- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 7 hours ago:
It came out in 2011/2012, I wouldn’t classify that as retro
- Comment on Hope you weren’t planning to play PhysX games on Nvidia’s new 50-series GPUs 1 week ago:
No those games are not fine on 50 series GPUs, they can actually drop down to 10 fps or lower
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 2 weeks ago:
That’s weird… I wonder how that came to be like that
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 2 weeks ago:
So Calories = kilocalories =/= calories?
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 2 weeks ago:
Is it really so much effort for you to stand on the right side instead of the left? Why can’t we just be nice to eachother
- Comment on Defaults are crucial for good UX and getting more users on the Fediverse 2 weeks ago:
- I was still missing a bunch of posts after that, so I went back to settings and saw that ‘undefined’ was deselected again. That’s when I realised that you have to ctrl click each language you choose or else it just deselects the previous language that you clicked on.
This actually took me multiple months to figure out, Lemmy felt like a ghost town, now it feels like a small town at least
- Comment on Good morning I choose creativity and recycling. 3 weeks ago:
It works better if you think about the raw materials rather than the whole product;
Reduce the amount of plastic you use Reuse the plastic you already have Recycle the plastic you can’t use anymore
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 Leaks Ramp Up as New Patent Suggests AI Image Upscaling Tech 1 month ago:
Still runs great though
- Comment on Hold up 2 months ago:
I see, I only saw it pop-up recently, didn’t know that joke
- Comment on Hold up 2 months ago:
That’s not a kanji, its just :.|:; strikethrough
- Comment on wrappers 3 months ago:
Don’t worry, it lives in Australia (because of course it would)
- Comment on Windows Recall is secretly installed on non-Copilot+PCs (Privacy Nightmare) 4 months ago:
Luckily my installation was free
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 4 months ago:
That’s like saying US Dollars are Unlimited because you can always buy Zimbabwe Dollars…
- Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months ago:
OpenAI like other AI companies keep their data sources confidential.
“We trained on absolutely everything, but we won’t tell them that because it will get us in a lot of trouble”
- Comment on Apple, Nvidia Are in Talks to Invest in OpenAI 5 months ago:
ClosedAI just doesn’t sound as friendly
- Comment on Small reminder: Don't forget to sporadically renew your nozzle from time to time! 5 months ago:
Stainless steel nozzles work well enough and aren’t that expensive
- Comment on European iPhones are more fun now 5 months ago:
And there are exceptions based on capacity and how long you guarantee the battery capacity will be good for. IIRC, if it still has 70% capacity by 3 years time, it doesn’t have to be replaceable at all.
I do not remember reading that, the only exception I remember is for devices that are intended to be used under water, which phones are definitely not
- Comment on Gen 1 Pokémon Fans Are In Awe As Cubone’s Face Is Discovered In Old 90s Picture Book | Retro Dodo 6 months ago:
That’s not what the pokedex entry says
- Comment on Atari announces the 7800 Plus console coming this winter 6 months ago:
Thanks Miyoo Mini and PSVita and PSP and 3DS and Android phone and PC
- Comment on Close call 6 months ago:
Gamemania still exists? I always enjoyed browsing through the games there, nowadays all my games are digital so I don’t have a reason to visit a physical store anymore
- Comment on 6 months ago:
Fair points, although I’m not sure that’s easy to solve. Some teachers are more interesting than others, but schools, especially middle and high schools are too generic for a whole class to be able to listen. Not everybody is going to enjoy chemistry class, while others are just not going to be happy in PE or foreign languages (me). I think a major rework of the school system is required for this to be kind of solved, but it’ll never go away completely.
I think putting all the responsibility on schools is not the right approach, they’re probably already doing their best, but that just doesn’t work on every kid
- Comment on AMD won't patch all chips affected by severe data theft vulnerability — Ryzen 3000, 2000, and 1000 will not get patched for 'Sinkclose' 6 months ago:
Not on mine :(
- Comment on AMD won't patch all chips affected by severe data theft vulnerability — Ryzen 3000, 2000, and 1000 will not get patched for 'Sinkclose' 6 months ago:
I learned this the hard way when I lost all my fan profiles
- Comment on 6 months ago:
I’m not advocating for allowing phones in schools during lectures or anything, but it’s pretty clear to me that an outright ban is an outdated solution that will only hide the issues instead of solving them.
While I don’t disagree, social media is the problem and what are schools going to do about that, except for banning phones? You also can’t compare getting distracted by a pen or piece of paper, to a phone with bright colours and notifications, specifically designed to be as addicting as possible
- Comment on Dropped a paperclip on my laptop and it landed like this 6 months ago:
What does that have to do with the picture? There’s probably a speaker underneath
- Comment on TitanFall 2 at 3$ 6 months ago:
Apparently there are 9000 people playing on steam right now. That’s not bad!
- Comment on People are returning Humane AI Pins faster than Humane can sell them, report says 6 months ago:
Nah they don’t, they immediately tried to sell the company after launching the product
- Comment on AI Music Generator Suno Admits It Was Trained on ‘Essentially All Music Files on the Internet’ 6 months ago:
YouTube link
- Comment on Google Says Sorry After Passwords Vanish For 15 Million Windows Users. 6 months ago:
Not really as you’re still protected from password breaches, which is most likely to happen anyways, especially if you self host.
If you’re actively being targeted for your bitwarden password, you likely have bigger problems
- Comment on Real Facebook ad that doubles as a god-tier shitpost 7 months ago:
everyone in the US should live in a giant city called Metropolis powered by Niagara Falls