- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 2 weeks ago:
when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles.
People do not choose to be pedophiles just like gay people do not choose to be gay.
Its the way your brain is wired and hating people because of something out of their control force them into the shadows, prevent them from getting the help they need and make the problem much worse.
As long as the pedophile did not commit a crime by acting on their desires, they don’t deserve to be hated
- Comment on The 2025 SJW Update: Donations, costs and other points 5 weeks ago:
Accepting Crypto donation would help me a lot.
- Comment on Gsam battery monitor has been delisted? 4 months ago:
Android has this feature natively. Just go to settings > battery > battery usage
- Comment on Explains a lot... 4 months ago:
The ideal bug for any frog trying to go on diet
- Comment on Huawei's revamped Android competitor is launching with support for 10,000 apps. 5 months ago:
This all started when US banned google from doing business with huwawi. They could no longer use google products including good play services - which many apps depend on - and google play store. They had to come with an alternative or go out of business
- Comment on What prevents Linux from being installed on mobile devices? 5 months ago:
Exactly Android also is “Linux based” period.
That’s my point.
- Comment on What prevents Linux from being installed on mobile devices? 5 months ago:
Android is maintaining a fork of Linux kernel that has since diverged.
Its like saying MAC is UNIX, technically yes but not really
- Comment on Anychance all the inflation were are seeing is foreign entities ditching the dollar after seeing the state of things? 5 months ago:
probably US
- Comment on French dig team gets 200-year-old note from archaeologist 5 months ago:
Inside the bottle was a message on paper, rolled up and tied with string.
On Tuesday evening, Mr Blondel opened the paper – which read as follows:
“P.J Féret, a native of Dieppe, member of various intellectual societies, carried out excavations here in January 1825. He continues his investigations in this vast area known as the Cité de Limes or Caesar’s Camp.”
Féret was a local notable, and municipal records confirm that he conducted a first dig at the site 200 years ago.
- Comment on Founder and CEO of Telegram messaging service arrested in France 6 months ago:
Firefox french translation, not perfect but usable.
Why was he under threat of a research mandate?
The Justice considers that the lack of moderation, cooperation with the forces of law and order and the tools offered by Telegram (disposable number, cryptocurrencies, etc.) makes it complicit in drug trafficking, paedo criminal offences and fraud.
This research mandate ran if, and only if, Pavel Durov were in the national territory. “He made a pellet tonight. We don’t know why… Was this theft just one step? In any case, it is ready-made”, slips a source close to the investigation to TF1/LCI. Ever since he knew himself persona non grata in France, Pavel Durov used to travel to the Emirates, to the countries of the former USSR, to South America … He had travelled very little in Europe and avoided the countries where Telegram is under surveillance. What now?
Investigators from the National Anti-Fraud Office attached to the Customs Directorate (ONAF) notified him and held him in police custody. He should be presented to an investigating judge this Saturday evening before a possible indictment on Sunday for a multitude of offences: terrorism, narcotics, complicity, fraud, money laundering, concealment, child-criminal content…
- Comment on what's a polite way to reject a picture with a very thankful patient who was under your care? 6 months ago:
I am a bit of a shy person and being on spotlight could make me uncomfortable. A simple thank you is enough to brighten my day
- Comment on Almost unfixable “Sinkclose” bug affects hundreds of millions of AMD chips 6 months ago:
It also means no AMD server could be resold because there is no way to know if it was previously infected
- Comment on Oxford scientists are generating solar power without panels 6 months ago:
There is always a catch.
in this case I’ll bet its the price
- Comment on I want to donate old work shirts, but I don't want people to be mistaken for employees there. How do I remove the logos? 7 months ago:
try soaking one of then in bleach overnight. That might destroy it but it also might remove all the colors including logo and solve your problen.
if that worked u can do the same with the other tshirts
- Comment on Is there anyway to have your subscribed communities on the side so I do not have to type them in the search bar? 7 months ago:
thanks but how do you know what interface is available where?
- Comment on Is there anyway to have your subscribed communities on the side so I do not have to type them in the search bar? 7 months ago:
wow. Wish I knew about this before. Is there a list of available interfaces?
