- Comment on Are there any genuine benefits to AI? 1 year ago:
I work in IT for a Fortune 500 org.
We use LLMs to improve worker efficiency. There is a ton of taking info from here and there and entering it into our system. AI took the workload from humans doing data entry and freed the humans up to do less tedious things.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Tea tree oil.
Put some in your finger, rub on toenail and between toes.
You can find it at the health foods store.
- Comment on Lemmy has taught me that Firefox is the way 1 year ago:
They’re both spyware.
- Comment on Police Departments Are Turning to AI to Sift Through Millions of Hours of Unreviewed Body-Cam Footage 1 year ago:
Is an algorithm not a formula?
- Comment on Police Departments Are Turning to AI to Sift Through Millions of Hours of Unreviewed Body-Cam Footage 1 year ago:
Is it really any different than when the formula did it?
When Apple launched their credit card it was super biased against applicants with female names. They blamed it on the formula.
Ai is just the newest fancy word for programming.
- Comment on It takes a village 1 year ago:
Broth is to weak.
I guess a soup might do.
Personally, I’d go with the blinding burrito.
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
Amazon was never able to honor the next day or even two day shipping
I used to travel a lot for work and needed deliveries on specific days. Amazon guaranteed delivery days were crap.
I know a guy who actually got an official response from Amazon about that. Their response was “We guarantee 2 day shipping I’ve the items are shipped. We may not start shipping for a day or two depending on how busy we are.”
- Comment on Ketchup alignment 1 year ago:
You’ve filled your hand with ketchup? That’s a real thing?
- Comment on Electric school buses are a breath of fresh air for children | Nearly $1B in federal funding could help clean up the unequal health impacts of diesel pollution. 1 year ago:
The article talked a lot about school buses in rural areas. Mass Transit isn’t a thing in most rural areas.
In urban cities, yes that’s a feasible idea. Most people in the USA live in places where mass transit isn’t feasible.
We are a nation of car drivers who bought into the dream of having a house on a large lot in the suburbs. Mass Transit exists, but in the burb it’s generally a parking lot where you take a bus to your job downtown.
- Comment on I'm never lonely cuz i got these little guys with me :) 1 year ago:
My eye doctor calls them “floaters”. They’re pretty common from how the Dr talks about them. Dr says come in if there’s suddenly a spike in them. I gather that’s a sign something bad is happening with the eye.
- Comment on Call me an idiot, but I would die laughing even if something like this happened to me 1 year ago:
Ugh, in the news here a few years ago, they showed a video of a lady jumping out of her car so she wouldn’t be in it when it slid into another car. The news anchor advised people to stay inside of your car. It’s a cage. You’re safer inside that cage than lying in the road.
- Comment on Elon Musk demands another huge payday from Tesla 1 year ago:
I’m literally not buying a Tesla because he’s a douchbag.
When I see a Tesla on the road I assume they are a Musk fan boy. There’s no prestige in that brand. There are a lot of us that assume that.
- Comment on Drive into anything 1 year ago:
I love that there’s just an endless supply of Escalades exiting the freeway.
- Comment on Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey and the Blustery Day 1 year ago:
That’s brilliant, but it’s gonna be decades before the things we associate with horror films become public domain.
I was curious what was public domain. I found this article.…
- Comment on What's the best way to protect outdoor faucets in the winter? 1 year ago:
Northern USA is the same way.
When I lived in TX, the water supply came into the house above ground. It was really strange concept for me a Minnesotan. The winter I was there, the supply lines froze. You had to defrost them with boiling water, or hair dryers.
- Comment on Many players have become "patient gamers". What are games people might miss out on by waiting for sales? 1 year ago:
I spend as much time in one play through the free factorio demo as I’ve played in some AAA games.
In the hours entertained per dollar doesn’t, factorio is stupid cheap.
- Comment on These aren't "feel good" stories, they're "we live in hell" stories. 1 year ago:
In this case, I’d guess the school board.
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
Nah, that’s just say they counted wrong and re do their math and pick a new day they expect him to return. It’s a pretty common tactic in cults.
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
The person’s point stands if they were on a bicycle. You can’t just leave a child in a bike carrier at the bike rack.
- Comment on Are mall Dojos more common these days? Given the vacancies. 1 year ago:
Malls are cool again?
It’s that some ironic retro coolness?
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
So now you can get 5.1G or 4.9G?
- Comment on Why not launch an immense amount of nuclear heads in a far planet like Venus or Mercury, just for fun? 1 year ago:
2 flaws I see.
All countries have a gentleman agreement not to launch nuclear material into space. If the launch failed, it’d be catrostrophic for people here in earth.
It’s really expensive to launch stuff into space, getting stuff out of the earths orbit is another level of power beyond getting it above the atmosphere.
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video will start showing ads on January 29th unless you pay extra for ad-free 1 year ago:
You know, they’ll ship stuff to your house for free as long as each order is over $35 (or maybe it’s $50?). It’s just that you have to plan ahead a bit more because it’s no longer the “guaranteed” 2 day shipping.
I quit prime because that guaranteed delivery date was frequently not the actual delivery date.
- Comment on A cargo plane flew 50 miles with no pilot onboard using a semi-automated system. An aviation expert says the technology could address the pilot shortage. 1 year ago:
I’m more worried about it going into another skyscraper.
- Comment on A cargo plane flew 50 miles with no pilot onboard using a semi-automated system. An aviation expert says the technology could address the pilot shortage. 1 year ago:
A decade ago, my pilot friend informed me that after 4 years of college, starting pay was $18,000 a year. After a year of experience suddenly you’re making 4 times that. Not a lot of people can afford to make that measley income for a year. It’s not a sustainable way to recruit talent.
Then there’s the issue is being on call when you’re the lowest seniority in you’re position where they can call you anytime a pilot calls in sick and you have to be at the airport in 30 minutes.
You can make a lot of money, but there’s a lot of bullshit to deal with at the start of your career.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It can be very expensive to have the second best hand at the table.
- Comment on I knew it all along! 1 year ago:
I’m a data engineer and I have no idea what a computer engineer is.
- Comment on American automakers are losing the race to make more fuel-efficient vehicles 1 year ago:
Which is apparently what the average consider wants or at least expects.
- Comment on Suspects can refuse to provide phone passcodes to police, court rules 1 year ago:
Last I heard biometrics were not protected. As in you have to unlock your phone upon request. A code, pattern or other thing you know was treated differently from using your body to unlock your phone.
- Comment on Dear server admins, please defederate Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate 1 year ago:
How do you know that meta hasn’t created an account on a popular well federated server and it’s using those credentials to scrape the fetiverse?
You have to assume whatever your post to the Internet is available to anyone and everyone connected. Why would federated servers be and different.