- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
Oh 100%. I’m not ignorant to our complete takeover by morons and the allowing of it that people have here in the states. I’m just saying we’re not the only ones. Especially since it’s happening in countries with “better education” than us. Which means Americas crappy education system isn’t the real problem like the original comment was saying
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
The CxU has claimed they won’t work with the AfD but…. Link
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
Thanks, I’m hopeful for Germany that they can keep the AfD at bay. I’m hopeful that Americas former allies make enough of a turn on us that the people here realize we messed up and I’m hopeful if we return to decency here that we didn’t burn up all of our credibility. A lot of Americans aren’t Trump supporters, but certainly there is a decent amount that is and it disgusts me.
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
If we’re saying things are “not that it’s good” then it sounds like there is a rightward shift. Which was my point. America isn’t alone in this trend. To act like it is due to some lack of education was the original OPs point and I simply disagree with that based on the current trends of countries around the world.
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
I hope so for Germanys sake. A 9% increase from the last election, for a party that’s 12 years old… that’s pretty sweeping to me. Not to mention that it’s more so the southern parts of Germany that have an even stronger percentage of AfD support.
Again, I’m not wanting a right shift for these countries, but it’s become clear that things are. We could stick our head in the dirt and say it’s only America, but that wouldn’t be true, and that’s what I was getting at with my comment.
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
AfD walked away in second, but jumped by nearly 9% over the last federal election. That’s a huge gain in momentum.
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
The mid-right said they wouldn’t work with them, but as we have seen that means absolutely nothing. I wouldn’t be surprised if the SDP broke that and started working with AfD. Maybe it’s just me being cynical.
I’m not going to disagree that our power projection from the US isn’t a power boost to other right wing governments. I just think that to claim this is solely a result of poor US education when we can see this happening elsewhere in so called better educated countries means it isn’t really the predictor they’re claiming it to be.
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
The incumbents are losing to whom? Certainly not their own parties. You bring up the UK which is an outlier of recent events, but was a predicator of the future with Brexit during their right wing shift. Brazil could be another, but Bolsanaro is still an active threat as are his supporters.
But sure, just say “cope” and it automatically makes my comment wrong and yours right!
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
Germany just had a sweeping far right election, and Argentina has had a libertarian at the helms for a bit now. A ton of south Asian countries have had hardcore conservative views for a while now, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Canada shifts right next election. There are basically few corners of the earth where populism/right wing ideology isn’t growing and expanding. This isn’t an American education system problem, it’s world wide. The political elites in your country just have you convinced that it’s America that’s now the problem, which then creates a new wave of populism in your country. It’s a self eating snake.
Not that I’m disagreeing that our slapping of allies isn’t problematic. This is just something that is clearly growing everywhere and the people of Lemmy love saying “America bad” as the same exact shit is happening in your country. If you’re an American expand your news beyond our shores. The grass is unfortunately turning to shit everywhere. We’re in for a rough decade together.
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
I don’t disagree with some of your points, but I also don’t believe that Reddit really ever said it was a free speech platform. Twitter has for sure (because of Elon), but Reddit has really been a “front page of the internet” believer. They felt more like an aggregator and newspaper. Which definitely has a lot of censoring and opinion blocking in the world of print too. I mean, remember when they got rid of jailbait or space dicks, was that a speech problem? Some felt it was, but it was definitely something we all realized was wrong and that a private company tries to protect its “brand.” Obviously being on Lemmy and leaving after the API change means I didn’t agree with them and I found another place that aligned more with my values.
You holding that sign up though is legal, however only on public property, and only if you’re taking up less than half of the sidewalk and not in the path of traffic. You also cannot use an amplified device (unless you’ve filled out the permit) and your sign cannot be on any wood or metal sticks. If you step onto private property you can be asked to leave or removed. That last one is also something that just like a website isn’t restricting your right to free speech, just that a specific building/business/owner doesn’t want to be in support of it.
