- Comment on This speaks for itself 5 days ago:
I have never seen a McDonalds that looks like the top pic. I remember plenty with play spaces, but they weren’t visible from outside.
- Comment on Man who lost $780 million in Bitcoin in a landfill now wants to buy the entire dump before city closes the site 3 weeks ago:
It’s a far cry from this guy’s situation, but I think I had five or six bitcoin back when I was mining in the early days. I cashed out when they were maybe $40-50 each towards a new GPU.
Sure, I could go nuts thinking about what I would do with the money now, but if I hadn’t sold at that rate, I probably would have sold at $100, or $200, or…
There’s no way in hell I would have had the discipline to “hodl” to this point, so I just get on with my life.
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, it’s crazy to me that people believe we were “intelligently designed” when our food hole and breathing hole are so close that we can only use one at a time, and that our waste dumping grounds are right next to the amusement park.
- Comment on Remembering the Corrupted Blood incident: That time WoW was overrun by a virtual plague now referenced by Covid-19 researchers 3 months ago:
Corrupted Blood taught us that we needed to add the vital “I’m a malicious/selfish asshole” variable to our calculations.
- Comment on Sega sell off studio behind Endless Legend and Humankind as part of "restructuring" - but it goes to the original owners 3 months ago:
Seems like a good move for everyone. If you like the Civ series and have wondered if there was a decent fantasy or sci-fi version, Endless Legend and Endless Space 1 or 2 have you covered.
- Comment on A Single Cloud Compromise Can Feed an Army of AI Sex Bots 5 months ago:
I have to believe that whomever it was who coined the term “sex bot” would be very disappointed to see how the term is being used today.
- Comment on [Tom Warren] The PS5 Pro still hasn’t sold out in the US or UK. Looks like the $700 price point will mean this console will be readily available this holiday 5 months ago:
The PS3 also had damn few games to play at launch. If it wasn’t for Sony’s decision to ship it with a BD-ROM drive it probably would have been a total flop. Home theater nerds saved the PS3.
- Comment on Is Elder Scrolls 6 doomed to fail? I can't see how it will work 5 months ago:
Outer Worlds is way closer to a Fallout spiritual sequel (or beat Starfield to the punch) than an Elder Scrolls game.
Did they ever fix the reputation system? I managed to instantly piss off an entire city while I was in the middle of it because I accumulated one too many “We don’t like you” points in the middle of a quest. Completely ruined my immersion and was a hard stop for me.
- Comment on FTC urged to make smart devices say how long they will be supported 5 months ago:
To clarify, the FTC is being urged to craft this regulation. They have not recently urged for this regulation. Gotta love the English language.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
I don’t have downvote arrows in either my browser or Jerboa on Android.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
Fair points, but I can’t participate in this thread because I’m on an instance that doesn’t allow down votes. The up vote solution is at least a bit more inclusive
- Comment on Screenwriter of Zelda Movie Developing Live-Action Eternal Champions Film 6 months ago:
As someone who actually played these games on the Genesis and Sega CD, I’m guessing someone said, “We need to compete with the Mortal Kombat movies. Find me another fighting game franchise that’s got the same level of violence. Bonus points if there hasn’t been a new game in 30 years so we won’t piss off as many nerds when we butcher the lore.”
And it might work. As much as I enjoyed the games back in the day, it really doesn’t take up much space in my brain. I really wouldn’t lose any sleep if it bombed.
- Comment on Actors demand action over 'disgusting' video game sex scenes 6 months ago:
I don’t think many adult games can afford mocap though. Typically the adult content is purely animated models.
- Comment on Devs should not be "forced to run on a treadmill until their mental or physical health breaks", says publisher of Manor Lords, citing how gamers seem to be trained to expect endless content work now 7 months ago:
I just had flashbacks to Dead State. It was a AA title written by one of the guys from Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines so I was watching it closely during development.
Suddenly, it went from EA to full release. I was surprised, but picked it up without reading many reviews.
I enjoyed the game and put maybe 15 hours into it, but then I had to move and had to pack up my PC for a few weeks. By the time I got settled and booted it up, it had gotten a massive patch which fixed a ton of bugs, filled in missing content like item descriptions and a bunch of other polish that would typically be done during pre-launch.
Meanwhile, one of the devs had gotten into a high profile pissing match with the community over accusations they had rushed it out the door. I normally try to sympathize with devs over a reactive community, but I couldn’t help feel like I got punished for buying the game at launch and experiencing those relatively non-replayable opening hours in a non-optimal (Dead) state.
- Comment on Tesla recalls most Cybertrucks in US over windshield wiper, exterior trim issues 8 months ago:
Syd Mead was a concept artist. Blade Runner was based on a short story by Philip K Dick called “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 9 months ago:
Because many of us remember before that, when Valve revolutionized the single player first person genre again and again with the Portal and mainline Half-Life games.
Any other dev would have capitalized on the massive interest in a sequel or at least sold off the property so someone else could have continued those franchises.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam 9 months ago:
On old gen consoles, yes. On PC, it was merely a rough launch, not the industry shattering event it was made out to be.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam 9 months ago:
(First off, the last gen versions were a shit show and I fully believe CDPR should have bit the bullet and cancelled those preorders. That was a failure at the high levels, not with the devs. This is about the PC version:)
Hey yo, I’m one of those idiots that gave it a good review, and that was day one. Yeah, it had a bad launch, but I’d argue it was no worse than No Man’s Sky, or Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, or The Witcher 3. All of the above are some of my favorite games of all time.
If you don’t like the core game, cool. Agree to disagree. But the things that people love about the game now have been in there since 1.0. Sure, there are genuine criticisms to be made, but most of the hate this game got has either been patched out or was pure bandwagon hate to begin with.
