up files from my laptop and workstation too. Nothing too important is stored only on those devices, but reinstalling and reconfiguring everything back is a bit of a chore.
- Comment on Help Reviewing My Server Setup? 2 weeks ago:
Does your storage include any kind of RAID? If not then that’s something I’d personally add in to the mix to avoid interruptions for the service. Also 32 gig of RAM is not much, so don’t use ZFS on proxmox, it eats up your memory and if you run out everything is stupidly slow (personal experience speaking here, my proxmox server has 32gig as well).
Also, that’s quite a lot of stuff to maintain, but you do you. Personally I would not like that big stack to maintain for my everyday needs, but I have wife, kids, kids hobbies and a ton of other stuff going on so I have barely enough personal capacity to run my own proxmox, pihole, immich and HomeAssistant and none of those are in perfect condition. Specially the HA setup badly needs some TLC.
And then there’s the obvious. Personal mail server on a home grade uplink is a beast of it’s on to manage and if you really don’t know what you’re getting into I’d recommend against it. And I’m advocating every mail server which is not owned by alphabet/microsoft/apple/etc. It’s just a complicated thing to do right and email is quite essential thing for everyday life today, so be aware. If you know what’s coming up (or are willing to eat up the mistakes and learn from them) then by all means, go for it. If not, then I’d suggest paying for someone to make it happen.
And then the backups. I’ve made the mistake few times where I thought it’d be fine to set up backups at some point in the future. And that has bit me in the rear. You either have backups on the pipeline coming Very Soon™ or you lose your data. And even if it’s coming Very Soon, you’ll still risk losing your data.
Plus with backups, if you don’t test recovery from them then you don’t have backups. Altough for a home gamer it’s often a bit much to ask for a blank slate recovery, so at least I’ve settled on the scenario where I know for sure I can recover from any disaster happening in the home lab without testing as I don’t have enough spare hardware to run that test fully.
Beyond that, just have fun. Recently I ran into an issue where my proxmox server needed some hardware maintenance/changes and that took my pihole-server down, so whole LAN was out of DNS services. No tthe end of the world for me, but a problem anyways and I’ve been planning for a remedy against that, but haven’t yet done anyting concrete for it.
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 2 weeks ago:
I changed my proxmox server from zfs raid pool to software raid with mdadm. Saved me a ton of ram and cheap ssd’s don’t really like zfs, so it’s a win win. And while messing around with drive setups I also changed the system around a bit. Previously it had only single ssd with LVM and 7x4TB drives with zfs but as I don’t really need that much storage it’s now running 3x1TB SSD + 4x4TB HDD, both with software raid5 so 2TB of fast(ish, they’re still sata drives) storage and 12TB (or 10,6 in the real wold, TB vs TiB) of spinning rust storage.
Well enough for my needs and I finally have enough fast storage for my immich server to maintain all the photos and videos over 20+ years. Took “a while” to copy ~5TB over 1gig lan to other system and back, but it’s now done and the copying didn’t need babysitting in the first place, so not too big of a deal. Biggest unexpected issue was that my 3,5" hdd hotswap cradles didn’t have option to mount 2,5" drives so I had to shut down the server and open the case to mount the drives.
And while doing that my piHole was down, so the whole network didn’t have DNS server around. I’d need to either set up another pihole server or just set up some scripts to the router to change DNS offerings to dhcp clients while pihole is down and shorten the lease time to few minutes.
- Comment on What do people use for a shelf-stable backup 3 weeks ago:
I personally prefer printed out books of our photos. We are missing quite a few years due to life getting in the way, but the end goal is to have actual books of photos with titles like ‘Our family in 2018’ and ‘Sports of our first born at 2022’. In europe we have a company called ‘ifolor’ where you can design and order printouts of your photos. They’re not really cheap, but the quality is pretty damn good. And their offerings go to pretty decent sized photo albums, up to A3 size and 180 pages (which is over 200€). So, not cheap, but at least so far their quality has been worth the money.
And they have cheaper options too, but personally I think it’s worth the money to get the best quality you can for printouts. And even the smallest and cheapest option is far superior over not having anything at all due to hardware failure or whatever.
- Comment on What do people use for a shelf-stable backup 3 weeks ago:
After reading the previous discussion I think that you should get more than single drive to store cold backups. That way you can at least spread out the risk of single drive failing. 2TB spinning drives are pretty cheap today and if you have, for example, 4 of them, you can buy one now, write your backups to it and in 6 months buy another, write data on that and so on.