In the end, why are we all still talking about Reddit. This site definitely has users that love going back to their crazy ex to fuck and then realizing it’s still crazy like as if it would change.
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
Definitely agree with you on that.
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
If we’re talking about the Unpopular opinion subreddit (what the image is from). They also had President, presidency, Trump, and spez. They’re just big things that end up with a lot of garbage. A sub about unpopular opinions filled with the same “Donald Trump bad” becomes boring and annoying.
If we’re talking about the Lemmy Shitpost community then they specifically call out no derogatory language towards anyone’s Race, gender, or religion. Is that trampling your civil liberties?
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
Your rights as a person and citizen don’t magically extend everywhere. Otherwise you turn into a sovereign citizen. This weird obsession on Lemmy with this idea you should be able to say whatever you want online anywhere is fucking stupid and weird. A website is like another business or home (or even a newspaper… which at times has also pulled ideas they don’t agree with). You’re showing up to it. If you don’t like the rules in one place, go to another (or read a different paper). Or make your own.
Also, I love the irony of me making an unpopular opinion comment on a post about unpopular opinion.
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 2 months ago:
Is this really so bad? I mean… I get it. When you’re trying to moderate something with thousands of posts, and a ton start coming in that are low effort/bot posts saying things like “unpopular opinion: I support Luigi” or “unpopular opinion: I am glad Biden won’t be president” it makes sense. Those are just such constant topics with such a wide range of ideals. Whereas an unpopular opinion they might want to spur conversation would be “unpopular opinion: I don’t mind my socks being damp or wet” otherwise it’s just constant shitposts.
Plus, Reddit isn’t the (US) government. Your expectation of free speech should be null.
- Comment on Taliban leader bans windows overlooking women's areas 2 months ago:
Idk, I feel like the Taliban is actually super gay, but it’s like hella repressed. So they’re just going to slowly ban a bunch of stuff for women until they one day go “well we may as well ban women” and then all those dudes are gonna be able to kiss like they always wanted.
- Comment on Veggie 4 months ago:
Big mama…
- Comment on Headlamp tech that doesn’t blind oncoming drivers—where is it? 5 months ago:
I drive a Ram 2500… so I have like the worst LED lights for other people. What I don’t get is why they don’t automatically dim as I slow down. It’s now like your headlights are needed to see as far down the road when I’m doing 0mph. Just keep them at the minimum and increase brightness as I drive, and if it detects another car in front of me just reduce light output while drive to -10% from normal.
- Comment on American tourists visiting the EU, what do you think of it? 5 months ago:
If you’re from the west coast of the US that seems to be a more West Coast thing. I recently went to Chicago and was amazed at how clean it was. The Lyft driver told me it was the cleanest city in the country (and possibly the world since he grew up outside of the states) but I wasn’t prepared for it. I walked everywhere in the city and there just wasn’t a single piece of trash anywhere. We actively looked too.
- Comment on Why is the US not considered a third world country? 7 months ago:
The country most famous for the bidet trend is France and currently swimming in the Seine is still looking impossible. If my infrastructure is so shitty and 3rd world here at least my lakes, rivers and water ways are all clean enough for me to use.
Every country has its problems, but calling the US 3rd world is just your brain being full of straight negative propaganda. Simultaneously not every French River is unusable or every country filled with Bidets an actual mark of their progress. Go experience a country first before just talking shit.
Also, stable government?? Literally our biggest problem is that our government has been so stable that it has changed for 240 years.
- Comment on Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” 8 months ago:
Lenovo is at the top of the enterprise devices game right now. I always say they operate in cycles and usually each brand trades every 2 years who is at number one.
I still will always shit on HP. And HPE Aruba switches are absolutely trash.
- Comment on Biden blocks release of special counsel interview tapes 9 months ago:
Gotta love the side currently arguing a president has a right to do whatever he wants, including killing his political enemies, wants a president to release tapes of themselves for no real reason other than straight politics. If any republicans ask for these tapes or press on it Biden should just point to the Supreme Court and tell them to hurry up with their decision and he’ll honor it.
