Come with the great migration.
- Comment on When in casual conversation, I take 1d4 + N psychic damage. N is the number of turrns the conversation has lasted. 1 week ago:
Oh, right. I thought it was related to a particular kind of diagnosis. Thanks for clarifying.
- Comment on When in casual conversation, I take 1d4 + N psychic damage. N is the number of turrns the conversation has lasted. 1 week ago:
Oh, btw, one last thing. When you say “we”, you mean… Who ? Thanks!
- Comment on When in casual conversation, I take 1d4 + N psychic damage. N is the number of turrns the conversation has lasted. 1 week ago:
Hmm. Thanks for the info. I might need to have a talk with my psychiatrist.
- Comment on When in casual conversation, I take 1d4 + N psychic damage. N is the number of turrns the conversation has lasted. 1 week ago:
Hmm. Yes indeed. But can’t it… well…hurt, like physically, even if the sense of self is gone?
- Comment on When in casual conversation, I take 1d4 + N psychic damage. N is the number of turrns the conversation has lasted. 1 week ago:
What? could you elaborate on that?
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 1 week ago:
Mmh. Yeah. That’s a sound point.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 1 week ago:
95% because they’re basically nazis.
puts on prof hat
Well, in some countries, there was indeed historical link between sexual/gender minorities and pedophile advocacy movements (well “movements” is kind of a strong word here) during the 1950s to 1980s. It’s hard for us to understand today, but during my studies, I’ve worked on that topic and met a few people invested in creating or dismantling this link.
But :
- It didn’t last for long.
- That’s certainly not what they have in mind.
- Most importantly, although public and documented cases exist, LGBT movements were CERTAINLY NOT the strongest allies of the pedophile advocacy movement. Their strongest allies were actually well… more probably from the ruling class.
- Comment on OpenAI whistleblower’s deemed suicide 2 weeks ago:
I’m not sure it’s in those exact terms, but I think there were a few cases with high levels of preparation. Ended up being ruled as suicides anyway by the courts and the media. Not saying they’ll always win, though. But their idealogical power is not to underestimate.
A minister in my country was deemed to have committed suicide by drowning in a 50cm body of water. Strangely enough, all witnesses have committed suicide too just before being heard by the courts.
And it worked. Everybody know it wasn’t a suicide, but it changes nothing for those responsible of the murder.
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 2 weeks ago:
What’s Reddit? A clone of Lemmy?
- Comment on What is your favorite app for Lemmy? Include Platform 2 weeks ago:
Voyager on Android, far above all others
- Comment on LOL 3 months ago:
Honestly, if you stick to ARAM and a few casual SR, it’s way better than a few years ago. Less toxicity, even fairly friendly games.
Ranked ? Nevermore.
- Comment on Proud globohomo 4 months ago:
How can I apply to become a globohomo? I mean I’m straight but still, I would love to join the movement.
- Comment on Who is your favorite video game developer? 5 months ago:
Supergiant (on par with Trese Brothers)
- Comment on Catculation 5 months ago:
This is adorable!
- Comment on Is martial arts really that useful? 5 months ago:
I’m not certain, given your use case. As someone with a deep passion for martial arts (judo > Jiu Jitsu > Aikido > Tai Chi), I would say while they can be useful in certain situations (even tai chi chuan, which is certainly the most inner one). Self defense classes with actual teaching about fighting a guy with a knife/gun would be more suited, maybe.
- Comment on Academic writing 5 months ago:
Laughs in Pierre Bourdieu
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
Regulating capitalism = authoritarianism. What a weird take. Regulating capitalism =/= abolishing capitalism, this I can understand. But your take… wow.
- Comment on Oh Elon 5 months ago:
- Comment on NSA and Ghidra 5 months ago:
Ah, yes, that’s also true. Thanks!
- Comment on NSA and Ghidra 5 months ago:
Yeah but… isn’t it weird that they share their tools then?
I’m not into conspiracy stuff. It’s just that when I downloaded Ghidra for the first time, when I saw it was being published by the NSA, I had a “wow, didn’t expect that” reactions and it somehow became a shower thought.
It may be important to say that I’m not from the US. Where I live, I’m not sure things like that would happen or have happened. Well, or it did and I didn’t really pay attention.
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 7 comments
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on Objectivity 8 months ago:
Empirical evidence wins out in the end but… it’s not that simple. One name said a lot about this : Thomas Kuhn. Try giving The structure of scientific revolutions a read whenever you can. It’s old and there are more contemporary work, but Kuhn is still a reference in epistemology.
- Comment on Liking an OS isn't a personality trait ❌ 11 months ago:
Boy do I love Lemmy
- Comment on What were the best and worst games you played in 2023? 1 year ago:
Best : BG3 Empyrion (you love sandbox games with endless content with very little guidance? Try it, I’m on HWS RE server and after 260h I’m still just scratching the surface) Marvel Midnight Suns (top notch in many levels) Chrono Ark (one if the best roguelite deck builders for me) The scroll of Taiwu (perfect cultivation sandbox RPG, official translation should come in 2024)
Worst : Not much… I just don’t understand why I can’t get into Thea 2. It’s supposed to kinda be my dream game. Yet, I’m always bored after 30 min.
Shoutout to Archmage. It has a long way to go but it could possibly be my GOTY 2024.
- Comment on Wrath of the Risa 1 year ago:
As in… Mother Therisa? Lol gottem
- Comment on That verse was abead of its time. 1 year ago:
I smiled during the whole comment, thank you :)
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It’s been a long time since I’ve read such a sensible comment from this situation.
To OP, I don’t know how to put it, but I feel there’s no real side to pick, expect for zealots and fanatics. A colonizing oppressive state is 150% wrong. Execution of civilians and exploiting your people misery to lead them to a theocratic disaster is 150% wrong.
I’m from a both jew and muslim family and… I’m glad they feel the same way.
- Comment on 12 Reasons Why People Still Support and Vote for Conservatives 1 year ago:
I’m a bit skeptical, but I suppose it all depends who you want to talk to.
I think you’re focusing a lot on “negative” traits (lacking smth) and maybe overlooking “positive” traits (being genuinely white supremacists, belonging to a radical, wannabe revolutionary group, etc).
Other than that, it’s fine, but it’s just my 2 cents
- Comment on Great news — social media is falling apart 1 year ago:
Very good bot!