This way you’ll have drives with year or two difference on purchase date, so it’s pretty unlikely all of them fail at once and a single drive gets powered on and checked every other year or so. My personal experience is that spinning drives are pretty stable on the shelf, but I wouldn’t rely on them for decades. And of course even with multiple drives you’ll still want to replace them every 3-5 years each. Plus with multiple drives, if I were to build setup like that, I’d set up some sort of scripts or other solution where I can just plug the thing in and doubleclick an icon on desktop to refresh the data and maybe get a notification automatically that the drive you’re using should be replaced.
And for actual, long term storage, printouts are the way to go. At least in here you can get books made out of photo paper with your pictures. That’s one media which is actually stable over long period and using them doesn’t require a lot of technical knowledge nor hardware. But I’d still keep digital copies around, as the printouts aren’t resistant to things like house fire or water damage.
- Comment on selfhosting mail server on nixos 3 weeks ago:
This seems to be a common point of view for email self hosting.
However, my own experience is a whole another thing. Sure, my hosts have been on every spam list imaginable, mostly with Microsoft, but just a week ago I migrated the whole setup to new VPS and while there’s still a thing or two I’ll need to iron out the emails are running just fine. Biggest issue was that I forgot to add IPv6 DNS records for the VPS and thus got blocked by gmail, but they gave a clear error why that was and once I fixed the problem it’s been smooth sailing.
With current domains I’ve been running things since 2016 or 2018 and even commercially. It’s mostly problem free and things just work, Microsoft being the bigest ass on to work with. For example last october/november they decided to reject everything from one of my servers but both their JMRP portal and support claimed that there’s nothing wrong with our server. It took couple of days to clear without any definitive explanation. But beyond that, on various environments since 2009 (I think) it’s been mostly problem free hosting.
Sure, hosting email for anyone requires at least some understanding on how things should work (both technically and ethically/legally) and the skillset needed is a bit more complex than hosting a web site to public internet, but it’s still something practically anyone can do if they really want to.
And sure, there’s a ton of stuff you need to get right. And then there’s cases when you miss something and your ‘Contact me’ web form becomes a spammer heaven and your servers end up sending few million viagra ads around the net and your IP/domain is on every shitlist there is. It takes some persistence and time to clean that up and learn from the experience, but it’s not the end of the world.
Self hosting your email is perfectly viable, it can be done regardless of google/microsoft, and I hightly recommend doing that. Email is one of the last “old” fronts to the net where everything is not centralized to a single/few actors. But you really need to know what you’re doing. Copy’n’paste commands to set up whatever the latest hot stuff is on docker containers just isn’t enough.
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on Looking for help/guidance on how to setup a server for a business 3 months ago:
Others have already mentioned about the challenges on the software/management side, but you also need to take into consideration hardware failures, power outages, network outages, acceptable downtime and so on. So, even if you could technically shoehorn all of that into a raspberry pi and run it on a windowsill, and I suppose it would run pretty well, you’ll risk losing all of the data if someone spills some coffee on the thing.
So, if you really insist doing this on your own hardware and maintenance (and want to do it properly), you’d be looking (at least):
- 2 servers for reundancy, preferably 3rd one laying around for a quick swap
- Pretty decent UPS setup, again multiple units for reundancy
- Routers, network hardware, internet uplinks and everything at least duplicated and configured correctly to keep things running
- A separate backup solution, on at least two different physical locations, so a few more servers and their network, power and other stuff taken care of
- Monitoring, alerting system in case of failures, someone being on-call for 24/7
And likely a ton of other stuff I can’t think of right now. So, 10k for hardware, two physical locations and maintenance personnel available all the time. Or you can buy a website hosting (VPS even if you like) for few bucks a month and email service for a 10/month (give or take) and have the services running, backed up and taken care of for far longer than your own hardware lifetime is for a lot cheaper than that hardware alone.
- Comment on Federated social media from before it was cool 4 months ago:
Filtering incoming spam, while not 100% correct, is a pretty straightforward thing to do. Use DNSBL and other lists from spamhaus and it takes care of 90+% of the problem. Incoming spam has not been a huge issue for me, but when people try to send mail to someone in M365 cloud or to Gsuite and they just decide that your server isn’t important enough they just block you out and that’s it. Trying to circumvent that takes a ton of time and effort and while it can be done it’s a huge pain in the rear. And trying to fight your way trough the 1st tier support to someone who actually understands the problem and attempts to fix that while you customers are complaining that “problem with email” is actually affecting on their income is the part I’ll happily leave behind.