- Comment on School board votes to restore Confederate names to schools in Shenandoah County - It Passed 9 months ago:
Let them leave. They aren’t worth the trouble at this point. They barely grow any ag, they don’t provide much to the economy, and they have the highest levels of incarceration by multiples and the worst quality of education. The US would be closer to Sweden in most metrics if we got rid of the south.
- Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months ago:
Maybe a company that has (mostly) made consoles isn’t exactly playing games or has people on staff on the executive level that play(ed) on a PC. I’m 30 and outside of a brief time I tried to play on a PC I’ve pretty much been console my entire life. My first gaming experiences were all on console. It’s completely logical for a company to make a move like this when they have specialized in one area for a time.
- Comment on The Palestine experience 9 months ago:
I hope you realize I cannot change American opinions and popularity of supporting Israel and their war. I have no power over that. None.
If Biden loses the election I hope you’re ready to see what America can really do to help speed up the violence. It’s bad enough we’re providing material support, but Trump will stop the investigations we have into Israeli command and groups within the military that we have been sanctioning.
It’s important you again read the statistics. In swing states people are HIGHLY likely to support Israel. There is no way that this near unwavering support isn’t calculated into the re-election campaign. Just because some people voted uncommitted doesn’t suddenly mean jack shit. You’re letting your feelings dictate reality.
While Biden won the state with more than 618,000 votes, more than 100,000 Michigan Democratic primary voters cast ballots for “uncommitted” in the race, enough to pick up the pair of delegates. The vote totals raise concerns for Democrats in a state Biden won by only 154,000 votes in 2020. Biden was beaten by the “uncommitted” vote in both Dearborn and Hamtramck, where Arab Americans make up close to half the population.
So he won the state by 154,000 votes last time. If those people vote uncommitted in the 24 election (and I’m betting 70% will vote Biden anyways) he is still up 54,000 votes. Of which those could be heavily rural voters who are likely to support Israel. This is also not the actual election, in which people are likely to vote for the lesser of two evils than the moral vote they made in a non-critical race.
The reality of our current situation in the US means we’re needing to go slightly left of ultra right, with the hope of eventually, in a few elections, being back on the hardcore progressive train (come back Teddy Roosevelt). We have a lot of olds that are still voting heavier than younger people.
- Comment on The Palestine experience 9 months ago:
Could it be that a politician is just simply looking at voting statistics on what’s likely to win favor with people likely to vote? Nahhhh… they have to somehow be involved in something illegal…
Look, Biden is an old dude. His ideals are ancient and he’s for sure not in touch with what younger people want. The stats show though that what he’s doing is popular with voters. Take out people, just voting age people are more likely to support Israel. I’m completely again Israel, come from a family of Israeli die hard supporters, but even I have to recognize that a majority of my country wants this.
- Comment on YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads'' 10 months ago:
I think Google just sent out a memo to all apps pulling the YouTube API to start showing ads or they’d pull their tokens.
- Comment on YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads'' 10 months ago:
They’re running Android (Google) TV
No browser, likely app based (hence the TV)
You could theoretically run a PiHole, but I don’t believe that works too well on YouTube anymore. Especially considering the tight integration Google utilizes for their ad services with their non-paid services.
- Comment on US teacher charged with using AI to frame principal with racist audio 10 months ago:
Probably about half. 😅
I’ve worked in education for 12 years and it’s been a shit show the entire time. We even say in education that high school drama carries onto the staff.
- Comment on If you're selected for jury duty (US), should you give up your anonymous social media accounts? 10 months ago:
Somehow I feel like you haven’t read the news in the last 72 hours…
- Comment on I knew the Orange Storm Giga was huge, but jeez. 10 months ago:
That’s quitter talk. Give the machine more gas for the ass (chair). The chair only needs to be stable for a while anyways. It’s here for a good time, not a long time.