You seem to misunderestimate the gang problem. I was in Ilobasco a few years ago and my family that lives there urged me not to go outside past 7pm because I can be a target. Like wtf why do the gangs get to dictate curfew? This was in 2017. Since Nuevas Ideas I have only heard good things and good changes to the area from my family. There were so many people associated to the gangs that I have little sympathy for those ‘innocently accused’. I would rather a few loosely incorporated get caught than let the gangs do what they want freely. 10 months ago
[deleted] 10 months ago
screed against so called english speaking American imperialists . written entirely in English
Knowing a language isn’t imperialism 'a7ma’a. 10 months ago
[deleted] 10 months ago
Bro you wanna talk lingophile imperialism while speaking the language of men who have been trying to conquer my people’s home for literal thousands of years, it’s the puppets that your people put in charge who were so terrible to my kin that they began to chant Badna N3aesh.
Iran literally made Arab Spring dub “I can’t breathe” happen, then you come in here like hot shit talkin’ about how English speaking Americans are all imperialists while touting the language of the longest still running imperial project in human history. 10 months ago
Until it’s you who get wrongfully out in jail, but I get the point. I think everyone agree it’s better now and also they should do everything they can to speed up the release of innocent people. 10 months ago 10 months ago 10 months ago