- Comment on Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising 8 months ago:
Why wont we have viable alternative ? We already have
- Comment on Empowering Choice: Firefox Partners with Qwant for a Better Web 11 months ago:
Google is the default search engine because they pay a lot to mozilla, I doubt that would change
- Comment on *enhance* 11 months ago:
Should have rotated one of the images to match the other
- Comment on When using AI and machine learning driven features, how much are they processing data locally vs. remotely? 1 year ago:
Most ai providers do the processing remotely. As a rule of thunb, if you cant use specific AI service without internet then its done remotely
- Comment on Northern star gang 1 year ago:
nah I need to check my compass every 3 seconds or I go crazy
- Comment on White House threatens to veto anti-EV bill just passed by US House 1 year ago:
Full evs will fill a landfill in 15 years time and need an entire new car to be built to replace
Doesn’t that applies to any car? or you mean because many EV companies make it difficult to repair their product using a 3ed party? That’s why we need a “right to repair bill”, there is nothing fundamental in EV cars that make them non-serviceable.
New 1500 lbs of lithium and Cobalt and nickel battery as well to be mined
I agree that EVs are not as green as one might think and I am also hopefully that things will change in the future. however that doesn’t mean we stick with ordinary cars for now. If no body buy EV, the companies would simply shut down and there won’t be “future” to talk about.
It like solar panel they used to have terrible efficiency and lot of gas emission producing them and people were wondering if they really are any greener but had people stopped buying them back then, we wouldn’t have better versions today.
- Comment on White House threatens to veto anti-EV bill just passed by US House 1 year ago:
Ya that make sense. But then their positive effect on climate is minimal. Hopefully no one would think they are half helping the planet by buying a hybrid
- Comment on White House threatens to veto anti-EV bill just passed by US House 1 year ago:
I think I didn’t make my point clear. I am of course pro EV cars because of all the benefit you mentioned.
I am questioning the idea of a hybrid car that can only be charged by pumping more petrol. might as well by a normal car and leave the batteries to the true EV car that truly need them
- Comment on White House threatens to veto anti-EV bill just passed by US House 1 year ago:
you don’t need to plug them in so no range issues or priving unregulated EV charging station to worry about finding.
But if these cars charge their batteries by burning more gas then whats the point of having EV at all?
- Comment on 73 pre-Incan mummies, some with 'false heads,' unearthed from Wari Empire in Peru 1 year ago:
Some of the male and female bodies were buried wearing masks of carved wood and ceramic, which are known as “false heads,”
here, saved you a click
- Comment on Why not just let people use opioids? It's cheap. People like it. Arguably healthier than weed, alcohol or tobacco. Addiction isn't an issue if you can stay supplied. 1 year ago:
am not a doctor myself but from what i know, the reason you increase the dose in first place is that your body build tolerance. if a normal person were to take same dosage as a long time drug addict they would die in minutes
reasons for death of overdose:
- someone went to rehab and lost their tolerance then went back to drugs with same dosage they used to take
- someone missed a dosage and went through horrible withdrawal symptomps so when they finally got the pill they took too much
- buying certain drug without knowing it is laced with a more powerfull one
- Comment on I deleted WhatsApp only for privacy! Am i stupid? Why ? 1 year ago:
I removed it for years but eventually had to get it back.
I used a spare phone though with non of my contacts in it and never connect it to my home wifi.
- Comment on Can hair be straightened permanently? 1 year ago:
Your hir growslall the time. In order to permnently straighten your hair, u need any newly grown hair to also be straight . since yor hair type is contolled by DNA, you would need to alter DNA of your hair follicles. Its tecnicaly possilebuft would be extremely expensive
- Comment on Assuming time travelers are real, but only influenced events so far back enough that a smartphone they lost in the past didn't survive for archeologists to find, how far back are we speaking? 1 year ago:
They need to go back to when earth was very hot ball of molten metal. Anything more recent than that means there is a non zero chance that the smart phone or parts of it would remain intact. There is also a chance of turning into a fossil (the phone gets buried into some mud, the mud dries and turn into a rock, eventually the phone dissolve and disappear leaving behind its print in the rock