I’ll set up a couple of new VPS servers to host my personal and friends emails, but if they complain that the service I’m paying from my personal pocket isn’t what they’re after then they’re free to switch into whatever they like. And as infrastructure for that is something like 100€/year I’ll happily pay it by myself so that no one has an option to say ‘I paid for this so you need to fix it’ anymore. On commercial case that’s obviously not an option and I’ve had my share of running a business in a very hostile environment.
- Comment on Federated social media from before it was cool 4 months ago:
Also if you’re running an email server for others, it takes very little from single individual, like a small webshop newsletter, which enough people manually marks as junk and you’re on a block list again. Latest one with microsoft took several days to clear, even if all of their tools and 1st tier support claimed that my IP isn’t on a black list.
I’ve jumped all the hoops and done everything by the book, but that still doesn’t mean that any of the big players won’t just screw you up because some of their automaton happens to decide so. That’s why I’m shutting my small ISP business down, there’s no more money to make on that and a ton of customers have moved to the cloud anyways, mostly to microsoft due to their office-suite pricing. It was kind of fun while it lasted, but that ship has sailed.
- Comment on which VPS do you recommend? 4 months ago:
I recommend Hetzner too. I’ve been a happy customer for a decade. Support, should you need it, works well and services are rock solid.
- Comment on 5 pin connector recommendations that have both male and female sockets available 4 months ago:
There’s automotive plugs which use more or less standard spade connectors which you can wire yourself and they can easily achieve 10A and things like relay sockets can manage 40A or more. JAE is one of the brands manufacturing all kinds of connectors, with and without panel connectors, but there’s a ton of manufacturers around. I suppose on marine stuff you can find connectors like that too.
But if it’s for a LED strip and you don’t need to constantly move them around, I’d suggest using a dirt cheap spade connectors with color coding (reverse male/female connectors on the live one so it’s physically impossible to connect led strip in reverse polarity). Or even cheaper, use screw terminals and be extra careful when wiring the strip in.
And for the dupont-style connector commonly seen on LED strips, 10A feels like quite optimistic value. Obviously a LED strip can pull 10A and many times that, but quickly googled ballpark estimation for 2,5m 10A led strip calls for 2,5mm² wiring all the way trough and your cheap flexible LED PCB from amazon/ebay is pretty far from that. But that depends heavily on what you actually have and if you’ve measured 6A then it’s pretty reasonable to have the rest of the setup to manage 10A.
- Comment on Man-in-the-Middle PCB Unlocks HP Ink Cartridges 5 months ago:
My ecotank died just like all the other inkjets. It went few weeks without printing and blue nozzle dried completely up and on the pipes I can see dried up ink on other colors as well. So I had to dig up old Brother HL3040 back to the duty which I retired after print quality started to drop (it needs new fuse unit or something similar, so not that big of a deal) and I thought having an option to print nice color pictures would be nice.
So, if you plan to run ecotank (which does have pretty good printing quality when it works) set up a scheduled task on your computer to print something, in color, quite frequently even if it wastes some ink and paper. I think the main issue with mine was that even if I print stuff somewhat often there was a period where I only needed b&w documents so color nozzles went unused for a while.
I might get a new set of nozzles and ink tanks for my unit as it’s a ton cheaper than a whole new printer, but if you’re looking for a printer this is something to take into consideration, regardless of their marketing material.
- Comment on What's the difference between a $50 HDD and a $200 HDD? 6 months ago:
As a rule of thumb, if you pay more money you get a better product. With spinning drives that almost always means that more expensive drives (in average) run longer than cheaper ones. Performance is another metric, but balancing those is where the smoke and mirrors come into play. You can get a pretty darn fast drive for a premium price which will fail in 3-4 years or for a similar price you can get a bit slower drive which will last you a decade. And that’s in average. You might get a ‘cheap’ brand high-performance drive to run without any issues for a long long time and you might also get a brand name NAS drive which will fail in 2 years. Those averages start to play a role if you buy drives by a dozen.
Backblaze (among others) publish their very real world statistics on which drives to choose (again, on average), but for home gamer that’s not usually an option to run enough drives to get any benefits from statistical point of view. Obviously something from HGST or WD will most likely outperform any no-name brand from aliexpress and personally I’d only get something rated for 24/7 use, like WD RED, but it’s not a guarantee that those will actually run any longer as there’s always deviations from their gold standard.