- Comment on Fallout 4's "next gen" update is out today and might break your mods - here's how to stop it 10 months ago:
They are more worried about new players than the ones that gave them money almost a decade ago. This upgrade gives them an excuse to put the game on storefront pages again.
- Comment on Teslas Can Be Stolen by Hijacking WiFi at Charging Stations, Researchers Find 11 months ago:
hackers only need a simple $169 hacking tool called Flipper Zero, a Raspberry Pi, or a laptop to pull it off.
At that point, why mention the Flipper Zero or RPi? Just say it can be done without specialized hardware. I feel like they’re trying to piggyback off of the buzz from the Flipper Zero being banned in Canada recently.
- Comment on Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter 1 year ago:
I remember mowing the lawn at home in the early 2000s when an Army recruiter pulled up and tried to get me to sign up. We lived in a cul-de-sac, so he was clearly there for me. I was 17 at the time.
The older I get, the more creeped out I am that they showed up unsolicited and talked to me without one of my parents present.
- Comment on Broadcom-owned VMware kills the free version of ESXi virtualization software 1 year ago:
I haven’t worked with it before. The product is only supported on VMWare hypervisors, so no matter what, I’ll have to build on an unsupported setup, but I was leaning towards KVM for familiarity. I will make sure to check Proxmox out too though.
- Comment on Broadcom-owned VMware kills the free version of ESXi virtualization software 1 year ago:
Well shit. ESXi was the best way to build a home lab when studying for the professional certifications I need.
- Comment on Nothing was off-limits for retro game ads 1 year ago:
Bro, we lost that fight. I was watching a Youtube video of a guy clearing games from his Steam backlog and introduced one with, “So, many of you watching probably weren’t alive when this game came out. Everyone talks about what a classic this is, but I don’t think I’ve met anyone who has actually played this game.”
I died a little inside when it turned out he was talking about the first Half-Life.
- Comment on DEATH STRANDING 2: ON THE BEACH – State of Play Announce Trailer 1 year ago:
I think it’s a textbook Your Mileage May Vary game (pun mildly intended if you’ve played it). You have to have the tolerance for Kojima running wild and doing his thing, and it only works if you are engaged in the core gameplay loop, but if both are true, it’s easily a 70+ hour game. The Director’s Cut was the second game I ever took the time to Platinum.
I don’t think this trailer will sell many new players on the experience if they weren’t down for the first one, but I’m excited to play the sequel. Seems like it’s going to land some real gut punches.
- Comment on Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 - Official Gameplay Trailer 1 year ago:
There’s also an extended Gameplay Reveal on WoD’s Youtube Channel. I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, but the trailer hasn’t blown my mind. That dialog interaction looked so flat. Still, VtMB 1 had its own share of jank.
I’ll still reserve judgement until I can get my hands on it.
- Comment on John Wick 9: Good Boy Revenge 1 year ago:
Made me think of D-Dog.
- Comment on Windows 10 end of life could prompt torrent of e-waste as 240 million devices set for scrapheap 1 year ago:
Half? Bet that number is higher. Linux can run on a potato if you find the right distro.
- Comment on Steam year in review 2023 is up, if you want to get disappointed in how much you bought and how little of it you played. 😛 1 year ago:
Remember that a huge number of Steam accounts exclusively play Free to Play games and spend no money at all. 6 of the Top 10 Most Played on Steam right now are F2P games and only one is from this year.
- Comment on What were the best and worst games you played in 2023? 1 year ago:
Going to second Midnight Suns. I’m a big XCOM fan, and while there were a lot of differences, it still scratched that same multi-genre itch.
I also played (in no specific order):
Hitman - World of Assassination - A whole hell of a lot of game in one package. Definitely the highlight of the series if it is your type of game.
Horizon Burning Shores - A worthwhile reason to go back to Horizon Forbidden West, though it was over sooner than I’d like. I’d feel better about the length if it was easier to miss the story, but anyone who goes from Forbidden West to the next game without playing Burning Shores might be caught off guard by the new character. (And I’mma be mad if they don’t bring back the new character!)
Death Stranding: Director’s Cut - Another YMMV game that will suck you in if you like good progression mechanics and don’t mind a slightly slower pace. And Hideo Kojima being Hideo Kojima.
Crisis Core - FFVII Reunion - You know the old school parenting style of making your kid smoke a pack of cigarettes so they want to wretch every time they catch a whiff of them? I accidentally did that to myself with JRPGs during the PS1 era. I thought maybe Crisis Core could coast by on nostalgia factor because I was able to enjoy FFVII Remake. Crisis Core was a big stinker though. The story hits every bad JRPG/anime trope you can think of (fucking Genesis… WOOF), and the quest design seems designed to embrace pointless backtracking and tedium.
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - I will argue until I’m blue in the face that while the PS4 and Xbox Series Whatever was a shitshow, the PC launch of CP2077 in 2020 was only a bit rocky. All the praises that people have been singing about the game since 2.0 and Phantom Liberty? They’re praising the same elements that have made the game great since Day 1. It’s just not sandwiched between T-poses and occasional CTDs any more. PC veterans who lived through rough launches of great games (like Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines or, hell, Witcher 3!) were right at home. The Phantom Liberty Expansion was a great excuse to revisit Night City and remember why I fell in love with the game three years ago.
Slay the Spire - Because I’m going to hit A20 and kill the Heart with Silent eventually, goddammit.
Baldur’s Gate 3 - Because best $50 I spent in 2020.
No Man’s Sky - I waited until this year to pick up NMS and this was another one that sucked me in for a solid couple months. Hello Games has sunk years into making this game a great bang for your buck if you like exploration and building.