- Comment on What RSS feeds are you subscribed to? 4 days ago:
More like what newsletters or Lemmy communities are you subscribed to
- Comment on 🪨 Rock on 🪨 1 week ago:
Gotta remember this is the shitpost community
- Comment on what’s with some adult tv shows using tiktok speak/“brainrot” or acting like the example below, wouldn’t this approach work better with children’s shows? 1 week ago:
Could it be younger writers are now the age/career place where they can start putting unfamiliar content in?
- Comment on Laws only matter if you're not rich. 4 weeks ago:
The good die young, dude was a big open source contributor and could have been a good Sam Altman.
- Comment on I took the term "Tree Skirt" literally 1 month ago:
First time this community came up on my feed. Good to see, we need more cool hobby subs on Lemmy
- Comment on Biden administration planning $8 billion arms sale to Israel as Gaza war continues 2 months ago:
January 20th
- Comment on Wuhan lab samples hold no close relatives to virus behind COVID 2 months ago:
Because Donald Trump is about to start slinging shit from the highest office in the land again
- Comment on Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous? 6 months ago:
All it takes is some API calls and some simple python scripting and you could data mine a person. Maybe they subconsciously only upvote LGBT posts. Maybe they downvote leftwing posts.
Then, oops, one day they post something that can doxx them and now they’re getting targeted ads or worst case a stalker or someone who wants to get them fired/thrown in jail.
Now imagine a machine learning algorithm or AI has done all the data mining and it took just a couple days to work through all users on lemmy.world.
If there’s any data that could be used to make money someone will eventually try it.
- Comment on DVDs are dying right as streaming has made them appealing again 7 months ago:
If you know plex it’s the same thing just open source.
But they are just video player front ends for your media libray
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
I wonder if it’s actually interpreting the bookshelf or if having such a busy background is taking a toll on the compression. That would alter the details on the person’s face
- Comment on Could I get an autopsy done on myself while I'm alive? 9 months ago:
Sever your spinal cord so your body is paralyzed. Then you won’t have to worry about pain.
This would be a wild situation though. Feels like human centipede levels of wild
- Comment on neptune 10 months ago:
Are there any good voyager 2 documentaries that anyone would recommend? Looking at the pic of Neptune and damn it’s crazy that they sent them so far and got great results
- Comment on Post your Servernames! 10 months ago:
Two metal gear references: Arsenal gear and Outer Heaven.
And then the container ship company that blocked the canal, Evergreen
All having references to be able to hold many containers/weapons
- Comment on Guess I'll die 10 months ago:
Nah nah nah, it’ll instantly blind you. You gottasave your sight to see the mushroom and fire storm
- Comment on Lemmy Active Users looking good 11 months ago:
Speculation on this graph alone, I would say that students being off/people avoiding family gave the bump in December. And I’d expect another bump in May/June as Summer starts
- Comment on How do you manage your server files? 11 months ago:
Sftp using the KDE file browser Dolphin. Keeps it simple for my monkey brain as if I’m accessing the drive locally.
- Comment on This may just not be the best packaging idea... 1 year ago:
4.39?!? Fuck that’s so much. Granted I used to drink the powder mix so I’m used to those prices
- Comment on TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion 1 year ago:
They want the land and the $500 billion worth of natural gas in the sea
- Comment on Samsung joins Google in RCS shaming Apple 1 year ago:
The color is one part, the other is that it breaks functions in iMessage. So the elitism doubles up
- Comment on Apple blames iOS 17 bugs and apps like Instagram for making iPhone 15s run hot 1 year ago:
Apple BLASTED for overheating issues on the iPhone 15. Apple SLAMMED Instagram for bugs. Consumers FLAILED by headlines