So, long story short, you will most likely get a significantly different results depending on which brand/product line you choose, but it’s not guaranteed, so you need to work around that with backups, different raid scenarios (likely raid 5 or 6 for home gamer) and acceptable time for downtime (how fast you can get a replacement, how long it’ll take to pull data back from backups and so on). I’ll soon migrate my setup from somewhat professional setting to more hobbyist one and with my pretty decent internet connectivity I most likely go with 2-1-1 setup instead of the ‘industry standard’ 3-2-1 (for serious setup you should probably learn what those really mean, but in short: number of copies existing - number of different storage media - number of offsite copies),
On what you really should use, that depends heavily on your usage. For a media library a 5400rpm bigger drive might be better than a bit smaller 7200rpm drive and then there’s all kinds of edge cases plus potential options for ssd-caching and a ton of other stuff, so, unfortunately, the actual answer has quite a few of variables, starting from your wallet.
- Comment on Self-Hosted setup for remote music lessons? 6 months ago:
In theory you just send a link to click and that’s it. But, as there always is a but, your jitsi setup most likely don’t have massive load balancing, dozens of locations for servers and all the jazz which goes around random network issues and everything else which keeps the internet running.
There’s a ton of things well outside your control and they may or may not bite you in the process. Big players have tons of workforce and money to make sure that kind of things don’t happen and they still do now and then. Personally, for a single use scenario like yours, I wouldn’t bother, but I’m not stopping you either, it’s a pretty neat thing to do. My (now dead) jitsi instance once saved a city council meeting when teams had issues and that got me a pretty good bragging rights, so it can be pretty rewarding too.
- Comment on Self-Hosted setup for remote music lessons? 6 months ago:
Jitsi works, and they have open relays to test with, but as the thing here is very much analog and I’d assume she’d just need to see your position, how hands move etc, the audio quality isn’t the most important thing here. Sure, it helps, but personally I’d just use zoom/teams/hangouts/something readily available and invest in a decent microphone (and audio in general) + camera.
That way you don’t need to provide helpdesk on how to use your thing and waste time from actual lessons nor need to debug server issues while you’ve been scheduled to train with your teacher.
- Comment on I spent ~$35 on new cables and my LAN speed increased 6x 6 months ago:
At least in here some of the older modems, specially from ADSL-era, only had two pairs in them, so they were only good up to 100Base-T, which is roughly 7MB/s. So maybe check if that’s the case and throw those into recycling bin.
- Comment on I spent ~$35 on new cables and my LAN speed increased 6x 6 months ago:
At work where cable runs are usually made by maintenance people the most common problem is poor termination. They often just crimp a connector instead of using patch panels/sockets and unwind too much of the cable before connector which causes all kinds of problems. With proper termination problems usually go away.
But it can be a ton of other stuff too. Good cable tester is pretty much essential to figure out what’s going on. I’m using 1st gen version of Pocketethernet and it’s been pretty handy, but there’s a ton of those available, just get something a bit better than a simple indicator with blinking leds which can only indicate if the cable isn’t completely broken.
- Comment on I spent ~$35 on new cables and my LAN speed increased 6x 6 months ago:
Yep. I’m running 1/1Gbps wan connection over cat5e just fine. Even on very noisy environment at work with a longish run (70+ meters) we ran pretty damn stable 1/1Gbps over good quality cat7.
- Comment on Self-Hosted AI is pretty darn cool 6 months ago:
It depends heavily on what you do and what you’re comparing yourself against. I’ve been making a living with IT for nearly 20 years and I still don’t consider myself to be an expert on anything, but it’s a really wide field and what I’ve learned that the things I consider ‘easy’ or ‘simple’ (mostly with linux servers) are surprisingly difficult for people who’d (for example) wipe the floor with me if we competed on planning and setting up an server infrastructure or build enterprise networks.
And of course I’ve also met the other end of spectrum. People who claim to be ‘experts’ or ‘senior techs’ at something are so incompetent on their tasks or their field of knowledge is so ridiculously narrow that I wouldn’t trust them with anything above first tier helpdesk if even that. And the sad part is that those ‘experts’ often make way more money than me because they happened to score a job on some big IT company and their hours are billed accordingly.
And then there’s the whole other can of worms on a forums like this where ‘technical people’ range from someone who can install a operating system by following instructions to the guys who write assembly code to some obscure old hardware just for the fun of it.
- Comment on Best way to keep a hot spare SD card for a raspberry pi? 6 months ago:
Grub supports software raid just fine. The main issue is that you need to modify grub configuration to add bootloader on both drives, but even if you don’t it’s pretty simple to recreate needed files for second drive when the primary one dies.
- Comment on Best way to keep a hot spare SD card for a raspberry pi? 6 months ago:
Unfortunately, I don’t think the Pi supports RAID1.
I haven’t ran any Pi with hard drives, but I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work with software raid on linux.